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Hello, welcome to my collection of Halloween-stories! Please read this description before starting, thank you!1. I will only update this story (meaning adding more small stories) in the week around Halloween, until the first Sunday after the 31.10.2. The stories have a ranking on my ScareScale (ScareS), in the first chapter you'll find the ranking and short examples of what you can expect, when this and that ScareS-point is in the title. Please don't go over your limit - and please keep in mind, that I might rate those stories a little too soft, or too hard.3. Some stories will be divided in two or more parts for suspense reasons, some might even have a Bonus-part, if I had some imagination left :). For all parts goes the same ScareS-point, to be on the safe side.4. Each story has a real title, that will be at the end of the last part (minus the Bonus-part, if there is one), to not reveal anything. In the titles will be the ScareS-point and (if appearing) the pairing(s). If there are more than one, the first placed couple will be more dominant, than the next and so on. The amount of how the pairings appear is varying. 5. The stories will most likely all play in the Sonic-Universe, shouldn't it be so, then I'll write it in the title. The tags will be adjusted to that in time, too.6. Have fun now and Happy Halloween!…