chances (coming soon)

chances (coming soon)

111 1 2

At the age of fifteen Charlotte Davis ran away from home in England and ran to Chicago and changed her name to cally smith to get away from her life in England. She turned to a life of drugs and found Erin Lindsey at a party she went to to get more drugs from then on they were as thick as thieves. Voight took both girls in at the age of 16 and when Camille died both girls took it hard as did Justin and voight. Both girls got a good education and joined the police academy at the age of 18. Wanting better for their futures and they did they both became detectives until cally got recruited for the F.B.I. Cally then joined the BAU .And all was going well until they had to fly to Chicago for the murder of a 22 year old woman who was thought to be killed by a serial killer and its 3rd victim. And the case in Chicago struck close to home for cally as it was her best friend in high school who got murdered but for cally this case will reveal the truth that she wants to keep hidden. Whilst the BAU try to find out what is wrong with cally will she be able to keep all her secrets secret or will they all come crashing down like rain.…

Soltando A Mi Primer Amor

Soltando A Mi Primer Amor

12 0 1

El día de hoy te conocí, El día de hoy me enamore,Vi en ti ese detalle invisible a los ojos, que te hace fascinante.Yo simplemente no entiendo porque pero tu camino con el mío se ha cruzado, no entiendo que podrías estar haciendo en ese preciso momento en ese preciso lugar, cuando yo miré hacia el horizonte te encontrabas por alli paloteando, en el primer instante que te vi me pareciste un ser curioso, simpático, organizado y con aspecto de líder sensato, me pareciste callado y servicial, lo eres, pero a la vez me pareció que me gustaría conocerte, presentarme, cuando de un momento a otro dirigiste tu mirada hacia mi, yo solo pensé que debía estar muy desarreglada, que infantil, pude haberte sonreído, tú te acercaste un poco, me hubiera gustado hablarte ese día, ese día pudo haber comenzado todo un futuro,un nuevo curso de mi historia, al fin y al cabo eso no pasó así que el resto de la semana solo me preocupé de verme bien para ti , encontrarme contigo, aunque no habláramos, eso ha de ser porque desde el primer día de Que te vi me enamore..Solo quiero decirte que me encanta ese pequeño sazón de orgullo que llevas, quiero decirte que esas notas altas que mantienes durante todo el semestre me hacen entrar en un estado de demencia por ti, esa manera tuya que tienes de siempre ser tus directo con las personas, siempre ser tan puntual en todo lo que haces, eres bien hecho y eres quien eres, amo la manera en que te vistes, aunque la mayor parte del tiempo es con ese uniforme, por cierto quiero decirte que para mi tú siempre luces bien, tienes esa chispa, nata y brillante que he buscando en olas de personas y hoy sin tener que buscar desesperada, la encontré, en ti, porqué tú eres así simplemente perfecto desde la perspectiva que yo tengo.¿Quieres que te cuente más? Bien, comencé a investigarte, si..pero no en manera obsesionada, era más bien a impulso al que recurrí, fue mi manera de conocerte, ya que las palabras no me salían, n…

Under One Roof. (A crossover story)

Under One Roof. (A crossover story)

62 2 1

Lucifer Morningstar was on alert. Something was amiss in England. It all started with one letter. The conniving Devil just couldn't shy away. The incidents in England weren't just a coincidence either. Scotland Yard couldn't argue with the statistics of their consulting detective. Sherlock Holmes had to figure this out, it didn't help they brought in the FBI. This message addressed to him was the key to it all. Wasn't it? Though spontaneous and sly, the devil was indeed smart. Meeting two Americans who piqued his interest might become quite helpfully resourceful to him.Holmes having to be babysat in the backseat of his espionage was not pleased. But the letter his unlikely colleague received nerved him to much to complain. Also the fact his colleague seemed to envy the answers he was looking for too.Dogs see more what is believed to be there. This is especially true for hell hounds. His owner should have listened to the Angle and Devil by his shoulders. Was this all just a ploy? Just for the mastermind to get all he needed present? He could have kept it all civil, simple, and by the book or what is "normal"But none of them are by the book or "normal" are they?No.Somethings just need a push.…

