The Night's Howl

The Night's Howl

75 0 4

Atlantis, a young aquarian princess, has never wanted anything else in the world, but to fit in. Her sister is the complete opposite, being perfect in every way possible. When the wolf hears of the owl's mission, she's convinced she is a part of it, and is frustrated when her sister gets in the way. Leaving no choice, she decides to journey with her, hoping the owl and her lion friend will realize they have chosen the wrong wolf.Down in an underground world, protected by the harsh war on the outside, lived Sprout. He was a leafian, wolves who consist of the earth element, and would rather spend their days underground in their dens, other than the surface. Sprout, who is almost nothing like his name, is one of the strongest pups among his pack. He's an expert at hunting and fighting, and would like nothing more than to see the world above the underground world where he was born and raised. One day, Sprout travels to surface in secret, and meets a wolf. A normal wolf, part of a pack that lived before wolves themselves evolved so drastically. The wolf trains him and teaches him about the ways her kind lives, and Sprout now doesn't ever want to leave the surface again.Deep in a volcanic mountain range, were wolves of fire. These wolves were considered the strongest pack, and were known for their greedy and violent ways. One wolf, named Ash, loves the thought of going into battle, and is overjoyed when he is finally old enough to do so. But his eagerness gets the best of him, and he injures his leg in battle. Ash is torn when he is told he can no longer enter the battlefield, and has no choice but to join the owl and the panther, for the only thing he has left is peace.…

sequel to drawing book

sequel to drawing book

11,474 1,562 200

This is an old drawing book…

Reborn For You (MXM)

Reborn For You (MXM)

52 1 2

Raphael has lived a cursed life. Actually... he's lived about a dozen cursed lives, each one no better than the last. In each and every life, he grows accustomed to being a bastard child whom nobody can possibly love: scorned, hated, unwanted. He never makes it to his twenty-fifth birthday, death always being a welcomed mercy to his torment-- whether it be unintentional or self-inflicted. He thinks no one hears his prayers, he thinks he is all alone in the bitter universe, that seemed to be out to get him. Caught in such a brutal, endless cycle is enough to drive anyone mad, but Raphael has always considered himself to be a fighter. Even if this is true, everyone has their limits. When he learns that he will have to suffer through one more life, he begins to feel the weight of all his pasts accumulate on his shoulders. He intends to end it as soon as possible, wholeheartedly willing to plunge the final knife through his cold heart. However, before his final birth, he finds himself face to face with a strange being who refuses to reveal his identity to the broken Raphael. Mysterious in his intentions, the man offers Raphael the one thing that he has always wished for, a real life. A life filled with parents and friends who love him, money, and recognition. It seems too good to be true, and compensation for all debts must be paid in some way. For Raphael, he'll pay for the gift given to him on his twenty-fifth birthday, when his existence, his soul, is no longer his own.…

Regibius - Polybius 2.0

Regibius - Polybius 2.0

5 0 4

WORD COUNT IN TOTAL [4000]CREDITS TO MIDNIGHT AND SCORED - Polybius recovery and Redirect10 People , 5 boys 5 girls are trapped in a room , 1 hour walking distance to the other side.Elderbius , AKA The admin is testing with this , they do tasks to get money becuase he is rich, well his parents are!!!But there is paranormal activity, threatening the players and making them do a FFA and they torture , murder, vandalize and they become horrible.The paranormal activity is a virus, soon then the virus becomes O.P. And it makes Elderbius sink into the game, The virus now owns the game and the 10 players turn in and are acting paranorma- I MEANT SUSSSS IMPOSTER *plays amog us music* Ukrainian Translation (Not Perfect)-----Регібіус - відновлення Полібія та перенаправлення10 людей, 5 хлопчиків 5 дівчаток потрапили в пастку в кімнаті, за 1 годину ходьби від іншого боку.Elderbius, AKA Адміністратор тестує це, вони роблять завдання, щоб отримати гроші, бо він багатий, ну його батьки !!!Але існує паранормальна активність, яка погрожує гравцям і змушує їх робити FFA, і вони катують, вбивають, руйнують і стають жахливими.Паранормальна активність - це вірус, незабаром вірус стає О.П. І це змушує Ельдербіуса зануритися в гру, Вірус тепер є власником гри, а 10 гравців входять і діють паранормально - Я ЗНАЧУЮ, СУСССС ІМПОСТЕР * відтворює музику нам * JOIN IF LINK NOT WORKING THEN COPY AND THEN PASTE IT ON GOOGLE…

