[MTL] Is there anything easier than being a wealthy wife?

[MTL] Is there anything easier than being a wealthy wife?

31,013 495 10

https://m.shubaow.net/277/277131/Author: ZhilanCategory: Rebirth through time travelRelease time: 2023-03-02Latest: Chapter 56Through rebirthfinished209,000read nowadd to bookshelf  Designer Xu Yanyue woke up and found herself dressed as the stepmother control group of a wealthy variety show. The original owner did everything possible to marry into a wealthy family. Although holding the cannon fodder script in her hand, when Xu Yanyue saw the terms of the agreed marriage and would give her an uncountable salary every month, the corners of her lips couldn't even fit into a smile. As long as she played her own role well, Is there anything in the world that is more relaxed and happy than the job of a wealthy wife? SG Group's rich family observation variety show "Marriage First, Love Later" ranks as TOP·1 in the ratings of the entire network. Because it is full of topical themes, it observes the married life of several female guests who resigned from the circle and married into wealthy families. As an 18th-line female artist, Xu Yanyue married the richest man, Mu Chaoyun, with great vigor. It was a well-known marriage agreement in the circle, and she was often ridiculed as a fake couple, her husband was indifferent, and her stepson had a bad relationship. Wait until she goes on variety shows to see her jokes. However, many people found that Xu Yanyue's state of staying alone after marriage was completely different from what they had imagined. In the program, netizens discovered that a bottle of face cream in front of her dressing table was worth five figures, a pair of world-limited high heels was worth six figures, and a pair of ordinary wallpaper paintings turned out to be an auction item worth millions. The most outrageous thing is that the buttons of Xu Yanyue's jacket are inlaid with rare gemstones worth tens of millions, and the carpet on which the high heels are gracefully stepping on is the most luxurious…

Rule of Four (Damned of the 2/19th Novella)

Rule of Four (Damned of the 2/19th Novella)

3,724 202 12

Survival through the winter on Alfenwehr requires luck, toughness, adaptability and intelligence. Snow, darkness, sub-zero temperatures, low air pressure, madness, and the evil of the mountain are pitted against the men and women of 2/19th Special Weapons's Rear Detachment.Colonel John Henry (NR) has decided to try a bare bones Rear Detachment. Four men. Alone. In the barracks. At winter. The plan is to keep the entire force from succumbing to cabin fever and slaughtering one another, but enough people to handle any problems that come up.Four men. A Staff Sergeant, a Sergeant, a Specialist, and a Private Second Class. Three of them have never spent a winter on the slopes of Alfenwehr.One has. A three time survivor. And he has rules that the others can follow:Or die.…

Lightning Strike (Damned of the 2/19th Short Story) - FINISHED

Lightning Strike (Damned of the 2/19th Short Story) - FINISHED

3,228 83 5

Life is hard at FSTS-317, AKA: Atlas, a depot where conventional, nuclear, and chemical weapons are stored, but nobody said the life of a Special Weapons soldier in the US Army would be easy. For Nancy Nagle, a medic qualified member of 2/19th Special Weapon Group and an experienced Special Weapons soldier, the day started with an argument and got a lot worse very quickly. With an unknown amount of casualties out of the two 13-man squads, limited supplies, and a host of other problems, Nancy Nagle finds herself one of the few unwounded soldiers forced by duty and loyalty to head into the blast zone to search for wounded and survivors.As the body count and the number of wounded stack up it quickly becomes apparent that Atlas had seen its chance, and taken it.…

Time/Date Error (Damned of the 2/19th-Book Six) - Done

Time/Date Error (Damned of the 2/19th-Book Six) - Done

25,666 884 50

GPS LOCATION ERROR!CRC CPU ERRORRAM FAILED TO WRITE AT ADDRESS 000000x00NO BOOT DEVICE FOUND!CMOS SETTINGS ERRORBIOS CRC FAIL!TIME/DATE ERROR!(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail?(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail?NO USER INPUT DETECTEDSTARTING SYSTEM SHUTDOWN........noSergeant Stillwater is a highly trained Special Weapons soldier, trained by the US Army to fight and win on the nuclear battlefield. Stationed on a mountaintop in the Fulda Gap during the Cold War, the barracks is buried beneath meters of snow every winter and the Rear Detachment cut off from all help. Every prior year has resulted in dozens of deaths and wounded via enemy action or madness induced violence.This year he's woken up, badly injured, on the floor of a barracks room, with no clue how he got there, who he had for backup, or why he's been left for dead by persons unknown. He's not completely there, his brain malfunctioning and even the lizard unable to get all his systems running.But someone has let the winter into the barracks, and Sergeant Stillwater, badly wounded and barely more than a dangerous animal himself, has to survive in Arctic conditions and see, not only who he has to defeat to survive, but who else might need his help.…

