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Two crossed Lovers...Both Charles and Ace have been friends with this girl named Aine McCarthy, one day Aine and her friend Iris decided to invite them to her huge Slumber party that they were having. These two girls knew that Ace and Char's families hated each other, so their plan was to bring the two boys together since Ace was gay. So they all sat down with a small group and played Truth Or Dare...Dun Dun Duuuun..(whatever will happen? READ TO FIND OUT)P.S. My friend and I both wrote this together. We are not quite finished yet thou. This is a boyxboy story so if you don't like those kinds of stories then don't read it. This story was written with my friend TheTVseriestheorist! Please go check out her other stories! :3 I love you all! This story is also on my Quotev account. My name is Bloody Death's Silent Screams...If you want to check me out. Please go check out my friend account to! https://www.wattpad.com/user/TheTVseriestheorist…

The Secrets of The Sighted (Golden Trio Era) {3}

The Secrets of The Sighted (Golden Trio Era) {3}

9,742 334 156

Third book of the Mikayla Black series. Mikayla, Ron, Hermione and Harry, have been through a lot together already, but the worst is yet to come... With Snape taking over DADA, Dumbledore has given them the job of getting close to Horace Slughorn, the new potions Professor. Mikayla, Harry and Hermione were invited to Horace's Slug Club, causing a lot of drama... particularly the romantic kind. Harry has also been appointed Quidditch Captain of Hogwarts, having to rebuild his team now that most of the players have graduated/ dropped out of school. The stress of the team, doesn't waver Harry's obsession of Draco Malfoy and what he is up to. Mikayla tries to distract Harry, but with him having secret lessons with Dumbledore, Mikayla finds it hard to get him alone. BOOK 1- Out of The Shadows (Year 1-4) BOOK 2- Into the Light (Year 5) BOOK 3- The Secrets of The Sighted (Year 6)…

the new Oval Frontier

the new Oval Frontier

1,825 1,068 166

A new entry in the Oval memoirs series that going into the new frontier who know what will be over the Horizon.Start date June 26th 2022End date December 10th 2022…

The Life of a Fangirl, Basically: Book the Fourth

The Life of a Fangirl, Basically: Book the Fourth

114,414 9,960 200

You're all probably pretty much familiar with the drill. If not, check out the earlier books. 'The Life of a Fangirl, Basically', 'The Life of a Fangirl, Basically: The Sequel' and 'The Life of a Fangirl, Basically: The Third Book.' Creative, I know. So, anyway, this is a collection of fandom memes, headcanons, theories, oneshots, aesthetics and all that. Fandoms are: ~Harry Potter ~Percy Jackson ~The Hunger Games ~Divergent ~The Shadowhunter Chronicles ~The Maze Runner And occasionally things from The Kane Chronicles and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Maybe more, if I join more fandoms along the way!…

The Teen-Age Theory

The Teen-Age Theory

8 0 3

A story in the life of a boy. A story that can capture the heart and rip it apart. A boy named Maximum, a science experiment, a creation meant to change human society. And tear it to shreds. But teen-agers are different from teenagers. Teen-agers are creations much like Maximum, and the ones Maximum have under his control. The ones who have managed to spare pieces of this unsolved mystery of the Teen-agers will be spared from the apocalypse.…

The chosen ones

The chosen ones

2 0 1

WARNING: story contains sexual behaviour, cussing, Romance, and action. -18+ Every year in the city on October 21st two people get chosen to go on a mission. This year the mission was a little different it was to get the two high schoolers, Elijah Skies and Lizzie Lively to fall in love. These two lived in New York and were the complete opposite Elijah being a quiet smart kid who always got good grades, always did his homework and was always respectful. Lizzie being the popular IT girl who was a rebellious teenager, never followed the rules, has her minions around her 24/7 and ALWAYS had something bad to say about others. To make all matters worse the two chosen people Sarah West and Malia Loren who had to make these two fall in love hated each other they went to school together and they were never nice towards one another and they were both beautiful, young, smart, happy girls so nobody really knew why they despised each other. If the mission wasn't comepleted by October 21 at midnight rumour has it the two people who got chosen to complete the mission get kidnappef and tortured for years until they decide to finally rip out there hearts. Although this had never happened and the theory was never tested people were to scared so the missions were always done on time. Will it be the same this year? Read to find out! <3…

Wanted Dead Or Alive

Wanted Dead Or Alive "A Jack Boi Theory"

68 3 2

Antonio (Tee)Imagine going through high school struggling to barely make it through school because you're constantly picked on by other kids.. with only three pairs of sneakers.. two pairs of jeans and maybe four shirts.. no one understands that you come from a house hold with elderly people in it.. so money is very tight each year you become more and more of an outcast.. the only person that understands your adopted sister because she's right there with you in the situation.. what would you do? Get a summer job like the rest of the kids? Sell dope weed or maybe even pills like some kids do? Or maybe getting to doing fraud and pop fake checks into bank accounts?.. It's hard to maintain a smile on your face when you know your family depends on the government for everything.. Antonio had to do something this summer he refused to go back to high school wearing the same things he been wearing over the previous years.. dealing with the same embarrassment.. this summer his life would change for the better.. and everyone that's around him life will change.. he a had the master plan.. Myesha (Cutty) Imagine Being adopted into a family at the age of 5.. because your parents both got killed in a drug raid.. having nightmares every night seeing your parents dead bodies in your dreams taunting.. so death is always around you the way you see life.. but your adopted parents is an older couple who make sure that you have food every night.. but you wearing old clothes that has been past down.. meanwhile your struggle with your sexuality you're not comfortable with the clothes you are in.. your adopted brother means the world to you.. y'all do everything together that's truly your best friend.. so you feel kinda bad that you and you're adopted sister share a deep secret..…