haunted Tokyo soul

haunted Tokyo soul

5 0 1

a quick preview(7 year old kirk pov)heh heh hello~! my name is kirk! and today is mummy's birthday I couldn't get anything for her so I decided to draw her a picture!I sat down at the smooth wooden coffee table in our modern living room sitting on my knees. Drawing with my colourful crayons some where on the perfectly soft carpet and others spread on the table my hands were sticky and colourful with red blue pink yellow and greenas I continued to draw I hear steps and clinging cups coming the kitchen I turned my face to it only to see mummy holding a tray of tea and cookies along with a cake but silly mummy forgot the candles she lay it down on the other side of the coffee table and warmly smiled at me saying "well well how's my little artist going" those words made me feel happy inside no JOYFUL! my feet bounced up from the fluffy carpet and i flew across the wooden coffee table my arms speared out hugging my mum to the comfortable carpet snuggling the top of my head under herswe started to laugh it was fun to joke with mummy my sweet voice cheered for mum "mummy is 32! and she forgot the candles on the cake!~" mum pushed up sitting me on her lap she had her eyes shut with a sweet smile planted on her face "I haven't forgot dear its just we don't have enough money for it your going to a new school and all its to much money especially for a private school"mummy has been trying to keep me away from other people including at night time she says there are bad things at night but I never really listen or care about those things I just wanted my mummy to have a spectacular! birthday!~ under my pillow is full with money...well more like seventeen dollars but still!~ my feet jumped up and away from mommy's lap my hands clapped together and I spoke my thoughts to mummy! "I HAVE AN IDEA!~ HOW ABOUT I GO GET THE CANDLES WITH MY SPARE MONEY!~"(read the rest to find out)…

Lay Your Head On Me | Heesun

Lay Your Head On Me | Heesun

257 26 3

Sunoo knew he could come off as aloof and unfriendly, but who cares about that anyway? He was all about chasing his dream job and didn't have time for much else. But life threw him a curveball when he found himself stuck in a fake relationship with none other than Lee Heeseung, the most controversial celebrity in the industry. Heeseung was a total music genius, but the guy just couldn't seem to catch a break. Everywhere he went, there were rumours and drama following him around. Sunoo thought he was a total mess and wanted nothing to do with him or his problem. But somehow, he found himself tangled up in Heeseung's drama, and it's starting to take a toll on him. As they tried to navigate their fake relationship, things started to get complicated. Despite their best efforts to keep up appearances, they couldn't help but wonder how far this act could go before they were found out. The line between reality and fiction also began to blur, when they started to develop genuine friendship, which then turned into something more. It was indeed a scary and uncertain situation, and neither of them was sure if these feelings were real or just part of the act. However, one thing was crystal clear; when they leaned on each other, everything became a lot easier.*Also posted on AO3 with the same title and username :)…

