Hungry bois part 5

Hungry bois part 5

53 1 1

Yo guys, I'm sorry I didn't make part 5 yet- here it is :D…

Four not so good heros vs the city

Four not so good heros vs the city

83 5 3

As they herd that there so much crime but not enough to stop it Mario, Meggy, smg4 and smg3 decided to become heroes to stop it but their heroic actions on the city Welcome started to wear off This is slightly inspired by the episode mighty morphin' Mario rangersStory will contain some swearsArt by me…

A smg4 story:two hungry bois

A smg4 story:two hungry bois

388 1 3

Ever wonder what happens after the daily Saturday episode?…

Random Stuff For My Oc
Love story - A(n SMG34 story) PuzzleVision Original {English}

Love story - A(n SMG34 story) PuzzleVision Original {English}

75 2 1

In Puzzle vision highschool everything looks fine...Two of our most loved characters will notice 2 things, their feelings between eachother and.... That this highschool is not what it seems....________Spanish version and art coming soon!!…

All problems gone -smg4

All problems gone -smg4

249 12 3

Smg4 may have stopped being insane for Trying to make everything perfect but he still hasn't stopped thinking about making the world perfect and getting rid of all the problems to make his fans happy, smg4 goes out for a walk and he bumps into a certain tv guy.…

Possessed Star Trio au shenanigans(SMG4 AU)

Possessed Star Trio au shenanigans(SMG4 AU)

412 7 4

woah I made an au again,,, oops (violent smg4 hyperfixaton go brr)(Cover by me!!)chapter 1 is explaining this au/book :DMain Characters!!: Smg4Smg3MarioTV Adware (the ad from the IGBP movie!)(Oh yea btw mario x Meggy shippers do not read)…

♢♧♤ 𝚂𝙼𝙶𝟹𝟽'𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ♤♧♢

♢♧♤ 𝚂𝙼𝙶𝟹𝟽'𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ♤♧♢

56 4 1

Far in the future, LONG after the Mushroom Kingdom's existence failed, the 20th generation of Meme Guardians appeared. This time, it's in Hyrule...(YES THIS IS A CRINGY OC STORY BUT I'M A TEENAGER SO I'M ALLOWED TO BE CRINGE-)(The storyline gets kinda weird and completely derails at one point too)(That was completely intentional I assure you I was dared to fuck up my sona's lore as much as possible lmao)…

Art (Separate thing from RGAS)

Art (Separate thing from RGAS)

34 3 1

I post art here :D…

Oc info

Oc info

12 3 2

Inspired by @XxGlitchMaker2xXWell, I have nothing to say. This is an info book of my Ocs.…

The confusing love of a star

The confusing love of a star

81 3 1

when SMG4 surprises the mushroom kingdom with a performance from his new joke idol group Twilight, he doesn't expect Mario to kiss him right after their first song!in the aftermath, Mario's been awfully clingy, and SMG3 has been purposefully avoiding him, even during Twilights' concerts. SMG4 just wants to know what's going on, but he might break some hearts in the process.…

Shadow Vision

Shadow Vision

627 42 2

A year has passed since PuzzleVision, a year since the crew took back their lives. Anger grew as he recovered and watched the crew move on with their lives, while he lost everything. Weak he explores the remains of Peach's castle to get an idea, anything that can help him with his plans of revenge. That's when he found it, two locks of hair from the very guardians that defeated him. A new plan was born that day and its name is Shadow Vision.…



697 21 3

Based off of a fucking roleplay 😭What if SMG4 died during the events of It's Gotta Be Perfect?After SMG4 died in the rubble of Peach's Castle, SMG3 can't help but blame himself for the whole tragedy. After all, it was him who told 4 about quality over quantity, and it was him who didn't notice 4 got pulled back into the castle. When SMG3 meets a mysterious figure he's given a choice that gives him the chance to make things right.WARNING THIS BOOK CONTAINS...Panic attacksMentions of child neglect and abuseNightmaresGraphic descriptionsSwearingHIGHEST RANKINGS:#3 smg4au - October 9, 2023#4 smg4fanfiction - October 10, 2023#8 smg4xsmg3 - October 10, 2023#2 smg43 - October 23, 2023…

He's a Prince, and I'm an Ogre

He's a Prince, and I'm an Ogre

952 46 2

A grumpy Ogre named Three goes on a journey to save a prince from a fire-breathing dragon. He doesn't go alone though. His most talkative and most annoying company is a big round donkey witha. big mustache.-an SMG4 Shrek au-…

★falling for a rockstar★

★falling for a rockstar★

68 1 1

(Unfinished)(COVER BY ME)smg3 has wanted to go to his favorite Rockstar concerts since forever. When he saw they were playing near him, he had to buy tickets, so he did and got a front row seat. Sure, it was expensive, but still It the famous rock star bluesky.(couldn't think of a good name 😭) How could he not waste money on him, but he might get a lot more than a show from him...…

Video Gone Wrong // An SMG4 Story

Video Gone Wrong // An SMG4 Story

1,486 54 4

((This is a Murder Drones Au, by the way!))Today was the week SMG4 records a video for his fans! But there's just one issue: he doesn't know what to record. He decides to go take a walk in hopes of finding something interesting to record. Suddenly, he stumbles across an abandoned building that was most definitely not meant to be entered. What did SMG4 do? He went to go record a video there, of course! Though, the events that occur afterward will lead to much more than making a YouTube video...----Cover made by me. This will probably have some mild language (aka swearing). Smg34 doesn't really start happening until later on in the story and will only stay as a mutual feelings(?) situation. It's also been a long time since I've written a proper story instead of drabbles/oneshots, so I apologize if this is bad or anything

SMG3's great secret

SMG3's great secret

23 1 3

Basically a SMG34 fanfic story, also there may be NSFW (If I even can add that..) because I'm so goofy rn (Made this at like 11:39 PM) also it's like a romance and humour story basically hope you enjoy 😎…