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Being a murderer isn't a choice. It's a lifestyle, it's something you rely on. Whether you need it for money, for fulfillment, for revenge or just for that little thrill that goes through every body when someone else's body is lifeless on the floor. You make a name for yourself, you join an underground, you become part of the team.Unless the mistress doesn't like you. Then you're dead, and it's your own talent that did it.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The gods don't really know they're gods. They've figured it out by now, of course, but it took a very, very long while- and most of them still don't know what they're meant to be. Most of them don't have names. Some of them know their purpose. But not a lot.They were blessed with the ability to come down here, to find themselves and their way in this world where they can finally see, where sun can beat on their back and where they can see themselves for what they are, finally.Such a shame they'll die before they get the chance.---------------------------------------------------------------------------A.N: (this is gonna be a long one-) Hi guys! So sorry i wasnt posting, im still interested in Gravity Falls shit but my hyperfixation has gone :((( This is a complete original and i still have awesome art I've made of the characters in this for you! Right now my phones getting repaired lol so first few chapters actually won't have art (NOOOO) but hey guys loving you okay <3I hope you guys are doing awesome, this has been on my mind for a while, original idea for one of the chars actually coming from My Alcoholic Friends from The Dresden Dolls, go listen to that and think of Fighter! Also will be posting another original that's been in progress for a LONG while for you real soon! cya!Chaos out!!!…