Najbolji prijatelji - kao roditelji

Najbolji prijatelji - kao roditelji

5,098 190 21

Nastavak priče o Eleni i Mihajlu, njihovoj ljubavi i životima. Naprotiv tome što ni jedno od njih ne želi da se ponovo vide sudbina ih nakon dve godine ponovo spaja. Ovoga puta njih dvoje su dve odrasle i zrele osobe koje imaju zajedničko dete, ali pitanje je da li će se tako i ponašati. Da li Mihajlo idalje lomi srca mnogim devojkama od kojih je jedna i sama Elena? Kako će se poneti sa time da je propustio prvu godinu života svoje ćerke zbog toga što je on to tako želeo? Da li će uspeti da bude dobar otac svojoj ćerki ili tu ulogu bolje obavlja neko drugi?…

SMG4: Of Keys and Ink; A Crystal Spletzer x Kingdom Hearts Story

SMG4: Of Keys and Ink; A Crystal Spletzer x Kingdom Hearts Story

470 6 10

You know the story of Crystal Spletzer really well. This one is a what if a certain Keyblade wielder gets involved in Crystal's life. How will this key unlock some different changes in different events.A.K.A, a take on the Crystal Spletzer stories with Sora ended up in the Mushroom Kingdom instead of Quadratum. There will be spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Melody of Memory.All characters are owned by their original owners.The Crystal Spletzer stories is made by Nathan Reid.…

bienvenidos a los juegos ululette y gecko

bienvenidos a los juegos ululette y gecko

374 18 10

dentros unos dias es el cumple da catboy y ululette y gecko le quieren compar el regalo que el quiere pero no tiene tanto dinero un dia ven a un hombre que les dise que pueden ganar un monton de dinero si ellos ganan en unos juegos…

Daniel's 1st Wattpad Direct

Daniel's 1st Wattpad Direct

85 0 5

This is a Nintendo Direct style story. This shows my current stories or even ones coming soon. Even if it includes some guests into the mix like I did last time when did that in a fan-made Death Battle.Boomstick: I'm surprised that your taking inspiration from the teaser that you included in back when pit to little girls until one of them is knocked out.Wiz: Agreed.Let's just work on this direct okay.Boomstick: It's time for a direct!…

Njegova malena je samo proslost

Njegova malena je samo proslost

357 6 7

Koralina je jedna mlada devojka koja misli da je pronasla ljubav u jednom decaku Karlos.Kad on bude pokazao svoje pravo lice ona ce izgubiti svu svoju zelju da jos uvek bude s njim.Ali zato njoj u zivot ulazi neki sarmantan decak pod imenom Feb,pa ljubomorne scenee mogu da pocnu.…

Momos Random

Momos Random

3,735 645 40

lo de arriba we :v…

El juego del calamar
Naabermaja mängur

Naabermaja mängur

17,548 2,366 52

Tark hea tüdruk ja liigagi populaarne mõneti paha poiss, kes oma kooli hierarhia redelil seisavad teineteisest samavõrd kaugel nagu Kuu ja Maa. Nad on kui märkamatu hall hiireke nurgas ja alati kõigile nähtav ning möirgav lõvi, keda imetletakse. Klassika, kas pole?Luke Henderson, ta on kooli kuumim tükk, iga tüdruku unistus ja iga korvpalli meeskonna staarmängur, kes on tõstetud jumala staatusesse. Kui Maa tiirleb ümber enda telje, siis Lukei puhul tiirlevad teljed ümber tema. Elena Meyer, see tüüpiline nohik, kelle peamine eesmärk on lõpetada kool heade tulemustega ning saada sisse parimasse ülikooli, et kindlustada oma tulevik hea diplomiga. Iga lapsevanema au ja uhkus. Neiu, kes on karmis teismeliste tüdrukute maailmas täiesti nähtamatu ja troonile tõusmiseks tuleb ohverdada paljuga, et jõuda hierarhia redeli tippu. Ometigi paljud üritavad, kuid vähesed jõuavad. Kui kahe noore teed juhuslikult ristuvad, viib see mänguni, mis võtab ettenägematu pöörde mitte ainult Lukei ja Elena jaoks, vaid mõjutab neid ümbritsevaid inimesi. Mäng, mis paneb nii mõnegi tegelase saatuse paika. NB! 16+! Käesolev sari sisaldab mittetsensuure keele kasutust, seksuaalseid teemasid, vägivalla stsenaariume, alkoholi tarvitamist.…

