Jojo's Bizarre Adventure RP

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure RP

20,900 367 151

╭─────────── • welcome ! this is a jojo's bizarre adventure rp book. · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · currently working on :: • book clean up • rewriting scenarios • lemon rp scenarios { pms only }─────────────────┊ ┊ ┊⋆。 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊┊ ⋆。 ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊⋆。┊ ༊*·˚┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊┊ ‧₊ ༉ ┊ ˚✩ ┊ ๑՞.┊ ₊˚.༄ ┊✩₊̣̇. ੈ♡˳✧.*ೃ༄…



24 0 1

Tony Stark recalls a New Years Eve party in 1999 where he meets scientist Maya Hansen, the inventor of Extremis, an experimental regenerative treatment intended to allow recovery from crippling injuries. Disabled scientist Aldrich Killian offers them a place in his company Advanced Idea Mechanics, but Stark rejects the offer, humiliating Killian. Years later, Stark's experiences during the alien invasion of New York are giving him panic attacks. Restless, he has built several dozen Iron Man suits, creating friction with his girlfriend Pepper Potts. Meanwhile, a string of bombings by a terrorist known only as the Mandarin has left intelligence agencies bewildered by a lack of forensic evidence. Stark's security chief Happy Hogan is badly injured in a Mandarin attack, causing Stark to issue a televised threat to the Mandarin, who responds by destroying Stark's home with helicopter gunships. Hansen, who came to warn Stark, survives the attack along with Potts. Stark escapes in an Iron Man suit, which his artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S. pilots to rural Tennessee, following a flight plan from Stark's investigation into the Mandarin. Stark's experimental armor lacks sufficient power to return to California, and the world believes him dead.Teaming with Harley, a precocious 10-year-old boy, Stark investigates the remains of a local explosion bearing the hallmarks of a Mandarin attack. He discovers the "bombings" were triggered by soldiers subjected to Extremis, which at this stage of development can cause certain subjects to explosively reject it. After veterans started exploding, these explosions were falsely attributed to a terrorist plot in order to cover up Extremis's flaws. Stark witnesses Extremis firsthand when Mandarin agents Brandt and Savin attack him. With Harley's help, Stark traces the Mandarin to Miami and infiltrates his headquarters using improvised weapons.…

Mental Illness Guide

Mental Illness Guide

42 1 1

ok so like this is a guide for making mentally ill characters by moemuroo/petitpandaprimarily targetted to the Hope's Peak Academy roleplay groupYou've finally made a character. After all of making his/her/their/whatever's physique, features, (freckles, etc.) hair colour, you just have one thing left. If you want to make them with anxiety/PTSD/etc. These guides are do and don't's for anyone who doesn't experience a disorder theirselves, or simply want a touch of realism. We'll first start with depression, as that's a commonly used one.Depression - Depression is a very serious issue, being tired and sluggish, and having a loss of interest in activites, usually following along with low self-esteem. Depressed persons usually think things over and over, such as self hate and guilt, Self-neglect too.out-of-order eating habits, oversleeping, and making rooms (in danganronpa, in this case, dorms,) a huge mess.OCD- OCD, other common one. The most known example of it are checking things over and over, obsessions, such as washing hands over and over, checking if the lights are on and flicking them, and only eating food if arranged in a certain order. OCD has different focusing obsessions, such as germs (handwashing, more common.) Neatness (complusive hair brushing/combing)PTSD- PTSD stems from an event, such as being in warfare (y'all are highschoolers.), rape, (oh god) and any assault-based trauma can cause PTSD more likely than witnessing, but however, it can still happen. Survivor's guilt is also common, feeling guilty being the only one alive. Flashbacks, avoidance of places that are reminders, being jumpy, depression and anxiety, and delusions. This is what I use after each chapter for my character.1. Disbelief2. Grief3. Fear4.Guilt5. Despair6. Acceptance (i choose suicide in Acceptance when messaged "wanna kill"…

School Hunger Games

School Hunger Games

247 27 6

Adam and Aspen. Twins. Senior year of high school. Everything is good until Mister Tamaki, a strange man, helps the principal set up some strange school games. School Hunger Games, to be exact.*****“The game is simple, but complicated. We have two bowls filled with everybody’s names. One for the girls and one for the boys. We will pull out twelve of each gender, giving us an assortment of twenty-four candidates. Those twenty four will have to survive in the school until twenty three are dead with one winner. The candidates have to kill the other candidates in order to win. There is a specific spot where there will be weapons of all kinds but you have to find those yourselves. You could always use a makeshift weapon on your own. The rest of the students will be outside of the fence that will be guarded 24/7 of guards with guns. Cameras have been installed everywhere in the school so that everyone may watch either from the projector outside or from the school website from home to see how the candidates are holding up. The games will go on for however long it takes for that one person to be the only person.” Mister Tamaki paused. The air was filled with the fear of all the students in shock. “The winner gets twenty-five million dollars."***The idea of The Hunger Games was not my idea. It was in fact Suzanne Collins idea. I just decided to twist her idea to make it a new one in which I am writing. All the characters were in fact created by me, but ideas such as the cornucopia, were not. That goes to Suzanne Collins.***…

