5,155 46 9

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (proverbs 22:6)TRUE TESTIMONIES!This is story of a man, who had a worldly life that is renewed into a holy life. His testimonies is un usual from other testimonies. In his Story, You can encountered how Satan destroy Christians and how Satan work. Christian must see how the enemy works against us. And how can we fight against them.WATCH OUT TRUE CHRISTIANS!!Credit to the owner.…



31,905 764 13

Bagaimana jadi nya jika seorang cewe yang baru 2 bulan tamat SMA di jodohkan dengan Gus tampan dan dingin??"Satu kali saya denger kamu ngomong kasar, saya cium!""Yauda setiap hari gue ngomong kasar kalo gitu"skuy baca gessss hehehehe WARNING!!!!!!!! ~INI FIKSII!!~GA ADA KAITAN NYA SAMA DUNIA NYATA YA!~JANGAN PLAGIAT YAA GES YA…

You are My Moonlight [END✓]

You are My Moonlight [END✓]

1,680 74 17

Eira Arunika, si cewek tangguh dan tidak mengenal kata kalah, bertemu dengan seorang cowok menyebalkan bernama Jevrio Adrian. Kepribadian cowok jangkung itu membingungkan Eira karena mukanya yang selalu berganti. Apakah Eira berhasil menjauhi cowok menyebalkan itu? Semoga saja. Cewek itu sangat anti meladeni cowok yang hanya datang mencari perhatian.Tapi sepertinya.. Jevrio itu berbeda di mata Eira. NO PLAGIAT ❌ Hargai karya setiap penulis. Votes and comments are highly appreciated. Please leave comments that don't offend anyone. Thank you for your attention.…

Sin (BoyxBoy) ✔️ Book 1

Sin (BoyxBoy) ✔️ Book 1

2,763,264 103,736 48

Luke Ivy, son of a pastor. He's expected to follow the typical routine that his parents desire: Wake up, go to school, go to church, sleep.His family is the stereotypical Christian household. No inappropriate shows, the only shows on their tv is the gospel. The only book you're allowed to read is the bible. Say something wrong, you'll get the belt. Do not question the bible, God knows best. Curfew is eight o'clock. Do not question authority. Gabriel Lancaster, the boy that your parents warn you about. Future leader of the famous Lancaster Church of Satan. Tattoos, piercings and all- You can't forget about the cocky attitude that often gets him in trouble. What will happen when Gabriel is met with Luke Ivy, someone who has met their end and desperately needs help? Will he put his own beliefs aside and teach him what's right... or leave him to crash and burn? *AT ANY TIME PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY IDEAS OR MY BOOK IDEA TO INCORPORATE INTO YOUR BOOK. THANK YOU.*(FINISHED)TW: VIOLENCE, CURSING, SEXUAL CONTENT.2/28/19: #1 boyxboy4/13/19: #1 satan4/30/19 #1 bisexuality 5/9/19: #1 Christian6/23/19: #1 Pansexual6/2/19: #1 Asexual…

The Testimony of Emmanuel Amos Eni

The Testimony of Emmanuel Amos Eni

34,157 380 10

Escaping the dark world of witchcraft and sorcery can be very difficult. Emmanuel Amos Eni was deep into witchcraft when he was rescued by Jesus Christ.…

Cuddling costs extra [j.jk ff.]

Cuddling costs extra [j.jk ff.]

44,753 1,914 14

[complete] Mamihlapinatapai(n) the wordless look between two people who both desire something, yet are equally reluctant to initiate.or, it was an utterly stupid idea to hire a prostitute to cuddle on movie nights. But perhaps something good can come out of it after all.…

Romanoff's Daughter | Peter Parker x OC

Romanoff's Daughter | Peter Parker x OC

132,951 2,066 23

(Rewriting/Editing In Progress)Athena Brown is a 14 year old SHIELD agent. She was adopted by her abusive father at the age of five and was saved by SHIELD at the age of seven. Athena joins the Avengers Initiative after she showed hints of having powers. When Loki reaks havoc on the city of Manhattan, New York she helps save the world.…



