Meant to be -Luke Hemmings

Meant to be -Luke Hemmings

2,392 373 12

Bella Foster živi u svijetu kojega normalni ljudi ne razumiju.U svijetu u kojem su Demoni,Duhovi,Vukodlaci i Vampiri stvarna stvorenja a ne plod mašte . Ipak nijedno to svorenje nije ni do koljena Belli jer ona je viještica.Nakon što se u život nje i njenog brata Adama uplete Luke Hemmings s njime dolaze i nevolje.Jer stvorenja su za Bellom.Hoce li Bella preživjeti?? Hoće li uspjeti boriti se i voljeti??Saznajte čitajući.…

Stratené spomienky - Tajomstvá temnej minulosti (2)

Stratené spomienky - Tajomstvá temnej minulosti (2)

447 178 74

Pokračovanie 1. knihy menom "Tajomstvá temnej minulosti" platí to isté čo pri prvej knihe, upozorňujem na krv, NSFW, nepopulárne názory, kontroverzné scénky, imperialismus, komunismus, fašismus, možno rasizmus ale nechcem nikoho uraziť a nesnažím sa príbehom nikomu ublížiť ani ho odsúdiť. Chcem upozorniť že to že nepodporujem niektoré názory neznamená že ich nerešpektujem a berte to ako názor autora pretože o nejaké plusové body za menšiny a LBGT+ v príbehu mi tu vážne nejde :) Ak ste nečítali prvú časť odporúčam si ju prečítať, nájdete ju na mojom profile, po vyhľadaní to nejak neukazuje neviem čo s tým je.…

Underlust! Sans x Underlust! Frisk

Underlust! Sans x Underlust! Frisk

4,006 14 7

The title says it all. Warning: This contains vore! If you don't like vore and start to complain, I will make you regret ever trying to complain about MY book. There are people that like vore. Anyways, enjoy!…



127 24 18

Nekada davno postojala su tri kraljevstva koja su živjela u miru. Kraljevstvo ljudi, zemlja Arlondija, kraljevstvo vještica, Desdemontisur i kraljevstvo vilenjaka, Flourus. Nekoć su svi živjeli u miru, granice su bile otvorene i dobrota je vlada, ali jednoga se dana sve promjenilo.…

Friend of Monsters

Friend of Monsters

7,570 120 15

(Soft canon in the Unseen Legion universe) An RP in which the human, Sam (played by Higurehige) encounters a wounded giant, Daki (played by me), and over time the two develop an interesting dynamic. WARNINGS: This story contains a lot of vore, both willing and unwilling, fatal and nonfatal. There's lots of hard vore and a lot of violence as well.…

Nezničitelné přátelství

Nezničitelné přátelství

69 1 5

Jak už všichni víme, každé přátelství někdy přestane fungovat. Avšak pouto s tvorem, kterého doposud nikdo nikdy na vlastní oči neviděl, musí být přeci jiné, než to normální..…

Echo of a Friend

Echo of a Friend

3,962 61 15

Daki is thrown into an alternate reality where he meets his friend Sam, but they are not quite the same anymore.WARNINGS: This story contains violence, dark themes, graphic gore, fatal and nonfatal vore, soft vore, hard vore, surgical themes, and general horror aspects…

A messeger's food (Mercury x reader vore P.O.V) [Heliosphere: Under the Sky]

A messeger's food (Mercury x reader vore P.O.V) [Heliosphere: Under the Sky]

640 6 6

There's very few fetish content with planetary ginjikas, so I made one!…

Marvel Vore: Spider Gwen's Amazing Meal

Marvel Vore: Spider Gwen's Amazing Meal

32,306 81 6

Spider Gwen finds a tiny city goer on one of her daily web swinging patrols and decides to take them home with her. What she doesn't know is that this one meeting will lead to her having an amazing meal.…

The Atom Meister Saga (A Sonic Movie Vore Story)

The Atom Meister Saga (A Sonic Movie Vore Story)

