Let's Fall In Love [Draven X James]

Let's Fall In Love [Draven X James]

5,988 166 22

WARNING: SUPER OLD WRITING!!Also on an indefinite hiatus!!•••The story of two hopeless boys that fall in love.•••James is a young researcher, plagued by nightmares and flashing visions. He teeters on the edge of knowing what is real and what is not. The line is blurred and he fears for his life. He hopes that Draven can save him from the entity that's hunting him like prey.Draven is the son of Dr. Kondraki. A young adult in a Mobile Task Force unit, stuck taking care of his declining father. His mind is always buzzing with thoughts of his crush or questions as to who his father used to be. His questions intensify when he learns about his father's number one rival. Something else was going on behind the scenes, maybe it was more than a simple rivalry? •••"Mommy did it, daddy did it. The funny little monkeys in the zoo do it.The stupid does it, the ugly do it.Only the unlucky of us get to do it.Let's fall in love, let's fall in love~"-Let's Fall In Love by Mother Mother…

Portraits of your father

Portraits of your father

144 1 15

A story of the Kondraki family…

Once Upon a Dream | Peter Pevensie

Once Upon a Dream | Peter Pevensie

83,721 1,976 24

The story of the sleeping beauty has been told time after a time. A beautiful princess cursed to sleep forever. A handsome brave prince that rescues her. A true love's kiss that wakes her up. It's a story as old as time, known in nearly every single realm as one of the most romantic tales. Unfortunately, time has erased some of the most important elements: 1) The story takes place in Narnia, a fact forgotten by many in our world. 2) The princess did more than just sleep during the battle, people just go straight to the climax without taking into consideration the rest of the plot. 3) It was no handsome prince who rescued her, but a King. High King Peter, the magnificent, to be precise.Follow the story of Rory Browning (or better known to all the worlds as Princess Aurora) and her journey of self-discovery and true love. Peter Pevensie x OCThe fairytale chronicles - Part I…

Possessiveness and Other Such Oddities

Possessiveness and Other Such Oddities

24,261 728 14

MOVED TO AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27501742/chapters/67249750Harry Potter exists in a world where Lord Voldemort (Now Minister Marvolo Peverell) has won, his father drinks the pain of his mother's murder away, his godfather has just gotten out of prison, and he's in Ravenclaw. He's determined to make the best of it all and with Hermione, Draco, and his friends in Ravenclaw, and with the exception of his prodigal talent in Defense, slips under the radar. Harry's happy with this life he's carved out for himself and is on the cusp of adulthood, but that is all threatened when the Minister takes a great interest in him. Just what does the Minister want with Harry?…



58,386 3,839 62

Camila Cabello sempre foi uma jovem responsável e dedicada à família que se esforçava diariamente para sobreviver. Filha de um professor e uma costureira, a jovem cresceu com o sonho de um dia ser uma grande estilista de moda. Porém, a realidade era mais dolorosa do que seu mundo imaginário. Em um país comunista como Cuba, a probabilidade dela conseguir realizar seu sonho era quase nula, mas com o esforço de seus pais e uma bolsa de estudos devido a suas notas, ela viajou para os Estados Unidos conseguindo uma vaga na Universidade de Nova York (NYU). Decidida a conseguir seus objetivos e dar uma vida melhor para seus pais e irmã, a latina finalmente conseguirá realizar seu sonho. Mas a vida é uma verdadeira caixinha de surpresa e quando o coração distrai, a sorte vem. E no meio dessa aventura conhecerá a misteriosa Lauren. Uma jovem que entrará em sua vida sem pedir licença, ao mesmo tempo em que carrega o grande peso dos segredos de sua família. Os dois lados de uma mesma moeda. Duas vidas e um único destino. Uma história onde os opostos se distraem e os dispostos se atraem.Não autorizo adaptações. Agradeço.…

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)