Death Battle!: Crystal Spletzer Vs Cream and Cheese (SMG4 What If Vs. SEGA)

Death Battle!: Crystal Spletzer Vs Cream and Cheese (SMG4 What If Vs. SEGA)

337 5 5

This a one-shot with some chapters that is a Death Battle. Just like a regular Death Battle, there will be some analysis, language, some pop culture references, and probably a few Deadpool cameos in some form.Deadpool: Did someone say Deadpool?I'm mentioning you, not calling you. This is like the Kingdom Hearts: Tari's Journey Journal on the prequel reveal all over again!! Now without further delays, here is the description.Description: An fan child of Meggy and Tari from a fan fiction, against an official Sonic character who is a good friend of Amy Rose and daughter of Vanilla. These two 6-year-old girls might have a play date that is more different than your usual one. Oh, looks like Cheese involved as well.This might end up with some chapters in some form, but it's still a one-shot.©️All properties belong to their original owners.©️Death Battle belongs to Rooster Teeth.©️Crystal Spletzer is a fan character made by Nathan Reid.…

Naabermaja mängur: mäng läbi

Naabermaja mängur: mäng läbi

2,576 351 10

Tark hea tüdruk ja liigagi populaarne mõneti paha poiss, kes oma kooli hierarhia redelil seisid teineteisest samavõrd kaugel nagu Kuu ja Maa. Nad on kui märkamatu hall hiireke nurgas ja alati kõigile nähtav ning möirgav lõvi, keda imetletakse. Klassika, kas pole?Luke Henderson, ta on kooli kuumim tükk, iga tüdruku unistus ja iga korvpalli meeskonna staarmängur, kes on tõstetud jumala staatusesse. Kui Maa tiirleb ümber enda telje, siis Lukei puhul tiirlevad teljed ümber tema. Elena Meyer, see tüüpiline nohik, kelle peamine eesmärk on lõpetada kool heade tulemustega ning saada sisse parimasse ülikooli, et kindlustada oma tulevik hea diplomiga. Iga lapsevanema au ja uhkus. Neiu, kes on karmis teismeliste tüdrukute maailmas täiesti nähtamatu ja troonile tõusmiseks tuleb ohverdada paljuga, et jõuda hierarhia redeli tippu. Ometigi paljud üritavad, kuid vähesed jõuavad. Lukei pakutud mäng Elenale on läbi, kuid selle tagajärgedega silmitsi seismine on kahel noorel alles ees. Kõik, mis vaevu jõudis alata, ei ole jõudnud lõpplahenduseni ning sellest mööda manööverdamine ei ole kummagil noorel hingel võimalik.…

kingdom hearts + smg4 crystal pletzer story

kingdom hearts + smg4 crystal pletzer story

725 9 18

so this was inspired by @DanielJuelfs and @PunmasterLV16. I hope you enjoy this, and I will include some of my oc's in this au, so don't judge me, okay…



122,852 4,338 56

This is a fictitious story of Michael Jackson's life after he finds his true love Jasmine Devereux in the year 1988. This novel will take you on an emotional journey that follows all the trials and tribulations they endure through the years. Even though this story is fiction, it follows a realistic timeline of events that happened in this renowned entertainer's life.…

Forget About Us || h.s

Forget About Us || h.s

15,185 500 21

Priča prati najbolje prijatelje iz detinjstva koji se zaljubljuju dok su još deca. Odlazak Harry'a iz Holmes Chapela slomiće srce njegove prijateljice Kath. Nakon njegovog odlaska Kath ostaje sama sa svojom sestrom Sarom. Harry'ev povratak rasplamtaće staru ljubav koju su osećali jedno prema drugom. Da li je ova ljubav nepobediva? Kath otkriva potresne stvari o svom poreklu. Na žalost Kath neće dugo živeti jer boluje od smrtonosne bolesti. Šta se dešava nakon njene smrti? Da li Harry može zaboraviti svoju pravu ljubav? Da li će zameniti Kath sa nekom drugom? Možda je to osba za koju se Kath najmanje nadala. Može li se Kath vratiti u život? Mnoga pitanja su ostala nerazjašnjena. Ako želite da saznate odgovor na ova pitanja zavirite u knjigu " Forget About Us "."Forget About Us" 2014 © year-of-silence…

