White Little Lies || syndisparkles
This isn't the best oneshot I did, I didn't really put much effort into this. Ill be honest here. This is actually a school project of mine. I just edited it slightly. Enjoy! :)…
This isn't the best oneshot I did, I didn't really put much effort into this. Ill be honest here. This is actually a school project of mine. I just edited it slightly. Enjoy! :)…
do you like mianite? do you need to be cheered up and want to laugh?well miss/mister, you've came to the right place! ~i only post mianite related things in here so ye :/ .…
Mianite One ShotsI will not be adding more one shots in this for I don't feel comfortable writing about real people anymore.#9 - Mianite (01/08/2021)#4 - Dianite (01/10/2021)#2 - TomSyndicate (1/10/2021)…
Ello! I'm coming at you with a sequel to my first book called forbidden! It was a syndisparklez fanfic! And now I'm doing one with Sonja (omgitsfirefoxx) but will she be the only lover in this book? What really happened to TOM? Will Tucker come back or was he gone for good? Do Tom and sparklez ever get there happy ever after? Will Sonja fall for someone else, Will Sonja get that certain someone else to love her? FEND OUT IN THE BOOK…
Follow Tom Cassell's (Syndicate) journey through self discovery, love, loss and life. His eternal goal is to find a soulmate. How will he do it? If he can.*Updates every Sunday*…
He book to the second series of Mianite where Tom and Jordan secretly love each other but are too afraid to tell each other. Mitch (bajancanadian) comes to see Jordan and Shit goes down.©copyright TheProFiona…
"I feel bad for the people who never go crazy."~…
AU/AH When Jordan arrived, sword in one hand, book in the other, he was told he was invited to destroy the menace lurking in the woods. A stable man, with the ideals of justice and balance interwoven into the seams of clothes is thrown into a state of chaos when the mystery of just who is the destructive force attacking the town and what does he want?Sequel now out: Poisoned Crown…
Each day of December I will write a story between 100-500 words of YOUR choice.Whether it's fluff, or feels, I will do with any ship.…
THIS....IS...A...FANFICFOR SYNDISPARKLEZ SHIPPERS(Enjoy lovelies)"Hey uh could you like not interfere with what's about to happen? Thanks." "Wait, what?" I said unsure.Tom has been acting odd all day. He wouldn't speak much to any of us and would keep to himself, and that's when you know something bad is about to happen.(Btw I'd like to give credit to the tumblr user sperklez for the awesome photo on the cover, thanks so much for letting me use it)…
A somewhat short Mianite fic.What happens after everyone reaches the land of Mianite?What could happen if Ianite went evil?-Tipping the balance-…
Sequel to Blood Stained Woods. I advise you read that before handSUMMARY: After the trouble in Dagrun, Jordan returns to his homeland with his two Mianite friends and the questionable Dianite man to find that those years away have changed the town. At first, it all seems to be for the better, but as lies and truths mix and blend, the town seems to in for the worst. The harder struggle however is the man beside him through it all and his growing flame.…
This does not takes place to any Mianite series but it's around Captain's friends not just minecraft friends but ALL but not all cause I would have the hard time.The place might be in Dagrun or Ruxomar, IDK. But just read and Have a great day.THIS IS A MINECRAFT SERIES THO!#37 - Mianite (08/01/2021)…
Sink into the confines of the world of Mianite and watch as your favorite characters fall in love. If it can't sail on stream, watch it sail in the written pages of imagination.Requests are welcome. - Lee <3…
Yes! Another forbidden book! If you haven't seen forbidden 1 or 2, then make sure you do before you read this book.There very long journey for there love to last. The reset changed everything. How will they be able to finally get there love to be excepted? Why did Lady Ianite say it 'had to' be done in the last book? What will the gods do to stop them, or will they even stop them?What will happen to Sonja and Tucker? What will they do about the gods or how will they help them? Will there be any other ships too?Will Sonja even be a help? Or will she still have the hots for Jordan? What kind of changes did the reset bring? Will there be more characters? More challenges? And what's the shocking ending? FEND OUT-Not that graphic-foul language -self harming-will make you throw your electronic…
Mianite has finished... Or so it seemed. When the team jumps off into the abyss, from an area htey did not know, they find more than they bargained for. With a dramatic turn of events, follow Jordan, Tucker, Sonja and Tom as they unfold the story of the realm they walk on and the 'people' they loved and loss._____Btw the first chapters are a mess that I don't remember writing. I'm happy with chapter 5 onwards ;)…
in·saneinˈsān/adjectivein a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill."certifying patients as clinically insane"synonyms: mentally ill, mentally disordered, of unsound mind, certifiable;…
Dianite turns his back on Tom, and that's when Dianite and Tom's close relationship ends in a snap. Tom breaks away from Team Dianite, and joins his one hope - The Shadows.…
Kayla just moved out of her parents to her own apartment and finds something familiar about her new neighbor...…
A syndisparklez fanfic! Syndicate wants what he can't have. Sparklez is just confused. And Sonja and tucker are planning to kill both of them!? Does Sonja agree with killing them!? Mianite And Dianite are agreeing on something for once!? And who are the last people standing!? Is it gonna be who you think!? FEND OUT!…