275,308 5,688 70

This is basically like every other y/n self insert thing except the reader isn't an absolute fucking idiot! Also, I have zero fucks about anyone's feelings! Your favorite waifu? Deceased. Happy ending? Who said you get those?!Also I would say that you should probably know that Y/N is almost entirely a dark souls 3 character, minus the bonfires and shit. If you have played the game, great! prepare the PTSD. If you haven't! treasure the happiness you have until curiosity gets to you!(Actual Story Description)y/n l/n, the Lord of cinder that simply stopped giving a fuck! He had done everything from becoming a lord of hallows and even went through the mind numbing pain of soul level 802. Around what he believed to be somewhere around ng90, The blacksmith tells you about a unique bonfire in the dark Firelink. You check it out and get transferred to another world. How? Plot my friend. He woke up in cold sweat in a Forest that honestly didn't look like a real forest. You sigh, get up, and start making your way into the next world of bullshittery.…

Rewriting the Past

Rewriting the Past

24,316 613 83

One Villian. Two Princess. Four Champions. Three Sheikah. Five time-travelers. Ten heroes. Two timelines. One mess. Formerly called; The Confusing Story of the Calamity.…

Unravelling Aurora | ✓

Unravelling Aurora | ✓

162,026 9,130 61

A girl, haunted by her past was living in solitude. A man, running from his own demons. When their paths collide, the girl wants to run, but the guy is determined to chase after her aura.***Aurora Ravenscroft was living her life in solitude, planning to continue like that. Her carefully laid plans changed drastically when her annoying neighbour's new roommate barged into her life.Phoenix Anderson was fighting his own demons, desperate to make a new life, a new man out of him by focusing on himself. But he became infatuated with the aesthetic enigma next door. Her aura held more anguish that he forgot his own misery.Will Aurora let go of her tragic past and allow Phoenix to teach her to rise from the ashes?…

Live in Color

Live in Color

1,026,283 69,480 41

"I'm distracted from the boy I've bumped into when the world around me begins to change. The grey and white I've seen ever since I was born into this world slowly begin to bleed away, like rain drops sliding down a car window, being replaced with bright, bright pigments. They cover everything, bring to life the world around me. The gravel underneath my feet is no longer a dull grey, the sky is no longer white, the bricks of the buildings no longer black. They're different, beautiful, bright, extraordinary, breathtaking. Colors, I realize. These are colors."xNatalie Grayson has lived her whole life in black and white. She's been waiting to meet her other half- her soulmate- who will make both of their worlds burst in color. It's what she's been dreaming of ever since she was little. She wants to know what color is, how it feels, what it looks like, if it's really as amazing as everyone claims it to be. On her seventeenth birthday, while walking back home through a sketchy part of town, she bumps into a stranger. Before she can even apologize, the last thing she expected happens: the black and white of her world begins to bleed away and is replaced with something else. Colors. When she looks up, Natalie isn't expecting to lock eyes with a rebel. But she does. She also doesn't expect him to run away. But he does.…

Shifting methods

Shifting methods

4,891 34 25

These are the instructions on the different shifting methods(I recommend reading the a/n's)p.s. I know these are not all of the methods but these are the only ones that I can think of right now.…

Future Stories, Ideas, Suggestions and Stories Others Can Try If They Want

Future Stories, Ideas, Suggestions and Stories Others Can Try If They Want

164,654 2,049 200

Okay, I'm just putting this here to keep track of any future story ideas I have, anyone reading this is free to give me suggestions of their own for future stories and if someone wants to try my ideas for themselves, you have my permission to do so.…

( Roc Royal ) Mature Careless Love {Sequel TO YOUNG CARELESS LOVE}

( Roc Royal ) Mature Careless Love {Sequel TO YOUNG CARELESS LOVE}

35,238 437 28

We went from teens to young adults i haven't seen Chresanto in 5 years ! I have a daughter ( Christina Loranza Romela August ) and a son ( Christian Lorenzo Romelo August ) see Christina is 4 and Christian is 3 both bad ass hell and look exactly like there father I am one of the biggest Fashion Designers in the whole world in the Top 5 to be exact and well i travel allot I'm not like the mom that leaves there child with there significant other or a baby sitter my babies travel with me but what happens when i see Chresanto .. what happens when my KIDS see him…