Before We Go; Tim Wright X Reader

Before We Go; Tim Wright X Reader

57,691 2,525 10

[Discontinued] A young woman named Y/N is currently on the run from a tall supernatural being with only one goal in mind-get it off her trail at all costs.Although it has only been 5 months since this has all begun, it feels as if forever has gone by since she has felt at least a little bit normal. Her mornings are always filled with paranoia, nights are filled with either haunting nightmares or restless tossing and turning.She has grown tired of it all so she does the most reasonable thing anyone would do in her dire situation: run and escape. She departs from her home in Alabama, leaving her family behind to question her motives when she leaves with no clear explanation.Her sudden departure from home results in her having an unexpected encounter with a man. Only for her to learn that he happened to be in the same situation as her. Their fates intertwine, and Y/N isn't sure if this is a good thing or not. Perhaps it would all be worth it in the end.Perhaps.➸Disclaimers inside ( i )…

Third Person - Complete

Third Person - Complete

25,303 1,159 63

PFC James Roberts just wanted to serve his country, like his father and grandfather. He left his middle class life to join the military with the hope of making his family proud. Graduating top of his class in Basic Training, attending Advanced Individual Training for Ammunition Specialist (55B) at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, Roberts graduated with top marks and was sent to Germany to what he believed would be a premier posting.Roberta Lewis graduated with Roberts, in the top ten of her class, hoping to make a new life for herself. The military has offered travel, experience, training, and after she leaves the military, college. A life changing offer, and something Lewis desperately wants.But what would have, could have, been a bright and promising career ended with a beat up pickup truck arriving. Fate has landed Roberts and Lewis as Privates in a place called 2/19th Special Weapons Group on a mountain called Alfenwehr.Welcome to Hell, Roberts and Lewis.Enjoy your stay.…

Radioman (A 2/19th Spinoff) - Complete

Radioman (A 2/19th Spinoff) - Complete

12,634 678 36

Paul Foster is a 17 year old boy, a white trash high school dropout without even a GED to his name, an adulteress ex-wife he married at 16, uncaring (at best) parents, who's left behind his hometown for what he felt would be an uncaring world. Once finished with Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, he finds himself assigned to 2/19th Special Weapons Group and figures that nothing in an uncaring world matters. Exposed to nerve agent. Fighting Soviet soldiers over control of a 15 square mile section of Western Germany. Seeing friends die. The crushing weight of his duties in an uncaring military steadily grinds away at him.However, in the fire and blood of the hell of 2/19th he finds a small spark. A dancing firefly in the middle of misery and terror that has wound around him and held his heart in her tiny hands. Amid the blood and gunfire of a war that nobody knows or cares about, he's found friends and his place in the world.But now he has to return home. To a past he tried to leave behind.When everything goes bad, the tormentors of his past quickly discover the simple fact of 2/19th.Like his fellow soldiers, Paul Foster may look like a man, but he isn't.He's a weapon.…

Kilo-29 (Damned of the 2/19th, Book 15)

Kilo-29 (Damned of the 2/19th, Book 15)

25,525 1,072 57

The Cold War is over, the USSR is gone and Russia lies in economic and industrial ruin. A new president, a new mandate, and Special Weapons has been disbanded, it's soldiers scattered to new MOS slots and new units. A vital component of the MAD program during the Cold War, Special Weapons and everything it represented is now an embarrassment that the government wants to just hurry up and go away so they can deny it has ever existed.Staff Sergeant Stillwater, formerly of Special Weapons, now haunts the edge of the Special Projects, working on dismantling the Special Weapons program. Among such projects is the long standing FEMA mandate. Continuity of the United States government even after a nuclear war.That has led him to the Rocky Mountains, to an old abandoned and forgotten underground facility. Built by FEMA in the 1950's, what scattered data exists suggests its a small facility, one or two levels.A quick job so that Stillwater can return to the arms of his young wife.Except that an old family saying is about to come true.Old dark placesAttract old dark things.…

Through The Looking Glass

Through The Looking Glass

53,741 1,409 9

For years, Rachel has endured abuse and belittlement at the hands of her parents, it's become the norm in her life. She suffers alone in the apartment she calls home. Child Services is called to investigate, and the secret threats of her parents make things worse. Only with an odd encounter with a gruff young man in the alley, will her life start to change...…

