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This story was first published as a One-Shot on AO3; so, the first chapter can be read on its own. I've chose to release the completed version here rather than Archive for the simple fact that I am not very good at using Archive.Ranboo has not released his legal name, I know. It's very likely that it IS Mark, considering both Tubbo and Tommy have said it. However, I chose to use the name 'Ryleigh.' I don't know why, it just fit. Please don't come at me! If you have an issue with the name I chose, don't read. Or, replace it with 'Mark' or 'Ranboo' in your head as you read.!There's nothing sexual, mostly fluff; however, they are teenage boys, so I can't promise sanitary thoughts or implications!!I will leave trigger warnings before any angsty chapters!!!!SPOILER ALERT: NOBODY DIES!!!…