just a story about astro and dandy my fav ship!<3Cover art not mine,btw also tell me if i made spelling mistakes:]…
just a story about astro and dandy my fav ship!<3Cover art not mine,btw also tell me if i made spelling mistakes:]…
i basically made this at 2:07 in the morning because I was bored af, soooo enjoy 😬👌 P.S: please be aware that some of these can be cringy and dumb and basically not funny but I FIND IT FUNNY. so I'm sorry in advance for my bad humor 👹*All characters/games/books featured in the story are NOT MINE. all creations made from the genius, Scott Cawthon. 🌚…
Info about all xenogenders! Comment requests!…
Sent to Paradis Island a year before the Colossal Titan breaks Wall Maria, Y/N Tybur is a spy sent by Marley to infiltrate and locate the Founding Titan by any means necessary. All he has with him is a knife, a gun, his wits and the WarHammer Titan power.…
Wattpadland is comprised ofTarren, Cadence, Fallen, Maddie, Alex, Saje, Jay, Heather, and JoannaOh and 4929169 other fangirls and 3 fanboys but we don't talk about themAnywayThe house is on fire and I'm not even sure its a house anymore and SAJE STOP DRAWINg diCKS ON OUR SKINTARREN THIs is NOT YOUR PERSONAL garDEn it's the KITCHEN!TOX THATS ENOUGH NO MORE BURGER CREatING FALLENS GONNA KILL SOMEONEAleX STARS DO NOT BELONG IN THE BATHROom wHAT IF ONE FALLS ON ME WHILe I'm tRYING TO TAKE A DUMPJOANNA NO THUNDERSTORMS IN THE LIVING ROOMJAY STOP WALKING DOWN THE STREET AND SCREAMING AT PEOPLE "YOU'RE GAY"IVE DONE NOTHING WRONGWHY ARE U ALL LIKE THisWaitHeatherOh you angel youJust reading a book and being calmYou're the best, come here we're the only sane ones left-Maddie…
pretty much a dandys world gc!!!brainrot is alot lol…
Hi! I'm LuckyBugBooks! My covers usually stay in the simple style but I guarantee I put heart and effort into each and every one of them! I don't do face claims because the tools I have are limited but I have a talent for creative alternatives! I also do many various fanfiction covers! The only payment I ask for is a credit in the description! Come check out my covers! I also make stickers and banners. (If you'd like more preview of my works go look at my Graphics Portfolio "Rigged Game") LuckyBugBooksOpen () Closed (🧡) On Hold for Catch Up () I'll open again soon! I just don't want to take on to much that I burn myself out!…
Once Voldemort had met his end and the Wizarding world was rebuilt, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary met a period of awful dullness.It was a good few years later that the Headmistress, Professor McGonagall, began receiving notice of a new 'tide' of Potters and Weasleys on the horizon.Amongst these familiar names were new ones, however. The Pevensies, for example...WARNING:'Sorcerous Shenanigans' contains an ample amount of angst, a devilish amount of drama and a tremendous amount of teenage turmoil.…
part 2 of the love story of cold hearted mob son Mattia & y/n ..…
This is book based on fake Instagram posts about random hockey players I love!…
Pewnego razu, młoda i głupia dziewczyna założyła kolczyki. Moje kolczyki. Przeklęte kolczyki. Legenda głosi, że Ladybug żyła w czasach starożytnych. Mordercza wojowniczka. Służyła Le Paoon, Ladybug była jej córką. Ich miracula - magiczna biżuteria dawała im moc, nieśmiertelność. Nic nie mogło powstrzymać ich tryumfu. Tysiąc lat szerzenia terroru wśród mieszkańców Tybetańskich Chin. Do czasu, gdy zjawił się Chat Noir. Wojownik w czerni, zakochał się w pięknej Ladybug. Ale był dobry. Ratował ludzi od nieszczęść. Ale uczucie którym ją darzył, nie pozwalało mu jej pokonać. Wtem, zjawił się kolejny wojownik - żółwi strażnik, który wcześniej podarował mu miraculum Chata Noira. Wyjaśnił mu, że jeśli przebije Ladybug i Le Paoon magicznym sztyletem, ich dusze uwięzną w Miraculach, gdyż były nieśmiertelne. Chat, gdy odnalazł swą morderczą ukochaną, Pokonał swą jedyną słabość. Pocałował ją, po czym wbił jej sztylet w serce. Odnalazł le paoon i ona również z wrzaskiem została zaklęta w magicznym kamieniu. A on sam, nie mogąc znieść, że już więcej nie zobaczy Ladybug, przebił się nim. Odtąd, ich dusze zaklęte są w kamieniach. Wciąż dają one moc, ale złe dusze Ladybug i Le paoon... Z chęcią przejmą ciało tego, kto je nosi.…
