Tomato and Pirate

Tomato and Pirate

6,176 602 40

"Call me maybe" is a PruCan texting story and that inspired me to do this, it's almost like a Spamano version but different, the only thing I can find similar is the fact its texting. I did most of it late at night which means it is top quality writing, I swear (sarcasm.). Please read Call me maybe before you even consider touching this.HolidayDoom wrote Call me maybe.________________________________________________________________________Lovino didn't have any friends for years. Being bitter and having the school's most hated group messing with him all the time kept people away.Antonio was living alone, homeschooling himself over the computer and working hard to keep a roof over his head. What might happen when these nearly complete strangers have a conversation started through a insult sent to the wrong number?#TeamHotpocket____________________________________Critisim and ideas are welcomed____________________________________…

Vent Book.

Vent Book.

309 38 4


Spamano: Fool For Love

Spamano: Fool For Love

90 9 2

This is the intro to one of my newest stories. Let me know if you want more...it's got a bit of Prumano bromance, too, but it's mainly Spamano. Bad Friends/Touch Trio (Spain/Toni, France/Francis, Prussia/Gil) & Italy brothers (Seborga/Sebastian (oldest), Romano/South Italy/Lovi, North Italy/Feli). Bit of angst as well. :) The first picture is what inspired it all... XD…

Hetalia Adventures (Basically Crack)

Hetalia Adventures (Basically Crack)

24,426 1,551 200

|Highest Ranking: 129 in Humor|Hai! Read the title, and Sadly I don't own Hetalia, if I did wouldn't be here,so, yeah! Thank you @AristocraticLilGirl For everything! Ich Liebe Dich all of you, and Shine Bright Like a Doistu! BAI!!…