546 5 5

Also known as the "Tefifonconnoisseur Witch Hunt Hour" because I'm getting burned at the stake for this one. This will 100% be a doozy and hopefully my longest story to date. This first chapter took 5 days for me to fix issues that allowed me to publish it lol, so it's already going badly. Anyway, please enjoy! Or don't. Should not have tagged the main tag, but I don't want to fix it right now lol…

The Gamer of Planeptune

The Gamer of Planeptune

1,775 61 5

Minato Steel is the current Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, and will end up attracting the attention of four goddesses and various other CPU girls. He will clear this game with no continues.…

Giant tiny/ vore oneshots

Giant tiny/ vore oneshots

35,191 227 14

A book about oneshots of vore and Giants and tinys.…

My blood (Moja krv) SK

My blood (Moja krv) SK

2,200 189 60

Svet nadprirodzených bytostí bol pre ľudstvo vždy záhadou, ktorá sa ani do dnešných čias nedočkala svojho rozuzlenia. Je to svet neznáma, ktorý mnohí chcú spoznať. Príbeh je pohľadom do života mladého upíra, Damona, ktorý sa bude musieť, aj napriek svojej detskej povahe, postaviť všetkému, čo mu okolitý svet prihodí do cesty.…

Sanders Sides Vore Oneshots

Sanders Sides Vore Oneshots

14,382 152 8

Here's just a collection of all the vore oneshots I've made for Sanders Sides. I hope you enjoy!…

Stvoreni Za Kraj

Stvoreni Za Kraj

975 18 19

K'o Rajna svetla Roterdama tiho zagrli me…

The New Student (Furry x Human) (Vore)

The New Student (Furry x Human) (Vore)

38,921 280 4

You are turning 19, you are very close to graduating high school, and it is the second last school term when a girl who is new to the school, is introduced into the class.However, what you don't realize is that the 'new girl' is actually secretly a Dragon that has had her eye on you for quite some time, until she decides to make her love for you known...By kidnaping you...Additional Note: I do not claim the artwork as mine, I simply use it as visual reference. All artwork claims belong to their respective owners.[This is just a small story about you ending up in a relationship with an overly possessive Dragon. I am not claiming the art in this story as my own. It belongs to the original artists.]…

Amy Rose Vore: Accidental Prey

Amy Rose Vore: Accidental Prey

12,131 37 5

After finding a strange canister, Cream the Rabbit and her Chao, Cheese, are shrunk and in need of help. They seem to find help in the lovely Amy Rose, but she may just become their greatest danger.…

Breaking Brielle

Breaking Brielle

579,743 21,075 28

"Matthew Preston? The kid who doesn't have any friends?" "Matt Preston? The kid who used to play on the football team?""Matthew Preston? Don't even waste your time with him" Brielle Clark has spent every summer since she was 10 years old at Eastview with her aunt Miriam and her cousin Faye. It was her favorite time of the year. She got to visit her 2 favorite family members, work at her aunt's diner and meet all sorts of amazing people and now she gets to spend her senior of high school at Eastview high. Everything seems to be going well until she starts asking questions about the towns resident loner, Matthew Preston.{ Book 2 of The Preston Series }…

Marvel Vore: The Enchantress' Spellbound Lunch

Marvel Vore: The Enchantress' Spellbound Lunch

3,331 17 5

Amora the Enchantress finds a tiny girl running around her hideout. Being the cruel dominatrix that she is, Amora deals with the girl the best way she knows.All characters are portrayed as 18 years or older.…

The Gourmet's Lil'snack

The Gourmet's Lil'snack

23,033 526 84

Thorne is a Borrower who lived in a restaurant until a misfortune fall place her into the plate of a weird and certainly not human food critic, Humbert Gourmand.----------------Hey look! Another RP!Well this one is particular because it is quite a long RP and i can't put it in "Play & Share" book. That why i make another book!^^Have fun(PS: don't except vore at every chapter. But G/T fluff and comfort will be the priority tho.)…