Bed Sheets

Bed Sheets

422,578 21,697 36

(Bxb) Eric Valence thought finding a job as an editor for a well-known author named Draven H. Malcolm was the beginning of his writing career.He had no idea that it would also be the beginning of his love story.***"You're so clueless, it bothers me."He frowned, "What does that mean-""You never wondered why I gave you all the best things on my floor - the closest desk, drinks from my office, my newest project. I even went to your house and picked you up to make sure you weren't late.""My portfoli-""There are twenty three others with the same experience as yours, that was an excuse," he admitted, peering into Eric's eyes and daring him to look away.Eric didn't.Draven sighed, "The reason I got mad that day..." he paused for a moment, hesitating again but deciding to let it all out, "the reason I got mad is because I heard you kissed Jason, which I wasn't too pleased about but then seeing you and Justin together..."He never finished his sentence, and Eric raised an eyebrow, "What about Justin and I?""I feel like you're doing this on purpose," Draven chuckled, examining Eric's confused face."I'm not sure what you're talking about-""I like you," Draven said clearly with his entire diaphragm, expression it as loud as he could for Eric to understand.Eric felt his throat squeeze itself shut, no oxygen coming in or out."I like you, a lot more than I thought, Eric," he breathed.Eric was unable to believe it, shook his head and looked away for moment, before meeting his gaze again. "Why me?" he asked quietly.Draven shrugged his shoulders, eyeing Eric with adoration and admiration, "I'm not sure either, but I want you to be mine."Jan 24. 2018 - 1k…

Falling Through Portals

Falling Through Portals

1,707,255 72,564 119

Portals are one of the most interesting travel agents in the universe. They can get you anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. But for Percy Jackson, falling through a fandom portal was the last thing he needed. After being plucked from camp, Percy finds himself on the run through the universe without friends or a way home.All the while a darker plot begins to unfold- one that threatens to entangled the entire cosmos. Falling through time and portals, Percy is the only one who can save it from disaster. And from the looks of it, he doesn't have a say In the matter. Will he be strong enough to fight when hope seems to be lost? Will he tip the balance of fate and save everyone?Will he ever get back to camp and see Annabeth again? Or will he lose everything?Fall in deep with Percy before it's too late."This is the BEST crossover fanfic I've ever read." -@Lady_Slash"...you are one of the best authors on Wattpad." -@TheNerdyDemigoddess"Your story is great...the only good multifandom story I could find."-@stephaieruthrybolt"I can't even begin to Describe how well written this is, the plot is simply incredible."-@AwesomeAuthorAlyssa"One of the rare moments I am practically ravenous for the next chapter..."-@Solid-Wisp"I really thought this book was innocent in the beginning...but you have made me stay up till all hours of the night."-@Diamond_Destiny"This story is ruining my life, I LOVE IT"-@NoSuchThingAs_Normal"You are a really great writer and sometimes I forget you are not Rick Riordan."-@DemeterPond"Can I just say that this book is actually better than the original pjo(Percy Jackson Series) and also HOO(Heroes of Olympus Series)... I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!"-@qzwzezrztzyzuzizozp"Thus begins one of the best Percy Jackson fics there ever has been, is, or ever will be."-@Good_Night_Lock…

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: Fanfiction

Wings Of Fire: Glory x Deathbringer: Fanfiction

10,568 160 77

This shows the life of Deathbringer, Glory, their friends, and all of their dragonets. This contains drama, romance, action, sadness, laughter, anger, fear, joy, and you might just have a war between your fellow peers in the coming episodes. I post every Friday (either morning of afternoon depending on my time or when I have availability), so please check it out. You are welcome to put in your own ideas and say what you want to see next. Enjoy! {}{}{}{}{}The Wings Of Fire books belong to one of the amazing authors, Tui T. Sutherland. If you are to copy this story, please give credit to me. Thank you.…

.||The Curse of the Sea||.

.||The Curse of the Sea||.

