}}*😈😇The Demonic Angel Matchmakers😇😈*{{

}}*😈😇The Demonic Angel Matchmakers😇😈*{{

225 3 2

Angel (Sorano) Along With Her Fellow Guild Mates Crimé Sorciere Are Invited To A Reunion Party Where All The Guilds Come Together At The Party Things May Be Lively However Certain Guild Members Seem To Have An Awkwardness Going On Whilst Our Fellow Angelic Matchmaking Demon Mirajane Makes A Contract With The Demonic Angel Sorano To Become A Matchmaking Pair#Crack Ships AddedZervis(ZerefxMavis),Nalu(NatsuxLucy),Jerza(JellalxErza),Rowen(RomeoxWendy),Miraxus(MirajanexLaxus),Gruvia (GrayxJuvia),Gale(GajeelxLevy),Baccana(BacchusxCana),Freli(FreedxLisanna),Elfever(ElfmanxEvergreen),Stinyu(StingxYukino),Roka(RoguexKagura),Lyredy(LyonxMeredy),Kinabra(KinanaxCobra),Sheren(SherryxRen),Hibenny(HibikixJenny),Jacanna(JackalxMillianna),Midngel(MidnightxAngel),…

Fairytail; The fostercare

Fairytail; The fostercare

255 5 4

Lucy is abused.Happy was abandoned for his good.Carla was thrown out in disgrace.Wendy, dumped at the doorstep slightly mental.Gajeel, lost and scared.Canas whole life is filled with regrets.Laxus, wanted to live up to expectations.Mira, carries a dark past.Elfman, lives with old nightmares.Lisanna, torn away from two homes.Levy, bullied and tormented.Bixlow, scarred for life.Evergreen, seen too many things.Erza, tortured and chained to the past.Jellal, mistaken and mislead.Mystegan, ran away from his troubles.Freed, is afraid to be alone.Juvia, is treated like an insignifiacnt rain drop.Panterlily, would his life to please GajeelGray, haunted by his demon inside.Loke, knows his time is running out.Kinana, is running to that voice she hears.Warren, he only thinks for others and not himself.Guildarts, lost his one true love.Max, Is always forever is a desert storm.Vijeeto, can not stop dancing. Its become an issue.Macoa, Is waiting for his ex wife.Wakaba, smokes to much and could get lung disease also his wife is too scary.Romeo, Hasn't smiled for seven years.Nab, just never makes the right choices.Makarov, plagued by old age.Mavis, is surrounded by the darkness.Natsu, is cold, barren and alone cloaked in darkness and despair.Fairytail has personal problems, everyone does, but the question is can they fix them?I DO NOT own fairytail, if I did nalu would be canon already though. This has had some painful moments of which I had to write like rolu, graylu, lolu. Bleugh! #NALU4LYFE!!!!!!Also sorry for the bad grammar.…

Anime oneshots

Anime oneshots

250 8 3

Inuyasha************Sesshomaru/Rin Inuyasha/KagomeKikyo/NarakuSesshomaru/RinInuyasha/KagomeKikyo/NarakuFairy Tail *************Natsu/LucyGray/JuviaErza/JellalKinnana/CobraGajeel/LevyZeref/MavisMystogan/KnightwalkerMirajane/LaxusEvergreen/Elfman Happy/CarlaLeon/SherryLoke/AresScorpio/AquariousWendy/RomeoIf you have any other ships, please message us.~mbrownie~animeahna~Inufairies…

The Midnight Mantra: Inglorious Impostor 2

The Midnight Mantra: Inglorious Impostor 2

160 6 4

The trio triumphantly returns in a continuation of the og narrative of 'Inglorious Impostor.' The one that started it all, and paved the way for things including, but not limited to, the following: 4th wall breaks/riffs on current media to remain relevant, a new perspective on non-linear storytelling, along with tackling real-world issues whilst constructing a lengthy narrative to tell.Delving deeper into their roots and motives, you will come to uncover a mysterious disappearance of a once-tight squad in an epic tale of self discovery, savagery, deceit, woke realizations, meticulously ambitious heists with more at stake than meets the eye, new and old characters that'll tie into the previous story, thought-provoking dialogue, and much more yet to come. Set amidst the backdrop of one of many egregiously corrupted cities established by the first, U, Rob, & Oil Rig will continue to navigate through the trials and tribulations of internal struggle, along with plotting complex plans. U will also continue her training sessions & woke talks with Nubu to clarify the vision she saw and seek guidance for the inevitable burdens of her past. It is "up to the very few who become one with water" to truly understand the workings criminal mind. So come, let us reunite and return to the enthralling, inglorious experience once more to give closure to three very morally conflicted people once and for all; to find meaning and purpose in their actions, to abide by a mantra of sorts...Quotes: "Yah know, just out here tryna replicate the success of an older story by keeping it going. Kinda like the MCU or other studios with stale, cash-cow franchises. Idk, I feel like a story is just a byproduct of both ideas & experiences. Quote me on that," a vastly underrated writer"Just had to steal a player that could've stayed in the east. But nah had to make an all-powerful west by offering a max buyout. This book allows me to channel those frustrations.. Also, AIDs" Magic Johnson…