Hits Different - D.Morgan [ON HOLD]

Hits Different - D.Morgan [ON HOLD]

1,415 83 2

Olivia Grey had always considered herself to be intelligent. How could she not? She had skipped eighth grade to join her elder sister in her class, always got straight A's and with a mother like Ellis Grey anything less was considered a disappointment. As soon as she had finished college she joined the FBI Academy and moved quickly through the ranks. Next thing she knew she was working on the BAU alongside some of the best in their fields.It felt like she had found another family and maybe a new lover too.At least that's what she thought until a bright light consumed her while she was at the office alongside her team. Suddenly it seemed like Olivia knew nothing at all. She wasn't even a Grey.DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN CRIMINAL MINDS, GREYS ANATOMY OR HARRY POTTER NOR DO I OWN THEIR PLOTS AS MUCH AS I WISH I DID. I ONLY OWN OLIVIA AND ANY OTHER OC'S I ADD AS WELL AS THEIR PLOTS AND THE PLOT TWISTS I CREATE IN THE SERIES.…

The serial killer daughter

The serial killer daughter

134 2 1

Willa Petrova-Bennett was a child, when her father killed 50 women over the course of 10 years. His nickname suggests their deaths were very brutal and bloody. He was extremely protective of his daughter and was terrified of letting her out of the house because he knew there were more men like him outside. He tried very hard to be a good father and would give her all the the things she wanted, though he refused to have any pets and technology in the house because he knew he couldn't control his homicidal urges around pets and because technology was mostly not a good habit for kids.In the end, he was arrested by Gideon, Rossi and Hotch. He would later say it was the best day of his life as it meant he no longer had to hide and wouldn't hurt anyone else. Because of that statement, it is possible that his killings, or at least a portion of it, were acted out of compulsion. He is currently in prison, since North Carolina doesn't have capital punishment, and is very likely serving a life sentence with no possibility of parole. He sometimes writes to Willa and she writes back to him because his her father and she love him no matter what since he practically raise her and was the best father any girl could ask for though she change last name to her mothers maiden name.…

A Maldição de Baltazar

A Maldição de Baltazar

15 1 1

Ágata Cyrino e Scott Reidel são pessoas peculiares inseridas em um mundo no qual não parecem pertencer. Em meio a humanos comuns, ela pode controlar o fogo e ele sentir de longe a presença de criaturas que supostamente não deveriam estar entre os vivos. A dupla se conhece quando um espírito vaga pela escola da cidade de Grande Oliveira e percebem serem os únicos capazes de interagir com este. Cada um dos jovens traz consigo um passado misterioso com o oculto e um futuro cheio de desafios. Suas trajetórias estão alinhadas à de uma lenda a muito esquecida pelo mundo, a de um monstro alado sedento por sangue, fruto de um pacto que o fez perder sua humanidade. A lenda é real, e por detrás de seus planos sua prioridade é eliminar sua última descendente: Ágata Cyrino.Tendo suas famílias e amigos em perigo, Ágata e Scott se veem interligados em uma batalha muito maior do que jamais pensaram ter de enfrentar. Em um último golpe desesperado, a dupla parte em exploração por um véu que liga o mundo humano a um outro inexplorado repleto de criaturas mágicas, na intenção de enfim derrotar o milenar assassino imortal.…

Il Killer di Biancaneve - Criminal Minds

Il Killer di Biancaneve - Criminal Minds

167 8 2

[Dal capitolo 1: Assenza presente o presenza assente?] Cacciò un piccolo gridolino aggrappandosi ai propri capelli: cominciava a vedere sfocato e per un attino le parve di non essere più in quella camera di albergo. Respirava a fatica, e se chiudeva gli occhi le sembrava che tutto attorno a lei stesse girando, sebbene non riuscisse a vedere proprio nulla. Poi, improvvisamente, un flash la colpì con una tale violenza da farla sobbalzare tra le braccia dell'agente speciale della FBI. Durò pochissime frazioni di secondo che, tuttavia, le parvero una eternità. Inesorabilmente, con il cuore in gola e il fiato sospeso, Daphne Collins rivide tutto: la casa era stata messa a soqquadro; sua madre era stesa a terra, immobile e rigida sul pavimento bagnato del suo stesso sangue, mentre un'ombra scura torreggiava immensa sopra di lei. Qualcosa le aveva colpito un piede, e quando ebbe il coraggio di guardare mise bene a fuoco, e distinse nitidamente una mela, rossa e lucida, segnata da un piccolo morso.…

