Beautiful, Bipolar, Bella.

Beautiful, Bipolar, Bella.

4,822 69 12

Bella Hanley was a sixteen year old with bipolar, her bipolar was brought on by an accident that happened when she was a child. She hasn't been out of the house in ten years, she lives with her brother due to the fact that her father chose to disown her. Due to her disorder Bella is insecure, scared and depressed. She has forgotten how to love and trust when an old friend comes to stay, can this friend teach her what it's like to love and trust someone again? Or will Bella become even more damaged?…

Forever Fighting  |  ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]

Forever Fighting | ✔️ | [previously Espionage: double-cross]

2,390 145 76

Guns, revenge and buildings to bomb, what could go wrong?✮He came in, gun held out in front of him in one hand while the other was resting on his hip where a sharp dagger gleamed in the light. "Come on out little girl, why not make this easier for both of us. The agency you ran away from just want to have a little talk, that's all."She scoffed internally. Yeah right. Then the footsteps ceased. She peeked to the right, then to the left. Neither direction showed any sign of the intruder. She looked up in front of her and gasped, the glint of steel and smell of death as overwhelming as it was adrenaline inducing, exciting."Boo."✮Murder, accidents, assassinations. Call it what you will, it's all the same, all has the same life breaking, mind shattering consequences - be it for the victim or the bystander. It had shaped Alex in a way no one should be. Broken down and rebuilt into the perfect soldier, one who had the power to change the world, to fight battles that would either make or break the carefully constructed vision we all live in. The only small, minute, really unimportant detail - it's pretty hard to get into a government classified site when you're 15 years old and have a rag-tag team of double-crossing back-stabbers behind you. Not to mention the threat of a world war and ghost hanging above your head.Armed with sarcasm, wit, and a hell of a lot of aggressive intentions, it won't be too long till a sticky situation is all that's ahead of you.Sometimes, running head-first into a situation isn't the best idea. Instead, you gotta play a game. A deadly game where either you have all the pieces on the board, or you have nothing.[previously known as Espionage: double-cross]Thanks for reading :)…

North loves South

North loves South

33 0 3

I looked into her eyes and smiled as she slowly fluttered her beautiful eyes open and shut i found myself leaning in and closing my dreary eyes before it went dark I saw her plump red lips and felt them meet my thin pink ones…

Royal Storm

Royal Storm

1,157 128 25

Book Two in the Legends of Sciana Series.Scarlett has finally found the traitor that Kali placed in her school and is preparing for her world wide trip with Luc, Madia and her cousin, Adrian in tow. She's sad about leaving her friends behind, but the future otherwise looks bright...that is until she figures out her foster mother has been lying to her. Between trying to keep her emotions in check and trying to decide what her purpose is in life, Scarlett has no idea what her life has in store for her.Hazu is going back to her home country for the first time in five years. It's like a dream come true to be back in a place where she feels like home, but she's still scarred from an event that happened in her childhood. She knows that she needs to find the artifact that will strengthen her in the fight against Kali, but she is afraid that Kage will get in the way of what she needs to do. And even if the shadow that lives inside of her isn't the main problem, there's also her near death experience that scarred her as a small child.Little do the both of them know that just because Kali promised she wouldn't interfere, it didn't keep her from planning. She has trained eight Shadow Creatures to kill the members of the Crown, and they know every weakness of the members of Team Burning Hope. In the end, someone must sacrifice their life to save another, and a new Scale Child will come to Scarlett's rescue.…

PROMOTE your story {Part Two}

PROMOTE your story {Part Two}

23,066 509 200

Welcome!!Because the old book got too large, I had to start a new one.The aim of these books is to get books popular, that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. These are people who care about their stories, and want them to be noticed.Happy reading!! (BTW no posting for promotion/reading requests on here.)I don't take reading requests - sorry guys. Too busy!If you want YOUR story promoted, visit: http://www.wattpad.com/69174016-promote-your-story-part-three…



10,179 1,479 195

Just random sketches and random rages and random randomnessIn ADDITION!: All media posted are NOT mine UNLESS I mentioned otherwise! I hope you are smart enough to realize when I say or mention my ownership from the other pictures. Good luck on surviving my stupidity…

The Neophytes

The Neophytes

617 75 9

A mysterious criminal thriller!Six teenagers set out on a grave adventure better call it a mission which can definitely cost them their lives!Little did they know they were messing with the wrong people and that nothing else but their own lives would be at stake!Choice was theirs and they made it; barely aware of what would be the consequences.They were naive, untrained but had the potential to do the impossible!Come and take insights of this thrilling saga based on six teenagers from the top university of the city....Witness them become what they never dreamt they'd ever become.....From a commoner to the NEOPHYTES!They are the chosen ones......but the question is who chose them? And for what cause? Why only them?? What's the deal to be sorted??Everything will be revealed. Everything will be unleashed. No stone will be left unturned but this will require efforts.....the only problem is they'll be their lives' most risky ones! Cover credit to my very talented and dear friend @_miss_idealist_…