Gotham's Stardust Crusaders (Stand user OC x Batman TAS)
As a descendant of Jonathan Joestar, Jacob Joestar, or Jojo, heads off to Gotham City. He hears about an island off the coast of Gotham harbor and sets off there. He hears that a vampire named Dio was seen there and wanted to stop him at whatever he was planning. He meets a crazed doctor and a human feline hybrid. Both the hybrid and Jojo escape the island after he realizes Dio had already left. After returning to Gotham, he sets out to find Dio, and with the help of his new animal hybrid companion and other friends he meets, they take on Gotham's most wanted and find out about the hero of Gotham, Batman. The beginning is set in the Batman TAS episode "Tyger, Tyger"Batman belongs to DCcomicsOther franchises belong to their respective owners.…