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After a particularly wretched beating from his uncle, fifteen-year-old Harry Potter is left to try and clean his gaping wounds. But, when three deatheaters come to his house in the middle of the night to bring him to Voldemort, he treats them as though they are regular guests. How do they react to his scars and what will happen to the teen, but most importantly, how will the rest of the darkside react to the possible new recrute?...Or, Harry has the self preservation of a wet potato chipP.S, I wrote this when I was very small (13, I'm now 15) and early in on the whole writing thing, so if y'all want a rewrite justsay the word. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE HARRY POTTER FANDOM OR CHARACTERS. IT ALL BELONGS TO J.K. ROWLING. THE AU, HOWEVER, DOES CONTAIN THINGS THAT EITHER WERE INSPIRED OR THAT I CREATED.โฆ