Sunny Daffodil, Snowy Rose

Sunny Daffodil, Snowy Rose

335 0 9

The elder was a rose that blooms when it snows. The younger was a daffodil that shines in the sun. Kimiko and Kiyoko were twins that held great hidden potential. At the age of four, both twins attended a classical music concert. That was when they heard a certain string instrument played for the first time. Seeing that they were captivated by the violin, their parents put them in lessons. They won duets together in their age selection at local contests. All was well until Kiyoko suddenly surpassed her elder sister in a solo competition. Devastated, Kimiko started to lose the sound of her violin. She finally broke when their parents stopped taking her to competitions.Their maternal grandparents took custody of Kimiko. They permitted her to change her last name from "Taiyosuisen" to the grandmother's maiden name "Yukibara," and made her the Yukibara heir instead of Kimiko's mother.When her growing frustration of not "hearing" music as she used to, Kimiko found an old viola in her grandparents' attic. From then on, she discovered that her true love was the viola. Coupled with her great academic ability and her newfound love in athletics, especially tennis, Kimiko grew to be an outstanding violist, student, and tennis player.Kiyoko, on the other hand, could not believe that her sister left her and their love for the violin. With her deep depression, she dove into drawing and painting, growing in her artistic talents. Along with the violin, she began winning in music and arts competitions, always placing in the top two.As the years went by, both twins gradually began to forget each other until they were no more than strangers. For Kimiko, Kiyoko was just someone who was a simple artist. For Kiyoko, Kimiko was just cold-hearted genius. But both had a hole in their hearts.What will happen when the two meet again in their first year of high school?…

Naruto the heir of the mokuton abilitie

Naruto the heir of the mokuton abilitie

121 1 4

okay Naruto is Hashirama's great great grandson because Hashirama had a girlfriend once and got her pregnant and they didn't know so after a few weeks they broke up and she had the baby in peace they had Senju as the last name until naruto's grandma married a Namikaze and then boom Minato's born ok and they decided to switch to Namikaze as the last name to keep Minato safe and boom finally we get to naruto, Naruto is 1/4 Senju 1/4 Namikaze 1/2 Uzumaki so... naruto has some hints of red hair on the back bottom side of naruto and orange hair above it then yellow hair and yeah since this my what if Sasuke is the great great grandson of Madara Uchiha and Uzushiogakure still exists and Naruto and Sasuke is forced to enter the clan restoration act when there both sixteen years old when Naruto is revealed to be 1/4 Senju and for Naruto I'm gonna add chakra from Hashirama and the unknown children then grandchildren then great grand children of Hashirama and add great great grandparents of Naruto from both Namikaze and Uzumaki so he has chakra about a mile above Hashirama Senju and Naruto still gets kyubi... half of the kyubi and Sasuke trains with his one tamoe sharingan so he's quite powerful now stronger than naruto so naruto gets high stamina and somewhat good chakra control and yes Naruto has mokuton so let's say Sasuke awakens his two tamoe sharingan before fighting Haku so when he fights Haku he awakens his third tamoe sharingan so he's at even power of Naruto and Naruto keeps his last name Uzumaki as original and did I mention people who naruto's heritage is Jiraiya and Hiruzen and Orochimaru…

Significance of Stainless Steel Surface Finishing Procedures

Significance of Stainless Steel Surface Finishing Procedures

2 0 1

Stainless Steel is one of the most prominent metals that the science obtains as an alloy of iron and Chromium. The percentage of Chromium is likely to be around 10.5%. The metal has some basic characteristics that make it very much suitable for human usage. It is hard and has a strong resistance against corrosion. However, it gets some deformities while in the process of industrial production. The metal gets some scars, cracks, and burrs that are needed to be removed. Stainless Steel Surface Finishing is actually a set of procedures that involves various activities that are conducted either to improve the quality of stainless steel to make it free from all physical deformities. Some processes are applies right during the manufacturing process in the factories. On the other hand, some other procedures are conducted later during the processing of the metal. The chief objectives of Stainless Steel Surface Finish are mentioned below: • It increases the resistant capacity of Stainless Steel against corrosion. After the completion of the finishing processes, the metal becomes safe against corrosion. • It reduces or removes the rough surfaces from the metal making it safer for human usage. • Stainless steel surface finishing leads to removal of all cracks and other deformities. The process is often followed by electrolysis that brings a gleam to this metal that every one of us can see in our home. The procedure of stainless steel surface finishing is mandatory to make the metal meet the European standards. The manufacturers use these procedures to standardize their products and make it more customer-friendly.…