Swell (Complete)

Swell (Complete)

16,502 1,149 112

She's to die for... When the Taylors move to Wheeler Falls, the seaside town is infatuated, and the Taylors are smitten. The Dodgers family embrace the Taylors warmly, especially Adora.A terrible attack on one of the local favourites throws the Taylors into a suspicious light. Even when the family is cleared, it doesn't stop the tension.But suspicion is only the start.Nothing is the same for anybody and then Adora receives the first card...'I did it for us, I did it for you.'What follows is a terrifying game of cat and mouse as the friendships and family relationships teeter on the precipice of danger. Who is prepared to kill to have Adora all to themselves?Cover by the amazing @RainbowAstraea ❤️…

The Amnesia Girl

The Amnesia Girl

22 0 7

Everything can change in one second so don't you dare to assume that you're rich than me.…

Not A Teen Pregnancy
Scoring my heart (Coach ukai x reader)

Scoring my heart (Coach ukai x reader)

280,414 8,155 31

Your friend is assistant coach at the karasuno high school, home of the flying crows. He's got to tend to his mother and doesn't want to leave the coach alone. I mean of course he needs an assistant coach. Well lucky for you you've got the skills. Playing volleyball in school wasn't for nothing. You need to find something to pass the time anyway so why not do it? Well turns out this coach is actually your crush from high school and he's just as annoying as he was before…

Secrets | Reddie Fanfic

Secrets | Reddie Fanfic

36,812 953 30

Eddie Kaspbrak is new in town and is prepared to start off junior year alone, when shockingly Richie Tozier befriends him. Eddie doesn't understand why Richie invited him to hangout with his very exclusive, popular group of friends but he enjoys it. The sudden closeness the two share quickly allows them to open up to one and other about abuse, sexuality, and all secrets in between.…

We're All Mad Here

We're All Mad Here

1,173 85 14

♑The important sequences of events in our dear Marble Hornets AU. We've poured our fucking souls into this shit. -Killa♑…

Dzīves stihijas [✔ REDIĢĒŠANA]

Dzīves stihijas [✔ REDIĢĒŠANA]

2,398 182 15

Adrālas liktenis ir nenoteikts, kamēr tās iznīcību sola Torians - tumsas valdnieks un ļaunais varonis bērnu grāmatās. Briesmas kļūst īstas, kad pasaule Betānijai visapkārt mirst.Betānija nekad nav īsti varējusi atrast savu aicinājumu Ūdens ciltī. Taču retie stāsti grāmatās par Dvēseles radiniekiem no dažādām ciltīm ļāvuši izbēgt ikdienas nomāktību. Meitene vienmēr ticējusi, ka visas ciltis ir līdzīgas, bet bērnu sapņiem, kā visām labām lietām, kādreiz jābeidzas.Viņai ir uzticēts uzdevums - izglābt Adrālu no Toriana ļaunā pirksta, taču tas pārvēršas par izaicinājumu, kad pašas izvēlētie Komandas biedri ir tik atšķirīgi un rodas ķildas savā starpā.Aiz naida vienmēr slēpjas kāds stāsts, taču savējo Betānija labprātāk aizmirstu. Tāpat kā viņa tumši brūnās acis...Uguns un ūdens neder kopā.Tomēr liktenim ir citi plāni.⚡1. grāmata "Dzīves stihijas" sērijā.#1 magic - 13.12.2020.#1 romance - 10.06.2019.#9 adventure - 17.02.2019.…

Papierowa odsiecz

Papierowa odsiecz

913 103 11

Macie już dość kwarantanny? Doskwiera wam nuda? Wciąż szukacie sobie ciekawego zajęcia? Nie lękajcie się, albowiem nadchodzi odsiecz.Papierowa odsiecz!Ponieważ sama mam teraz więcej czasu na książki, czytam naprawdę dużo. Jeśli szukacie ciekawych propozycji na zabicie nudy, a może nawet na odkrycie i przemyślenie czegoś nowego, zapraszam na moje recenzje.…

Going Forth Into No Man's Land
Just A Little Mistake (PaRappa x PJ mpreg) (Discontinued)

Just A Little Mistake (PaRappa x PJ mpreg) (Discontinued)

6,309 52 11

After an episode of Romantic Karate, they they decide to take it even further. Little did they know, this was going to be the start of a long adventure.Honestly I'm surprised nobody has done this yet. Anyways, this is your normal mpreg fanfiction. PaRappa's gonna be pregnant in this fanfic.…

A little magic

A little magic

9,367 541 18

"Įdomu, o kas aš tau?" paklausė tikriausiai manydamas, kad jį pavadinsiu bent pažįstamu. "Niekas" negalvojus pasakiau, o kaip atsako sulaukiau tamsaus it naktis žvilgsnio, kuris tiesiog maldavo pasigailėjimo. Pamačius jo akis suskaudo visą kūną, norėjosi prisiglausti, bet mes ėjome tylomis, nuleidę galvas, apgailestaudami už praeities klaidas, jausdami meilės alkį ir vėsų orą, kuris kuris sunėrė mūsų pirštus ir mes žinojome, kad nebebus kaip seniau.…

Now and Then

Now and Then

932 106 25

John was 16 years old when he had his first love. John loved Emily and he thought she loved him too until she left. Years later john meets Emily and he finds out why she left...…

Just You and Me

Just You and Me

74 0 1

A poem about the guy I really fell in love with. Yeah, I know I'm young, but this is love.Instead, it decided to upset me and break my heart. In the form of Peter (guy in the pic)Hope you like it.Don't let your heart break too soon, like I did.…



11,143 255 14

in which a female author's book is being made into a movie and a certain skarsgård is cast in it…

Mafijos žmona

Mafijos žmona

3,485 180 15

Sofija yra normali 18 metų mergina, su sunkiu gyvenimu. Jos motina alkoholikė, brolis komoje, o tėvas gyvena su naująja žmona. Jai sunku, bet visada jai į pagalbą atskuba Irina, Sofijos geriausia draugė. Tačiau vieną dieną Irina to nenorėdama ir net nežinodama, kad taip gali įvykti apvertė Sofijos gyvenimą aukštyn kojom.(Atsiprašau, kad labai lėtai rašau, tačiau esu mokinė ir man reikia kreipti dėmesį į mokslus. Taip pat atsiprašau už gramatines klaidas. Tikiuosi komentuosite, nes taip sužinosiu savo klaidas ir bandysiu jas ištaisyti.)Gero skaitymo…

Des plages d'Algérie aux tours de Paris

Des plages d'Algérie aux tours de Paris

165 7 5

Eh ME CASSE PAS LA TÊTE tu mis et c tout frr…

The Key ~ (A Cameron Boyce Fan Fiction)

The Key ~ (A Cameron Boyce Fan Fiction)

2,448 103 9

Tessa is going to LA for 6 months to see him -- the him who she hasn't seen in 10 years. What will he think of her? When she meets the cast of her favourite T.V. show, she fangirls over her idol. Many new faces, 6 months to feel at home. What will happen? Find out in 'The Key'!…

arcade,   it preferences

arcade, it preferences

246,930 5,457 35

【 IT PREFERENCES! 】❛ welcome to the losers club, asshole! ❜( it preferences and imagines. )( 2017 characters and cast. )© wallcrawlers 2017…

𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆

𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆

1,686,134 42,353 114

˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ Pennywise buys his balloons from Party City, and YOU should too! :*・゚゚・* :*・゚゚・* :*・゚゚・*…

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