Original Character Shorts

Original Character Shorts

101 2 3

A compilations of one shots for my original characters and your favorite cannon characters from all fandoms.…

Living In Risks

Living In Risks

448 12 20

One day 26 year old Rosemary S. Martinez, former FBI agent in Las Vegas, Nevada, has been transferred to Quantico, Virginia for a job as a profiler. Little does she know that, taking this job will involved her life and others for the better or worse. -----------------------------------------------------------------This was made for @emily15minecraftTo make her laugh and fangirl over this. Hope you enjoy this Emily!This was also made for favorite character (Spencer Reid), so that he could find the love of his life.-----------------------------------------------------------------I don't own any of these characters but, Rosemary Scarlett Martinez.Sorry if I don't update as much, schoolAnd sorry if it's a bad, working on my writing skills :)--------------------------edit -12-23-18ight so i wrote this story back when i was like 11 💀 my best friend really wants to read it, so im posting it again. das it. sis bye.cringy happy holidays <3…

Stone Wall

Stone Wall

46 2 2

Natalia has never been normal I mean with an IQ of 193 who would? Graduating high school at the age of 12 and college at the age of 19 with no friends, PTSD from childhood trauma, and a stone wall built around her emotions. After turning down offers from the higher ups of the FBI for years she's finally excepted there offer of working for them. Where? Just her luck to be assigned to the BAU with people trained to read emotions. Will they be able to read hers?Aaron Hotchner Unit Chief of the BAU. After his wife Haley was murdered leaving Hotchner a single dad to their son Jack, he's given up on the thought of love or relationship again. Throwing himself into his work and taking care of his son Jack he's closed himself off to everyone. What if he meets his match?Yes this is a Criminal Minds fan fiction, I don't know how good this book will be and I apologize if you dont like the book. I'm writing this off an idea I had while watching Criminal Minds. I will not have an updating schedule I will write when I get an idea for it I'm not sure exactly what the plot is just yet I'm just trying to see where it goes.…

Criminal Minds FanFiction: Revenge

Criminal Minds FanFiction: Revenge

25 2 1

Emily Prentiss has finally settled into a rhythm after returning back to the BAU. Ian Doyle is dead, and her teammates have made peace with the fact that she's alive. But even though the only thing she physically has as a reminder of her fight is scars, she still suffers through nightmares that plague her in her sleep. Derek Morgan watched one of his best friends die in his arms- at least, he thought he did. It was a miracle when he watched Prentiss walk into the BAU months ago, but he still can't erase the memories of her "death" from his mind. But when the BAU is called out to Olympia, Washington, the entire team is faced with one of the most challenging cases they've faced. Every lead turns into a dead end, and worse turns to worst when two members of the team are taken captive by one of the most dangerous killers the team has hunted. As the two captive agents fight for survival, their teammates must take drastic measures to solve this case before more innocent people die. With help from an unexpected outside source, can the BAU rescue their teammates and solve one of their toughest cases yet before it's too late? Notes:I do not own ANYTHING in the Criminal Minds world! This is my first CM FanFic, hope you enjoy!…

Random Imagines

Random Imagines

33 0 4

This is a book of imagine about many films or TV shows I watched so far it will include characters and stories from: Criminal Minds, the MCU, TVDU. Some stories will follow the plot more strictly than others and some can be completely non-related but hopefully fun to read. There will be various imagines that may or not follow the plot of CM. including many characters up to season 8 (as that is where I am in the series, so plz no spoilers). It terms of TVDU it will focus on TVD and TO as I haven't yet seen legacies (lmk if you think it's worth it). As for the MCU anything and everything based on the films. If there are any ideas you have feel free to share your thoughts and I'll see what I can do. Again this can involve any characters and doesn't have to follow the plot as Y/N is the main character *wink*DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters of the plots however what i write iis my own as it the main character Y/N…



