Of Fond Memories [Skyrim and WoW one shots] (Requests Closed)

Of Fond Memories [Skyrim and WoW one shots] (Requests Closed)

128,995 2,208 52

[Various x Reader] "Skyrim and Warcraft, both are a world of strife and ripped apart by war. There is little to no room for true love... or is it?". These are one shot romance stories from these two games, I saw these stuff are pretty low count in my opinion so I decided to make one.…

Kartą, seniai seniai

Kartą, seniai seniai

22,495 2,659 35

Tai ne pasaka, kurioje gyvena princesės, įkalintos užburtuose bokštuose, ir princai, siekiantys jas išvaduoti. Esu tik aš. Ir raganos, kurias aš medžioju...Tylus, amžinai rūke skendintis Dūmoro miestelis, pagarsėjęs kaip gausiausia raganų buvimo vieta. Raganų deginimas, vaikų ir vyrų pagrobimai bei negyvos jaunos mergelės be širdžių - tai vietinių gyventojų nebestebina. Taip jaučiasi ir Emerė, mergina, kuri apsimeta vaikinu, kad galėtų medžioti raganas. Tačiau nors ir Emerei toks gyvenimo būdas visai ir netrukdo, dažnai jos galvoje aidi vienas klausimas. Ką tokio slepia jos praeitis?…

Skyrim X OC One shots and lemons

Skyrim X OC One shots and lemons

194,431 263 6

i have always loved skyrim and soooo.....…

Azalia // Skyrim Fanfiction

Azalia // Skyrim Fanfiction

27,555 1,133 19

• Completed Skyrim fanfiction•Azalia is the sarcastic, fiery and unknowing daughter of two Daedric Princes.When she finds herself in Riften sitting across from a red-haired man who critiques her thievery, Azalia is drawn into the life of outlaws, finding kindred spirits in a band of thieves. Top Ranking: #3 in Skyrim~•~Beware: This story contains a love square and a few ~mature~ scenes.~I do not follow the Thieves Guild story line~Disclaimer: I own none of the origional characters or settings of Skyrim but the storyline and a few characters are of my own creation.…

One-Shots // Skyrim

One-Shots // Skyrim

9,130 101 6

Some one-shot stories for the Elder Scrolls : Skyrim.…

Arch-Mage (Arch-Mage Trilogy, #1)

Arch-Mage (Arch-Mage Trilogy, #1)

71,782 179 2

*A tale set in the world of Skyrim**The first in the Arch-Mage Trilogy*The Dragonborn has disappeared. Alduin has yet to be destroyed.Rowlen Mabierre, a Breton, joins the College of Winterhold in the hopes of becoming powerful enough to do what the Dragonborn did not. However, his ultimate goal is tossed aside when he and his classmate discover something hidden deep within Mzulft.Meanwhile, the Arch-Mage of the College embarks on a journey across Skyrim....Disclaimer: I do not own any of the media images used in this story. The plotline and characters mentioned in this story belong to the author. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a copyright of Bethesda Game Studios. Mature content: Profanity and violence, sexual themes. Reader discretion advised.…

Blood of Requiem (Song of Dragons, Book 1)

Blood of Requiem (Song of Dragons, Book 1)

1,126,983 34,877 50

Long ago stood the kingdom of Requiem, a land of men who could grow wings and scales, breathe fire, and take flight as dragons. Requiem ruled the sky.But Dies Irae, a tyrant leading an army of griffins, hunted Requiem's people, burned their forests, and shattered their temples. Requiem fell. This ancient land now lies in ruin, its halls crumbled, its cries silenced, its skeletons littering the burned earth.In the wilderness, a scattering of survivors lives in hiding. The griffins still hunt them, and every day promises death. Will Requiem's last children perish in exile... or once more become dragons and fly to war?…

Birth of a Dragon: A Skyrim Tale

Birth of a Dragon: A Skyrim Tale

240 15 11

A Redguard man and son travel to Skyrim for his annual trade route. Once they were leaving the town of Riften, they were approached by men in masks and orange robes. They told him that the boy had to be killed for he was an abomination. In an attempt to save his son, the father is killed. Leaving the boy alone in a foreign land now plagued by dragons.…

Realm of Games #1: Skyrim

Realm of Games #1: Skyrim

1,939 23 36

An avid Skyrim player wakes up to find she and her loved ones have been isekai'd to the world of Skyrim in Tamriel. Can they learn to be content in their new bodies? Will they find a way back or will Skyrim call them to stay?…

DxD Gamer Book 2

DxD Gamer Book 2

95,776 2,747 27

A continuation of the previous book.…

Skyrim Guide

Skyrim Guide

4,017 46 14

A Guide for Skyrim…

Hermitcraft s9 one shots

Hermitcraft s9 one shots

9,824 434 33

Here is a place to dump whatever the heck I write this season- This will have ships, MINESONAS ONLY! This isn't strictly HC, I might occasionally write about other SMPs…

hermaeus's desire

hermaeus's desire

528 13 1

hermaeus mora sex fic. that's literally it.…

Blue Moon // Brynjolf // Complete

Blue Moon // Brynjolf // Complete

1,190 75 12

Brynjolf fanfic based on my dr so I can better connect :))-amazing cover by: @IndigoKnight_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~started ~ 7/18/21finished ~ 8/14/21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#2 - brynjolf - 5/6/22…

Skyrim : book 1 - the dragonborn found (continues in my next book)

Skyrim : book 1 - the dragonborn found (continues in my next book)

21,182 383 14

My skyrim books series (or the first one) its a selana x male reader but our vampire will only appear in my fourth or third book…

[SKYRIM]: The Name of Time - Miraak & Female Dragonborn Fanfiction

[SKYRIM]: The Name of Time - Miraak & Female Dragonborn Fanfiction

41,824 1,453 54

The story began when the former mighty Dragon Priest as well as the first Dragonborn, Miraak, was kidnapped by the last Dovahkiin he sought to kill. With their hands on each other's throat, both Dovahkiin ventured toward a path they never thought they could take.…

[Book 1] Skyrim: There's Something About You, Lass (EDITING)

[Book 1] Skyrim: There's Something About You, Lass (EDITING)

116,728 3,167 15

{Reader Insert: Reader x Brynjolf}{Sequel: Hell of a Life (Being re-written)}You hear the gossip of the Thieves Guild, and are curious as to why it has recieved such word. Just before you make yourself run through the Ratways, you stop at Honeyside -- your home for years. When a red headed man stops you, you soon realize he is from the infamous Thieves Guild. He, alone, gives you quite the time to remember -- with a little romantic twist on the side.[DISCLAIMER INSIDE]…

Hunter the vampire layer

Hunter the vampire layer

202 1 5

A beautiful love story between a nord and a sexy vampire…

A Life In The World Of SKYRIM, Book I

A Life In The World Of SKYRIM, Book I

42,821 1,097 24

In ancient times, where the caves were full of beasts, people hunted you in the woods, and you struggled to survive, there were many stories of great hero's and how they slayed great beasts. One man never believed many of them, until one day, his life would be one of the greatest stories of them all. Will he save Skyrim from the threat that is looming over it, or will he send Skyrim into eternal darkness? The fate of Skyrim and it's people rests on one man's shoulders, the choice is his, and the power is in his voice.…

Dragonborn in SAO (Reader x Harem) Book 1

Dragonborn in SAO (Reader x Harem) Book 1

10,203 141 11

You, the Dragonborn, enters the world of SAO. I do not own Sword Art Online or Skyrim.…