Perfect Match: A Percabeth Soulmate AU

Perfect Match: A Percabeth Soulmate AU

115 4 2

Firstly, I would like to say that I am just making this for fun; a zero-pressure way to write my ideas down. Also, I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE ON THE COVER OR THE CHATACTERS! There are some OCs in this book but most/all of them are throwaway characters that are just there.In this AU, demigods do exist but there are no camps. Satyrs are sent to show demigods the basics and make them aware of themselves, but that is it. Kronos, Gaea, and no other big bads threatened the world.On your thirteenth birthday, the connection between you and your soulmate solidifies. You can feel their pain, they can feel yours. If you write on your arm, it appears on theirs. Physical bruises and cuts don't show up though, which makes it harder to find your soulmate but easier to hide their pain.Annabeth Chase is a daughter of Athena, whose main goal is to survive Goode High School. She wants to find her soulmate, a charismatic troublemaker with a soft side, as well but she knows virtually anything about him. Little does Annabeth know that there are many more demigods at Goode than she originally thought, and one more coming...Percy Jackson is a son of Poseidon. After being kicked out of Yancy Academy because of an Empousa attack, (stupid Kelli) he is forced to transfer to a school called Goode High School. He doesn't mind, he never liked Yancy anyway, but he hates that he'll be the "new kid" again. The only two reasons he is still sane are his mother and his soulmate. Though he doesn't know much about her, Percy can already tell that the mysterious book-loving girl he has been talking to since he was thirteen is the one for him.What will happen when Annabeth and Percy meet? Will they figure out that they are soulmates or live the rest of their life oblivious?There is cursing and subtle mentions of sex in this book.…

Here's To Survival

Here's To Survival

51 3 2

"You need to stop doing that." He said coldly as he stalked closer to me. "Doing what?" I know I should be afraid right now, considering I'm in the presence of a cold blooded killer, but all I felt was a burning in my core. He was dangerously close to me, his body heat radiated off of him and onto me. His right hand snaked around my waist while his right hand pressed against the broken down car behind me, I was caged in. Butterflies went crazy within me as he leaned down, his lips hover against my neck driving me internally insane. "Assuming I'll play the good guy just because you're the one asking me to." ☾ ☾Blake McKinley and her brother Hunter woke one Sunday night to their world lit up in flames. Their father "predicted" the apocalypse exactly three years prier to the very day, unfortunately due to Grand Theft Auto and Assaulting four police officers he'd been locked up for three years then another five for attempted escape. Blake and Hunter soon realize the Apocalypse is upon them as they remember the warnings their father gave numerous times, yelling to be prepared. Quickly Blake and Hunter travel to a city over filled with chaos and flames to visit their father, hopelessly seeking answers. As expected things aren't as easy as made out to be. Blake and Hunter cautiously allow a man who claims to know how to make it out alive. Will they? Will it be the deadly environment that takes their lives or will it be the man in their front seat?☾ ☾WARNING: This isn't a normal romance novel. There will be disturbing chapters that anyone under the age of 14 shouldn't read. This story contains sexual and violent content that may be offensive to some readers. If you're uncomfortable with darker themes, this may be the wrong story for you.…

Into The Unknown

Into The Unknown

19 0 1

It's the year 2901. It's been roughly 300 years since the last human left Earth - and for a very good reason. The planet has been destroyed almost completely by a large meteorite. The continental tiles have merged into a single, giant mainland, which has been named The Unknown by the new species inhabiting the planet. The climate of The Unknown is very.. Well, variable. In the very north there's -30 degrees Celsius and in the south nearly +40 degrees. In between those two there are marshlands, warm forests, jungles, even deserts. And then there is the one area most of the creatures live - a large lowland with very pleasing climate and strict seasons. Unfortunately not all of them can live here and that has caused conflicts between the species. Some of them are nearly extinct already while others are flourishing and taking over more land for themselves. The area of this mainland is quite small - the Eurasia has gone fully underwater, so have Australia and North America. AK is one of the few surviving humanoids in The Unknown. He's dedicated his life to protecting all the species of this new world just like his father did, and his father's father and father's father's father and so on. It's basically a job for him. Oh, and also, he has some serious anger issues. Wherever AK goes he has his loyal friend, Gerya, with him. Gerya is a two meters tall dragon-like creature, whom is probably immortal judging by their actions, stupid decisions and wide knowledge.In the Lowlands there is also AK's "brother from another mother", Frigtah. Frigtah belongs in the same species as AK.This is my very first book in English so no hate please! If you notice some major mistakes in my grammar etc please let me know, as I'm trying my best to improve my English.Feel free to share this story with your friends & all! Art related to the story will be in the upcoming captions.…

Crappy Poetry by me, for you

Crappy Poetry by me, for you

4,086 634 136

So this is just poetry from my journal and new ones that I come up with so there's no real rhythm to when more are added. I know they aren't that great but if you read one that you like please vote for it! Thanks :)…