45,004 787 20

Percy and the seven have just defeated Gaea and were summoned to Olympus. The gods wanted to thank them for their bravery and loyalty, and offer each one of them the gift of immortality. Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, and... Annabeth all accept the gift. Except for Percy. Percy then feels betrayed and gets into a fight with Annabeth, who uses her new powers in vain on Percy. Percy then disappears while his friends are desperately trying to find him, while trying to break the curse.…

💖Hope Hollow World: Tales of the Hope Hollow Gang - The Animated TV Series🌈

💖Hope Hollow World: Tales of the Hope Hollow Gang - The Animated TV Series🌈

40 0 2

Summary:The premise of my OC fanmade animated tv series "Hope Hollow World: Tales of the Hope Hollow Gang" is simple and uncomplicated:The series follows Sash Leo: a good-hearted and swift water dragon who had moved to Hope Hollow with his parents Drake and Fuchsia and his uncle Askal.He meets fellow good friends such as the patient and sincere panda horticulturist Natalie, the joyful music-lover basset puppy ballad singer Miles, the calm and resourceful sungazer lizard girl Trish, the bipolar yet lovable chef fruit bat Davis, the vain but creative and noble jewel beetle Willow, and the competitive but brave and fearless wildcat builder Carl. As the series progresses, a new character joins the crew with this being Pandora, an ancient 4000 year old built robot. Together, the team have fun living their days as best friends exploring the united nation and learn about friendship through experiences while meeting lot of new friends and withstand every obstacle that could distribute the peace along the way.This fantasy series is inspired by MLP, SU, SVTFOE, and Hanazuki: Full of Treasure.-----[Story idea and OCs belong to me]…

Hope || Glenn Rhee x Reader

Hope || Glenn Rhee x Reader

420,567 13,105 43

** DISCLAIMER: I wrote this when I was fourteen. Please keep that in mind when you read the overly dramatic passages, uncreative insults, and generally self-centered behavior. Grammar is 95% correct and story is very fun, but this was written by a 14 year old. You have been warned.**----"I'm a glass half-full kinda guy."When you find yourself in the middle of the apocalypse in Atlanta, you almost give up on living when four survivors find you in the building you are staying in. And suddenly, you're not giving up on living just yet. -This story is a reader insert, and there are several terms that you, as the reader, may need to know if you have not read one of these types of stories before. The terms are as following:Y/N: your nameY/L/N: your last nameY/F/N: your full nameH/C: hair colorE/C: eye colorH/L: hair length(Follows the events of AMC's The Walking Dead. No characters are mine, they belong to Robert Kirkman and AMC.)creds to: @Shayennfelicity_ for the cover…

Tʜᴇ Pᴀᴛʜ Tᴏ Hɪɢʜɢᴀᴛᴇs

Tʜᴇ Pᴀᴛʜ Tᴏ Hɪɢʜɢᴀᴛᴇs

50,736 2,792 69

«𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛»"𝘖𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥, 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮."!Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢ! • This is a male country x female reader.• I tried to make it as historically accurate as possible though there may be a few flaws.• I only added characters i think are interesting so im sorry if i offend anyone.• There will be mature topics. (Violence, sexual themes, mental health, strong language, etc.) If you're sensitive to those topics please don't read this as i wont have warnings in any chapters.…

Summoning Italy

Summoning Italy

73,558 2,960 41

After a mysterious aurora borealis descended upon the Italian Peninsula, Italy and its two micro nation neighbours find themselves in a mysterious and hostile world. Losing their peaceful European neighbours, Italy finds that to the north of the Alps lies the great Parpaldian Empire, feared by many, if not all by those in the region.With the goal of establishing new relations, Italy is determined to get friendly with Parpaldia, even if the Empire's arrogance may hinder its progress. Until the peninsula finds new friendlier trading partners, Italy and Parpaldia find themselves on a circular dependency of trade.A fanfiction of the original story Summoning Japan. However, the plot does not follow like the original. Instead the Parpaldian Empire will play a bigger role in the original story as it goes on.…