• MARINA • Hunter Clarington-BOOK TWO✔
It was blatantly obvious that Marina Fowler thought that Hunter Clarington was undeniably hot. He was the new captain of the Warblers of Dalton academy. Marina wasn't a fan of the New New Directions, and Marina felt sorry for whoever had to deal with William Schuester. Now on the Cheerios and the coach of the Warblers, the girl would have to work with Clarington more than she would have hoped. But Marina Fowler would realise something whilst she had to be in the middle of these clubs. It was that maybe Marina could save both glee clubs.#1. in hunterclarington#1. in sebastiansmythe#1. in newdirections#1. in rachelberry#2. in wmhs#3. in daltonacademywarblersStarted: 23.01.2021Finished: 20.03.2021Book two, previous book titled 'Smooth Criminal.' Season four and parts of season five of Glee.…