Julie Rogers, The Pirate's Love Vengeance

Julie Rogers, The Pirate's Love Vengeance

40 2 12

Julie Rogers, a notorious pirate captain, is determined to find her long-lost sister. Her last clue leads her to search for her father, Captain Red Beard, who sold them into slavery as childrenHowever, everything takes a dramatic turn when, within an enemy vessel, Julie stumbles upon a beautiful man shackled in chains, on the verge of death. Upon encountering the young man, Julie noticed his strong physique, despite his frail appearance and multitude of wonds. With his fiery red eyes hidden beneath a curtain of long, dark hair, he was not an ordinary individual. Outwardly, he appeared to come from a noble lineage. Initially, Julie pondered executing him. However, as she looked into his vacant gaze, familiar to her own, she couldn't resist welcoming him into her crew.Named Aiden, the boy suffered from amnesia and swiftly acknowledged Julie as his savior and master.In due course, an unexpected love blossoms between the captain and the Aiden. Meanwhile, news of an imminent battle reaches Julie's ears, prompting her to protect Aiden by severing their connection and declaring him nothing more than a fleeting source of amusement.Convinced of Julie's betrayal, Aiden betrays her by selling her to the authorities, getting the marine highest position as reward while condemning her crew to a deadly encounter.Miraculously, Julie survives and assumes the identity of a noblewoman, the crown princess herself. Her objective: to penetrate the depths of Achanel's underground prison and finally confront her father, seeking her sister's whereabouts. Ultimately, Julie garners favor among the masses and ascends to the epitome of high society, captivating the heart of the crown prince. With love for her sister battling against a thirst for revenge, will Julie be able to make an unexpected choice?…

Fate of Two Hearts

Fate of Two Hearts

270 33 56

(I'm sorry to say this but this is not a fan-fiction. I made this story up, so please be patient with me. I'm writing as it comes to me. Plz don't steal it. T-T Finally finished making the cover And coloring it. And plz leave comments and votes. Thank you very much everyone! >_<)((Book One of The Fate Series))____________________A young assassin woman was summoned to another world to be its saver and last hope. She attained amazing abilities and powers. Travel to distant, fantastic lands and exotic cultures. Met and fight alongside incredible allies to stop the unspeakable evil. Losing companions along the way; hoping to find a way back to her own home world. That is...If she ever wants to go back to it in the end. The only hope the world has rests with a beautiful mermaid, a very loud prince, a clumsy guardian, a sassy demon-witch, a smartass dragon, a too ecstatic dwarf, and a elf-elemental who likes to set things on fire. *~*~*~*"Trust me, my good sir, we're good at surviving.""I never trust a survivor until I find out what they did to stay alive." "Well after all what doesn't kill us... Well, it's becoming a very long list for us really."*~*~*~*"Come and read this, Iâ." "You assume I can read hieroglyphics from the Calithils just because I am one?" "...... Well can you?" *Sigh* "Let me see it."…

The Life Engine

The Life Engine

128 2 58

The Life Engine - Rick BakerShe's a hurricane. He's a pariah. The world is in their hands. "THE LIFE ENGINE is a tremendous debut novel. The twists and turns were riveting... (I) couldn't put it down. Rick Baker is a hot new talent in the publishing world." - (Stephen Frey, New York Times Best Selling Author)Ian Wolfe is a man disgraced. The former Olympic decathlete went from cereal boxes to tabloids after a doping scandal, and he hopes a second career as a CIA officer can get him back in America's good graces. April Gentry is a woman on a mission. She's a world-renowned ethnobotanist, and she's made it her calling to fulfill her late father's legacy by bringing a life-altering medication from the Amazon to the general public.And though he is the last person on earth she wants to trust, when Gentry' is wrongly accused of hacking into a CIA satellite, Wolfe is the only person who's willing to fight to clear her name. There's just one catch: he'll have to defy the agency that gave him a second chance to do it.Pursued by every law enforcement agency in America, as well as a mysterious man who thinks he's one of the angels of the apocalypse, Wolfe and Gentry must race across two continents calling on ancient arts to advanced tech to survive. Failure won't just put them in danger. April's very life is in Wolfe's hands.The Life Engine is an ecological thriller that takes government action through a Da Vinci Code-like puzzle by way of the Amazon rainforest. "Witty, atmospheric, possessing uncommon depth." If you like fast-paced environmental suspense, thought-provoking plots, and breathless action, then you'll love Rick Baker's intrigue-laced debut novel. Buy The Life Engine to start the international adventure today!…

MaskedMew's My Life Book

MaskedMew's My Life Book

5,205 557 160

Created 2014. How long will this go on for?…



11,465 742 220

"Smile dear." "I can't. The corners of my mouth are sewn in a permanent frown"…

My Mental Health Journal prompts

My Mental Health Journal prompts

5,055 238 200

I decided to do something like this because my roommate Rachel is doing it and I thought it's a good idea. My parents will never understand this and only some of my closest friends know about it. Sometimes it's hard waking up everyday because something might happen. Some people don't understand when people struggle with depression or Anxiety. Some days I still struggle. I struggle with thoughts of cutting and or killing myself all the time. That is why I think this is a good idea. I'm going into my last semester at Salem State and I have so much to be thankful for.…