1,448 365 114

Idk ok....just randomness…

The Camaraderie

The Camaraderie

143 0 50

Hannah is approached by three threatening men whilst heading home from martial arts practice. Convinced they intend to attack her, she takes them down with ease, but then moments later finds herself accused of assaulting undercover police officers and tasered for failing to drop her weapon. She wakes up in a very different world: the language spoken is foreign, her real name is unrecognized, and even her body has changed. She soon learns she has been living for months in complete oblivion, a captive at the Camaraderie in Hellyn, which turns out to be a very long way from home. The Camaraderie feels like a prison even though the staff call it a training school, and her fellow inmates insist they are thrilled to be there and desire no other life. They say they are the chosen ones training to serve Hellyn and there is nowhere else they’d rather be; even the deliciously attractive Adam laughs at her when she insists she has been kidnapped. Their Camaraderie captors play a cruel game of manipulation to ensure inmate compliance and obedience and they target not just the rebellious ones, but also the most beautiful amongst them. The internees might have more desire for freedom and less passion for their studies and following the rules if they had any recollection of life before the Camaraderie, or if they knew what fate awaited them come graduation day, but they are carefully kept ignorant of both their prior lives and the world beyond the Camaraderie walls. Hannah has her suspicions that Hellyn is a violent, backwards and misogynistic country; a place that is unforgiving of untamed, free-thinking Camaraderie trainees like her, and she wants no part of it. She must leave before she becomes a lost cause just like her friends, destined to spend the rest of her life either in oblivion or dying in someone else’s war.The story unfolds through the eyes of three characters: Hannah and Adam, both trapped in the Camaraderie, and Arras, a graduate of the Camaraderie.…

The Collection

The Collection

189 1 5

A Collection of short stories written by me, about various things, for you. ¡All characters are not mine, unless stated otherwise!…



6 0 1

El reencuentro de Mar y Mage, que rompieron hace años se produce por una vendetta.Durante los años que han estado separados ha estado con otra mujer más mayor que él, casi de la edad de su madre, con la que ha mantenido una relación madura y le ha hecho crecer y evolucionar, durante años ha creído que la mujer que más ha amado, y con quien descubrió la pasión y el BDSM se había marchado a vivir a otro país, cuando en realidad vive apenas a unos kilómetros de él, con otro hombre.Ella en esa relación vive muy a disgusto, su pareja es un hombre que no es nada fácil, se ve despreciada, humillada y tiene claro que tiene que salir de esa rueda de ratón tras tres años de relación, pero no encuentra la forma de hacerlo.La economía, los amigos, el entorno social, la familia... son muchos los motivos por los que se va poniendo fechas límite para dejar a una pareja que es un paleto, que le es infiel con su ex a la que no reconoce.Josema es adicto al juego, a su ex, a la prostitución, al porno, consumía cocaína y mientras estuvo casado pasaba fines de semana sin aparecer por casa estando de fiesta de prostíbulo en prostíbulo, temas que ahora niega categóricamente, pero todo esto es algo que ella irá descubriendo mientras lucha con su familia y con la familia política también para que entiendan la delicada situación en la que él está.Entonces un viernes trece, coincidiendo con el aniversario en el que hubiera cumplido seis años Mar y ella su teléfono suena y casi cree morir cuando oye la voz del único hombre al que ha amado en su vida.Cada semana, podrás leer un poquito mas de esta intrincada historia de un dodecaedro amoroso (un triángulo iba a ser muy fácil) en el que los personajes despertarán toda tu simpatía o toda tu animadversión, te identificarás con sus sentimientos, con la ira, el amor, los celos, el deseo, la sensación de abandono, las ganas de volver a empezar…