Just some personal shifting stories of Doctor Spencer Reid and myself. I do not yet know if I will keep these as mere oneshots or a novel as organized by chapters but I will try to keep that news up to date on my profile. I really hope all of you enjoy!This is not an X-Reader but utilizes my own personal touches as they are stories about Spencer and myself. If you were looking for a self insert story, I am sorry to disappoint but you are always welcome to stay if you fancy doing so!I do not own the rights to any character or affiliations with the Criminal Minds franchise. All credit goes to their respective owners!…
made by my sis she wanted to writejust a story about flutter…
COVER ART NOT MINE'!! I just found it on chrome whatsoever.…
COVER ART NOT MINE!!also, I'm too lazy to write anything else...…
Real Estate Fiesta: A Celebration of Philippine Property Investment and Opportunities is a comprehensive guide for investors, expatriates, and locals alike who are interested in exploring the vibrant and diverse Philippine real estate market. The book presents an in-depth analysis of the property landscape, covering the entire archipelago - from the bustling metropolis of Metro Manila to the serene beaches of Palawan.In this insightful book, you will discover the different property types and investment opportunities available in the Philippines, including residential properties like condominiums, houses and lots, and townhouses, as well as commercial properties such as office spaces, retail spaces, and industrial properties. Additionally, leisure and hospitality properties like resorts, hotels, and vacation homes are also covered.Real Estate Fiesta takes you through the entire property buying process, from conducting research and market analysis to working with local real estate agents. The book also discusses the legal considerations involved in property transactions, including ownership restrictions for foreign buyers, property titles, and registration, as well as taxes and fees. Financing options, such as bank loans, developer financing, and other alternatives, are also thoroughly explained.The book delves into property management and rental income, providing valuable tips on managing rental properties, finding tenants, and handling maintenance and repairs. Moreover, it sheds light on maximizing rental income and return on investment, focusing on short-term rentals and vacation properties.…
Cover art not mine!!I accept requests but NO SMUT SRYtell me if I make any of these mistakes: spelling errorbad grammarCapitalization error…
Just an artbook with my ocs, Fandoms im in, and other shoot…
Rating:Teen And Up AudiencesGraphic Depictions Of ViolenceCategories:F/FF/MM/MFandoms:Persona 5Persona | Revelations PersonaPersona SeriesMiraculous LadybugPersona 4Relationships:Kurusu Akira/Sakamoto RyujiPersona 5 Protagonist/Sakamoto RyujiAdrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | LadybugSuzui Shiho/Takamaki AnnCharacters:Kurusu AkiraPersona 5 ProtagonistSakamoto RyujiMorgana (Persona Series)Takamaki AnnKitagawa YusukeNiijima MakotoSakura FutabaOkumura HaruMarinette Dupain-Cheng | LadybugAdrien Agreste | Chat NoirAlya CésaireNino LahiffeLuka CouffaineSabine ChengTom DupainPhantom Thieves of HeartsGabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk MothLavenza (Persona Series)Igor (Persona Series)Suzui ShihoToudou NaoyaNanjo KeiNarukami YuDojima NanakoAdditional Tags:CrossoverPersona 5 SpoilersPost-Persona 5 Scramble | Persona 5 StrikersAdrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng FluffHot Mess Marinette Dupain-ChengMarinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a HugMetaverse (Persona 5)Persona 5 Protagonist is from InabaBisexual Persona 5 ProtagonistGymnast Persona 5 ProtagonistPersona 5 Protagonist Needs a HugPersona 5 Protagonist Has Bad ParentsPersona 5 Protagonist is a Little ShitPersona 5 Protagonist Has ADHDPost-Episode: s03 Miracle Queen (The Battle of the Miraculous Part 2)…
@jayoutgold liked your photo. @jayoutgold is now following you. started: 10/21/2017 STARRING: Bhebhe Woods (@bebewoods) Justin Gold (@jayoutgold)» I use a lot of photos from Tumblr, Pinterest, We Heart It etc. • B U T •when I need a photos of face, hair or tattoos I use Justin Bieber's photos for Justin Gold • A N D • I use Ariana Grande's or Hailey Baldwin's photos of tattoos as Bebe etc. « S O M E T I M E S But please don't imagine J.Gold as JB cuz this is NOT FanFiction. It's TEEN Fiction. Of course you can imagine Gold as someone you want, but please remember it's not FanFiction and Jay Gold is not Jay Bieber, it's only the same names. [shawtybubbles]…