

107,067 1,463 16

Draco's having a hard time coping with the world post-war, and he uses sex and alcohol to get by. It never occurred to him that Hermione might be coping in a similar fashion.…

Filthy Little Secret - Draco x reader

Filthy Little Secret - Draco x reader

2,992,414 87,296 40

It's dark in the closet, I can just vaguely see his features and realise how close we're standing. Like, really close. My chest is toughing his and my hand is resting on his shoulder. As I realise that, I quickly remove it."Cozy", he whispers in my ear, which make chills run down my spine. "Shut up", I whisper. "McGonagall's class starts in ten minutes, I guess you'll be stuck in here until then", he says smirking. "I can leave at any moment", I say, glaring at him. "And then I'd follow you, and what would people think when they see us leaving a tiny closet like this, together", he whispers and God his voice makes me shiver."You're such an arrogant git"."And you're a sad nerd"."Stupid sod!" "Pathetic halfblood""Useless, stuck-up brat!"And then his lips collide with mine, all of the sudden, filled with passion.And I kiss him back.-This was my first HP fanfiction EVER. It's not great, but it's a quick, fun read I guess. If you want something a little more in depth and less ... cringy, I recommend checking out my other works hahaAll characters are owned by JK Rowling. I do NOT support JKR at all, but I wrote this fan fiction years ago when I didn't know any better, and the Harry Potter universe was a big part of my teen life.#1 in malfoyxreader#1 in dracoxreader#1 in Malfoy#1 in Pureblood#1 in Potter…



136,393 5,915 57

" IT'S THE SNITCHING TO YOUR FATHER FOR ME. "" WOULD YOU STOP USING THOSE BLOODY REFERENCES. " IN WHICH Stella Holland has to spend her summer with the famous pureblood family to understand the magical world.She is a pureblood. Abandoned at birth, and discovered by Dumbledore at the age of fifteen. Stella is basically a muggleborn, knowing nothing about the wizarding world. A gen z wizard that knows all of the trends going around in the muggle world. *hp world will be set in current times*IMPRESSIVE RANKINGS:#3 in Ravenclaw out of 1.2k#1 in genz out of 430 (574)#1 in pureblood out of 1.2k[published 10/1/2020] [completed 7/13/2021]…

Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Riddle/ Voldemort X Reader

Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Riddle/ Voldemort X Reader

130,472 2,822 144

Life seemed perfect for you, When your mother had died it didn't hurt so much while you were living under the care of the Malfoy's, However you dream about a boy you've never seen, In here you shall uncover the truths and the lies.…

Violent Delights (Fred Weasley)

Violent Delights (Fred Weasley)

1,549 25 14

*MATURE CONTENT AND THEMES 16+ ONLY*"These violent delights have violent ends."His hand found her waist, and that was when Veronica noticed how quiet he'd become. Her breath hitched and her stomach dropped. She looked into his eyes, which had darkened. Fred has the ghost of a smirk on his lips that made it hard for her to think straight. But what she didn't realize was that Fred was finding it hard to think straight around her too. The only thing that he could think of was how pretty she was. Veronica brought her hand down, completely forgetting the PDC and getting lost in his eyes. Fred couldn't help but bring his hand up to her hair and brush it away from her face. In that moment, he realized how much he had missed her being around. All summer he'd felt like something was missing, and he didn't know it was her until now. The two young wizards were intoxicated by each other in that moment. Something awakened in the two of them that night. As Veronica brought her hands to rest on his arms, Fred finally spoke. "When did you get so pretty, Vee?" He rested his forehead on hers. orIn which Veronica finds herself in love with her casual lover, but only realizes it when he becomes unavailable.(slowburn)(hbp-post boh)…

Fandom Rants

Fandom Rants

109,533 5,499 200

Being a fangirl is dangerous. It's scary. And most of the time you get killed in painful, nasty ways. This is going to be my way of letting out all the emotions I have bottled up inside so I don't spontaneously combust. So, without further a due, this is fandom rants with a few fangirl pet peeves. Just so you know, I come up with all of this. It's all original.…

My Thoughts on Ships

My Thoughts on Ships

4,233 199 39

I've been meaning to do a ship book for a while now. SO HERE IT IS!!! In this book, I will do a chapter (or multiple chapters) about the ships I stand for! Plz feel free to comment the ships you stand!! Enjoy 😊…

Welcome to the Ship Yard

Welcome to the Ship Yard

47,566 912 126

Pick a ship and I'll tell you my thoughts.…



14 0 6

" I dare you to act like you like Noel." Pansy said. " Maybe flirt with her and show her what your capable of.?" " Okay bet..."…