The Dark Lord in Fódlan ( LOTR X Fire Emblem Threehouses)
This story is fire emblem three houses that you will be the Dark Lord Sauron in Fódlan. You will face many challenges that will be hard.In foldan of 89 the Dark Lord Y/n has the One Ring of Power and uses it for his domain in Fódlan. It was then the Last Alliance of Men, Elves, and Dwarfs who volunteer to fight the Dark Lord. As the dark lord was defeat his spirt lived on and waited until the time comes. It was then his only leadership of his army that survives the last alliance is his daughter. Over years the tower was build and his spirt lives on. Now Y/n the dark lord sends servants and allies to find the One Ring of power. Who will find the One Ring that Will hold power to control Fódlan.…