A Story Against Them 3: The Return
The Equrestian government is falling apart all because of 4 ponies. Unbelievable but true. After all that has happened Pinkie and Rainbow have never faced a threat so big. Who are these ponies........Lighting Dust Dr. DashPinkamenaAnd Svengallop All have one purpose to make Equrestia suffer! Then, life turned for the worst when a law is passed saying that If pinkie and Rainbow are found or anyone helping them....... Is a law if broken punishable by death! They do a good job hiding in the Crystal Mountains. Everyone tries to find them in the Everfree Forest! Everything is going smoothly until, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Scootaloo are caught helping them. Their execution is due in a week. So, can Pinkie and Rainbow save their friends in time? Will they stop this madness? Will they survive? Read A Story Against Them 3: The return to find out!Hotdogs702635 presents..... The third addition of the A Story Against Them Franchise....... A Story Against Them 3: The Return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…