Miraculous Adrienette - ( KIDNAPPED??? ) -Completed Story-

Miraculous Adrienette - ( KIDNAPPED??? ) -Completed Story-

33,946 488 20

The sweet couple of Paris has been kidnapped by HAWKMOTH!!!??? Will they be able to get out of this sticky situation? READ TO FIND OUT!!! Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters! They all belong to Miraculous tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir! Also in this miraculous AU both teens graduated high school making them 19 years old, and yes Marinette and Adrien are dating and living together in a sweet little apartment :3 This fanfic clearly has Adrientte added!!! I hope you enjoy this story!!! 25,256 words in this book! Have fun!…

The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy Wright

The Analyzing of Ticci Toby by Timothy Wright

10,375 502 21

Timothy, the infamous Masky, writes analysis on his fellow creepypastas. He's worked his way through a good number of them, his latest being Toby Erin Rogers. However, this isn't the usual story of the two proxies hating each other, but it's in no way a fairy tale either. Follow along as Masky attempts to gain an understanding of Toby Rogers and maybe gets more than he was initially asking for.…

Indomitable Ferity

Indomitable Ferity

1,618 34 8

Marble Hornets is over. It's been hard on Tim, Jay, and Alex, but somehow they've managed to start over. Jay and Tim are housemates, having finally resumed working. Alex has resumed taking cinematography classes and has his own apartment. And Brian, well, he'll never be the same. However, having Tim could make all the difference.…

A Time for Thoughts

A Time for Thoughts

24 0 2

A growing collection of poetry reflecting themes like thoughtfulness, the destruction of life, and the great beyond.…

Guide to all ToTheArk's videos

Guide to all ToTheArk's videos

10,932 302 46

A little guide to watch and to understand all the ToTheArk's videos, a part of the horror web series Marble Hornets.WARNING: it is necessary have watched Marble Hornets, because it contains important spoilers about the plot.…

The Reality

The Reality

44 8 4

apa revisssiiii…

realize ( jin fanfiction )

realize ( jin fanfiction )

2,569 42 5

he finally realized.. ( a short angst or emotion ride. ups and downs. )…

Isolation & Fear (Damned of the 2/19th Book Seven)

Isolation & Fear (Damned of the 2/19th Book Seven)

27,566 1,073 60

The Atlas crew has been torn apart. Most have ETS'd or left the military due to injuries incurred in line of duty. Of the original crew, only a handful remain. Trauma and shared pain have begun to drive apart the surviving members of Echo-Five-Actual. The Atlas Crew, mostly wiped out in a deadly explosion the year before, is fragmenting as promotions, replacements, and drop on requests have left the crew with more new faces than old. Those who remain of Echo-Five-Actual have been split into different work crews, promoted, ETS's, left due to injuries, or died. Accidents and a coordinated strike by the KGB have wreaked havoc on III CosCom, VII Corps and V Corps ability to wage war if the Soviet Union decides to invade Western Europe, and this has hit 2/19th hard. With most of the effective and experienced members dead, missing, or in the hospital, 2/19th's chain of command is shattered and people have slipped through the cracks. Including Stillwater, who is trapped, alone, on the mountain. And Cromwell, who is locked in the War Fighter Tunnels with 18 women, 7 of them pregnant, three infants, and two male soldiers undergoing chapters to put them out of the military. Bomber and Nagle are hospitalized, having barely survived the attacks that killed many other members of the unit. Bomber is comatose, the bullet meant to kill him trapping him in memories and dreams of the past. Nagle is in ICU, unable to speak after having been shot through the throat. Now, they don't even have each other. And nobody is coming to the rescue. Author's Note: Thanks to Twitter user @tikibomber for providing me with a Gaelic/English dictionary. http://www.focloir.ie/…

Weird things. (Pernico fanfic) !!!!

Weird things. (Pernico fanfic) !!!!

79,099 2,473 22

what happens when Percy has a diary? what happens if a certain person took it.Yayyy you'll be delighted.*ka' wink…

Atlas Reloaded - Book Five of the Damned of the 2/19th

Atlas Reloaded - Book Five of the Damned of the 2/19th

9,410 501 32

Summer, 1985.New weapons and munitions have come out of the experimental phase and are now being issued across the United States military as the Cold War heats up and the Soviet Union has moved eight armored divisions into Western Europe.The work crew of FSTS-317 AKA Atlas have 90 days to completely reload 105 bunkers with new munitions, all while working under the eyes of the Soviet Union soldiers less than a mile away.On paper, it looks easy.But at Atlas, and for soldiers of 2/19th Special Weapons Group, nothing is ever easy.…

I just want to help [Tim x Reader]

I just want to help [Tim x Reader]

33,823 817 17

The story line takes place after "Marble Hornets" but I've changed a lot of stuff I mean a lot. Y/n met Timothy in Rosswood park a place where Y/n enjoy being most of the time since they always ran away from home. *spoilers for Marble Hornets*…