Game to Live

Game to Live

10 2 1

Year 2145, where everyone was under control of the government even the life of the people. Each has to win to live. Every individual has their own partner. A master and its servant. They were distinguished when they were born whether they will be a master or a servant. Servant has a triangular seal which can be seen in different part of their body. For them to have succesfully be in "pair" they have to do some ritual. The master has to kiss the seal, and that is also the way to transform the servant into weapon. Once the ritual was performed, the pair have to stay with each other. The master cannot perform it with another servant.The servant will serve as the protector of its master. The servant has to win for each to live. If the servant die the master will die. If the servant won, the two will live and they will receive some money.This game was made by the President of each states. Every 3 years every state has to choose one pair to fight for their county against the pair of other country. If the country "pair" lost.. it will fall under the control of the winning country. This is the story of Eze, a girl who was born as a servant but she choose not to have any master. She hates the system created by the elites. Her family was killed by the government for opposing the game. Her father was a doctor and her mother was commoner, they were a master-servant. Her father tried to stand against the government, his father was well known because he used to be the one who fought against other countries "pair" and he won. Thinking the pair will be a burden to the game, they killed them. Eze witnessed what happened to her father and mother that's why she holds a grudge against the gov't and the system. She tried to hide herself and not to involve in it. Let's see how her journey will go K_silent: If you will born on the same year.. will you choose to join the game too? ಠ_ಠ…

Forcing You| Jikook | Four-Shots

Forcing You| Jikook | Four-Shots

1,897 254 3

Jeon Jungkook, a CEO and owner of a prestigious firm, had wealth and fame as a constant in his life since childhood. He took over his father's company at the young age of 21, and since then, he transformed it into a multinational firm with numerous businesses under his name. Despite everything appearing perfect in his affluent life, now at 28, Jungkook wasn't truly happy. He had an alpha son who was 9 years old from a college affair. He had even married the child's mother, but she eventually cheated on him, leading to their separation & divorce years ago. Now, Jungkook was handling a complicated life, feeling stressed and deeply longing for someone to be beside him, especially after being single for almost six years--------Then there was 23-year-old Jimin, a sweet, beautiful, and charming omega who was well-versed in historical literature. He had a passion for books, especially those related to historical events, myths, and legends. Jimin graduated with honors in history and dreamed of pursuing a master's degree in the same field. However, a sudden marriage proposal forced the omega to abandon his love for adventurous historical events and face the reality of his life.…

Howling Prince

Howling Prince

1,123 99 2

Grizzly Bears. One of the world's most deadliest animals.In a small Kingdom named Giganshina, lived a prince. A gentle(pffts), kind hearted prince. Only people within the castle knew what he really was. Also nicknamed "The bear with a kind heart" or "Teddy Bear".Once, the prince went out in the night to get some fresh air.He went deep into the woods to transform into his true form, a grizzly bear. A power passed down the royal blood line. A secret kept locked away from the people of Giganshina.He transformed into his true form and started to howl, a sad tune.Until, a crack of a twig was heard behind him.The bear immediately turned around to see six fazed young men."We found a feast..."Well my sugar daddy voted for me to start on this story!!t This is dedicated to my sugar daddy!! You should know who you areeee >\\\\<…



108,655 2,137 19

Not everyone cowers in an abusive relationship some get transformed.…

Her Student | Taehyung x Reader

Her Student | Taehyung x Reader

349 47 8

What happens when a cold hearted professor starts to fall for her cute, innocent student, Kim Taehyung?..........Y/N is a hybrid vampire. She used to be a cheerful girl until she lost her sweet family who was killed by some stone hearted devils(werewolves). The past transformed her to a cold stone but deep down she is very lonely. Speaking about her profession, she works as a professor in ABCD University. And stepping towards Taehyung, he's a good boy. He's graduated and gonna enter the ABCD University as freshman. He doesn't care much about his relationship status, single ofcourse! He's a bubbly, fluffy yet sensitive boy. And also has a mysterious power which he doesn't know so far♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪°°°°°°°°°°°°°°♪♪♪♪…