

52 6 5

"Kimdrac" is a renowned alternative music artist who is being harassed by a "fan" whose identity is currently unknown. Kim thinks it will be an easy problem to solve, but this so-called "fan" proves to be more than just an obsessed fan or an information-hungry paparazzi. This person will show Kim what true love is, but his way. ★》"Chase you down until you love me" -???This content is not appropriate for children under 16, but if you still read it and something makes you uncomfortable, it's not my damn problem because I warned you and you didn't listen to me. Take this content calmly and if you want even with humor, I did not make this fanfic with the intention of criticizing or harming the excited artist in this book, it was simply created to entertain readers with boredom problems. Thank you. 🖤💜…



48,585 2,232 188

In a world where humans know about the existence of supernatural creatures an incubus doesn't have it easy. Especially when they happen to be asexual.…

all my weird and dirty screenshots ( I apologize in advance)
The Salamander

The Salamander

159 4 6

Here lies a story of a terrible crime-fighter. The super-powered pyro-mutant Kenneth is a struggling office joe is out saving the city of Manila from small-time crooks to all-out terrorist attacks.But when he faces a new adversary threatening to take away his powers, he must battle a flying bat-monkey statue, a megalomaniac businessman who wants the World's Best Villain mug, his struggling finances, and the wrath of his cute girlfriend (if she finds out who he is.) He is hunted by no law, but chaos. And chaos indeed. Call him whatever you like; the Bombastic Fire Hazard, or the Flame-Thrower, but he mostly just prefers the moniker; 'The Salamander'.…

Ranting Blog

Ranting Blog

14,414 1,299 109

Okay, I'm starting a rant book because a lot of things are really starting to piss me off now a days. This won't be a regular updated book, I'll just update it whenever I need to rant about stuff.... which coming from me, doesn't usually happen often. So check it out if you want to.CAUTION: THESE ARE MERELY MY OPINIONS AND RANTS! I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE IF PEOPLE FEEL HURT ABOUT THESE RANTS!…

My Randomness Again!

My Randomness Again!

115,532 8,811 718

*Without Me by Eminem plays faintly in the background* What, did you really think I'd only make one?…

Random Book of Random Hashtags

Random Book of Random Hashtags

50,184 2,072 371

This is my random book of randomness... in the form of hashtags. Yup.…

Meet the Bradson's

Meet the Bradson's

13 0 1

Many of the troubles of life seem to effect us all on an almost daily basis. But what if we were superheroes, would these problems be as significant? Would forgetting to attend a child's soccer game be as impactful? When confronting armed bank robbers, is it really appropriate to be thinking about the upcoming parent teacher conference? When does the blur between real life and reality begin to take a toll on your super strength or super speed. Sometimes there are no answers. But most of the time, they are just too difficult to face. This is the story of Brad Bradson, the normal son of the world's first Super Family.…

Orion of Earth (Rough Draft)

Orion of Earth (Rough Draft)

2 0 1

When a young boy, Tobias, finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time he's sure he's doomed. Yet sure enough he finds himself waking up from what could've just been a bad dream, and finds more then just one thing out the ordinary. See from his point of view in the Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy/ Sci-fi book as these new things become Tobias' way of life, but he has much bigger problems.…

Quotes & Jokes

Quotes & Jokes

18,488 1,086 121

Random consists of quotes , jokes or anything that is relatable to each and everyone.This book will be going to make say "true that" , "this is so me", and many more !Oohhh , don't forget the DIY and Facts !! heheI would like to share this to everyone and credits to the owner of everything here every single one of it !Disclaimer : This is a collection of jokes, quotes, DIY , Facts or whatsoever from the internet.Note : There are inappropriate words in here , so if you don't like that . You can skip x) Thank you ! and Happy reading Lovesssss ♥P.S. This ain't PG-13 .…



69 5 2

(NOTE: DISCONTINUED! I may rewrite this in the future, but that won't be for a while.)When I woke up, I was NOT expecting it to be over half a century later, with an invitation to join one of the most secretive organisations on the planet, and help them stop what happened to me from happening to others. 12 year old Evelyn Collins comes to help the Avengers fight Loki and his army, facing ordinary problems of a nearly teenaged girl, as well as one out of time. (Evelyn is my own character, pronounced eve - lin like evening.) She can control fire, water, earth, and air, as well as creating the four main elements out of thin air and also manipulate the other elements. I will try to update as much as possible, but I am very busy so I'll do my best!Constructive criticism is welcomed, and please leave appropriate and kind comments if you chose to leave aon comment. DISCLAIMER 1: I do not own Marvel! Some characters are my own, and so is the plotline, although it may be similar to other stories.Thanks!(p.s sorry for the long message and the bad cover, I don't have any drawn yet.)…