847 0 114

part 2…



2,774,105 47,269 180

Enough Marvel imagines to fulfil your hearts' desire ;)••ACTORS AND CHARACTERS••{under editing}Highest ranks #2 in marvelimagine#6 in marvelfanfiction#2 in antman[ALL IMAGINES ARE MADE BY US. EVERY IMAGINE HAS BEEN POSTED ON OUR INSTAGRAM @voidmarvels][CREDIT GOES TO MARVEL FOR THE CREATION OF CHARACTERS]…

Ce mă separă de tine

Ce mă separă de tine

178 28 4

nuvelă || dramă | reflecții | dragoste (în curs de editare) Într-o lume condusă de Înalți Empyreeni și Ordinul Aurorilor, o lume în care destinul stă scris în apartenența la un clan, o tânără fără prestigiul unei descendențe cunoscute învață pe propria piele cum e să navighezi prin viață când nu ești decât o umbră. Aspen are tot ce ar putea dori cineva de condiția ei: o casă, o slujbă modestă și un prieten alături de care și-a petrecut mai toată viața. Însă venirea în sat a unui carnaval plin de secrete aduce cu sine o ruptură ce se anunță iremediabilă. Prăbușindu-se de pe culmile viziunii sale înguste despre viață, Aspen se pomenește că tot ce-i este drag dispare într-o clipită. Focul mistuitor al deziluziei o consumă fără milă, iar călătoria spre descoperirea sinelui o va trece prin experiențe-limită, punând-o în fața unei întrebări esențiale: Cât de profund te poți defini în raport cu condiția care ți-a fost impusă, până te pierzi pe tine însăți?…

Di Bawah Langit Jogja

Di Bawah Langit Jogja

200 44 20

Setiap orang memiliki mimpi. Namun tak semua orang memiliki penyokong mimpinya. Hingga mengubur mimpi dalam-dalam pilihan yang mau tak mau harus dipilih.Hal itu pula yang terjadi pada Lituhayu Nirbita Rumi. Sesosok gadis berumur 17 tahun dari sebuah kampung, yang dimana mimpinya tak mendapat dukungan dari keluarga ataupun masyarakat di sekitarnya."Aku ingin merantau yang jauh. Mencari ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya dan membangun sekolah yang layak untuk anak-anak di sini." katanya.Kota Jogja lah tempat yang ia pilih sebagai tempat perjuangannya. Dimulai dari senang, sedih, semuanya bercampur aduk di sini. Kafe gang sempit, pengunjung setia meja 3, toko buku bekas, pantai juga Jalan Malioboro saksi bisu kisahnya. Penasaran dengan ceritanya, yuk dibaca!…

Heir of Mandalore

Heir of Mandalore

1,310 20 15

Years after Din Djarin and Bo-Katan have taken Mandalore back, their relationship becomes more than just companions but lovers.Now we follow the story of their children and their struggles in the vast galaxy.Part 1 of my BoDin series…



286,208 2,930 13

Karya terbaharu TICERSHAM, Mengisahkan kehidupan para isteri yang tabah menghadapi onak ranjau yang mencabar dalam menjalani hidup berkeluarga dalam dunia yang penuh liku, dengan suasana masyarakat yang mementingkan diri, dan ekonomi yanag tidak menentu. Untuk kelangsungan hidup, pelbagai dugaan perlu diatasi agar terus kekal berada dalam rantaian kehidupan yang penuh rintangan.…



10,612 119 14

e·phem·er·al/əˈfem(ə)rəl/adjectivelasting for a very short time.(smut chapters are: remain, national anthem, negotiation pt 2, and like what you see.) (cover creds to @/stanakin on tiktok )…

Humanity's Strongest(Rivamika)

Humanity's Strongest(Rivamika)

126,848 3,920 24

Humanity's strongest soldiers are lead down a path no one ever saw coming when they make a shocking new discovery. canonverse. headcanon.…