Ove godine cveta zlato

Ove godine cveta zlato

854 103 5

Nova godina, nova prijateljstva, nova ljubav. Ideju za ovu kraktu priču mi je dala anonimna devojka preko aska tako da i ona zaslužuje da bude pomenuta. Najviše mesto 10. u Short Story…

You're My Infinity (Woody x Buzz)

You're My Infinity (Woody x Buzz)

26,652 664 10

It's been a year since they've last talked, and Woody's feelings towards Buzz have grown stronger. But will Woody's feelings be revealed to Buzz? Only time will tell.…

Moj najljepsi grijeh

Moj najljepsi grijeh

14,327 220 8

Njegovi prsti u mojoj kosi.Usne na vratu.Sekunda u kojoj moj zivot lici na san.Sekunda u kojoj sam jedina.Sekunda u kojoj sve prestaje.I kako obicno biva...Oduvek je jedna bila dovoljno grijehu da povjeruje da je najljepsi san...…

Kingdom Hearts: Tari's Journey (Journal Entries)

Kingdom Hearts: Tari's Journey (Journal Entries)

106 0 3

Welcome to the journal for what's going on for a fan fiction series which crosses over between both Kingdom Hearts and SMG4. I had to take inspiration from very rare Kingdom Hearts X SMG4/Glitch fan works both on fan art and fan fictions.Note: There will be some language in a typical SMG4 fashion.©️All properties belong to their original owners.…

Michael Jackson Imagines

Michael Jackson Imagines

18,189 182 10

Here are some imagines that include the sexy Michael Jackson. This imagines book include ten parts (very short for a moonwalker I know) but if I am free updates will always be on Thursday and Monday. Hope you guys like it.…

QNA, Discussions, Behind the Scenes, and More!

QNA, Discussions, Behind the Scenes, and More!

39 2 2

Hello there ladies and gentlemen of the Wattpad Audience! This is simply a place on where you can come listen to me on answering questions, having a lovely discussion about stuff that personally like, how I write my stories, and so much more including a few what if scenarios that even the Watcher from Marvel comics know well in his area of expertise.…

Espiral de la muerte [flujo infinito] [BL]

Espiral de la muerte [flujo infinito] [BL]

433 78 20

Moriré y volveré a morir para saber que la vida es inagotable.Rabindranath Tagore [pájaros callejeros].[Nth + 1 Event Log] Detectada la muerte de [Core Player].-> Restablecer mundoLos monstruos fantasmas se están reiniciando.... El mundo se está reiniciando ... Resucitando a todos los jugadores ... Aparte de [Core Player], todos los recuerdos de los demás jugadores se borran ... El medidor de relaciones se borra ...! Advertencia ! La memoria del [Player X] detectada todavía está parcialmente retenida.Reiniciando el reproductor de nuevo.! Advertencia ! La huella en la memoria de [Player X] es demasiado profunda para borrarla.Eliminando el reproductor.! Advertencia ! [Player X] es un personaje importante y no se puede eliminar.... ..Anula el error, restablece el mundo desde el principio.*** Después de completar el Nth + 1 tiempo de reinicio ***** La instancia se está reiniciando **! Advertencia ! [Player X] se ha puesto en contacto con [Core Player].! Advertencia ! Los sentimientos de [Player X] hacia [Core Player] han superado el umbral máximo.! Advertencia ! [Player X] y [Core Player] están comenzando acciones indescriptibles.! ¡Advertencia! El siguiente contenido no se puede mostrar de acuerdo con las reglas y regulaciones relevantes.꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷Traducción sin fines de lucro. Autor: Deep Sea Surgical Scalpel/Shen Hai Shou Shu DaoEnlace Raw: (apoye al autor comprando el libro aquí)Enlace NU: torturada shou x Gong cachorro lechoso. El gong ocasionalmente se ennegrece y se convierte en un sabueso rabioso.HE: Final Feliz…