Pria Pohon dan Matahari yang terburu buru : Ayat 3

Pria Pohon dan Matahari yang terburu buru : Ayat 3

1,564 163 39

LDR LDR LDR.... bersama gak selalu harus sama sama kan....? setelah beberapa tahun bersama hubungan Mas Jati dan Ale makin kuat dengan segala dinamikanya walaupun harus beraktivitas di kota yang berbeda... bersama dengan orang orang di dunianya mereka dengan berat harus menyadari bahagia itu gak linier dan setiap manusia punya definisi masing masing tentangnya…

GREEN LIGHT  ━  kenobi

GREEN LIGHT ━ kenobi

51,728 2,717 32

━ no future is final.prequels & the clone wars // obi-wan kenobi x oc☆romanovana | 2020…



2,814 43 8

Talia was craving intimacy and affection from her boyfriend of over five years. No matter how many times she tried to initiate intimacy, he'd withdraw or say he wanted their relationship to be more than just sex. A chance meeting with the handsome stranger leads to Talia being unfaithful. But is she the only one?…

Artemis : The Seventh Avenger ➳ Steve Rogers [1]

Artemis : The Seventh Avenger ➳ Steve Rogers [1]

3,407,848 87,298 74

Few had known Natasha had a Sister. Just like her, she was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Unfortunately, Camille Romanoff has been deceased for the past five years, or so the story goes.But when Fury comes knocking at her door, recruiting for the Avengers Initiative, it appears she wasn't going to stay dead for very much longer.**This is a fast-burn/insta-love romance. I understand that it's not for everyone but if it isn't for you, then please don't read this![This book covers and is based on the Avengers movie series. I do not own the Avengers.]…

Marissa : His Precious Wife (Ongoing)

Marissa : His Precious Wife (Ongoing)

7,081 328 14

"Kerana cinta ku kecewa, kerana setia ku kecewa"Kata orang, cinta membawa kepada rasa bahagia. Namun cinta juga membawa kepada kekecewaan. Sakit dan perit bila cinta dikhianati insan tersayang. "You ingat I boleh lupakan apa yang jadi harini and act like nothing ever happened between you and him? I bukan lelaki dayus, Raisya." - FARHAN ISKANDAR"Lagi dua bulan kita nak kahwin, Hakim. Tapi awak dah hancurkan semuanya." - MARISSA SOFEAFARHAN ISKANDAR dan MARISSA SOFEA, dua jiwa yang belum sempat merawat hati yang luka kecewa, mereka dituduh pula pernah menjalin hubungan sehingga lahirnya anak luar nikah. "Kau beriya back-up dia ni, kenapa? Entah-entah jantan ni bapak anak haram kau, tak?" - MAKNGAH ZAHARAH"Stop! Untuk puaskan hati semua orang, I akan buat ujian DNA. Kalau terbukti Fayyadh ni dari benih I, I akan nikahi Marissa." - FARHAN ISKANDARKeras dan lantang Farhan menidakkan. Dia tak pernah berlaku curang. Dan dia sendiri benci orang yang tidak tahu setia. Tapi laporan paternity yang dijalani mengungkapkan yang sebaliknya.FAYYADH ISKANDAR sah anak kandungnya! Bagaimana mungkin Fayyadh itu zuriatnya sedangkan dia yakin dia tidak pernah meniduri Marissa? Namun atas dasar tanggungjawab dan untuk menjaga maruah bersama, Farhan nikahi Marissa. Bila kebenaran terungkap, Farhan terduduk mengenangkan apa yang terpaksa dilalui Marissa selama membesarkan zuriatnya sendirian. "Walau seisi dunia I persembahkan untuk you, takkan mampu bayar segala pengorbanan you membesarkan Fayyadh sendirian selama ni." - FARHAN ISKANDARUntuk menebus segalanya, Farhan putuskan Marissa akan menjadi his precious wife. Selamanya.…