Donatello and April one shot stories
Donatello and April one shots…
Donatello and April one shots…
Not satisfied.…
Donatello has had feelings for April for as long as he could remember however he finally understands how she feels about him after he has a similar encounter with Bigfoot now Donnie feels like things may never be the same between him and April all because of what he did.…
Tmnt brotherly love one shots.…
Hi I'm EnderGirlPlaysMc and I've decided to do this from all the other amazing fan fictions I read! And I will be playing Ander, yes she is based off of the enderman from the mob talker mod, but its the best name that suits her. So here's some info about AnderName: Ander Ellis Clothes: Enderman Hat, Headset with purple in the center of the ears, black skirt, long black socks, and black high topsAge: 17Hair Color: Brunette Hair with purple high lightsEye Color: PurpleHair style: Long, straight, mostly let looseSibling(s): Twin Brother Named Tyler Ellis aka Ty or DeadloxTelepathy?: YesRace: Half Enderman|Ender DragonPowers: Can teleport and flyCrush: Harvey aka SetosorcererBff: Katzy Grey.YouTube name: EnderGirlPlaysMCExtra: Is also a sorcerer…
How will he feel when he finds out that his brothers are gone? Leaving him to be the only Turtle brother left.…
Leonardo makes a terrible mistake and his brothers are paying the price for his mistake.…
In the blink of an eye everything Leo ever cared about was gone.…
A Fanfiction based story about Stampy and Sqaishey's love( all images used in this book aren't mine and I respect the owners of the pictures and will not say there mine)…
A warriors fanfic…
Seto is known on YouTube as SetoSorcerer and has a large group of friends, known as Team Crafted. However, they have never met him and he has never told them his name. When he moves to a new town at the start of his freshmen year, he meets a girl from his past, named Panda, who 'introduces' him to the team! He doesn't necessarily want them to know it's him, but how long will it be until his secret's out?(I do not own any of the characters in this book, except for myself! I OWN MY LIFE!!!!! 8D )…
Interested in some constructive criticism? Want to know what awards I've judged? This is the place where I'm keeping track of informal feedback requests, detailed scoring for awards, full book reviews, and anything else of that nature. If you're interested in getting some feedback from me, read on.*****Credits:Banners at the end of each chapter created by @WakeWriteWrath. Thank you so much!…
Hey guys ender here and I am doing this as a thank you to my best friend for giving me this amazing idea! And here's some information about the main character Alex. Full Name: Alexandra Dahlburg Age:17Hair Color: Brown with 2 inches of blonde at the end and purple streaksCrush: Mitchell Hughes Bff: Jocelyn SummersNationality: CanadianClothes: mostly Minecraft tank tops, blue jeans or Jean shorts, brown boots, nerd glasses, and a purple and black beaniePersonality: Loud, Quirky , Fun, Tomboy, Nice, FunnyRace: Powerful Sorceress YouTube Name: EnderSorceress Hair Style: Straight, long, mostly let loose…
Ross has been through many heartbreaks, and eventually just shut down all emotions so he wouldn't feel it anymore. He only really cares for his three younger brothers and sick mother he has to take care of, but work and money are scares, so he must steal for it. When Ross is caught trying to steal from the royal castle, he's put into slavery and on the market. He's bought by a mysterious man in a cloak. Turns out it's the king himself, Max Mithzan! Ross isn't fazed by this. Though, he is surprised as the supposedly ruthless king, turns out to be just a poor, lonely soul with anger issues. Will Ross keep up his emptiness despite the obvious feelings shared, or will he finally lower his guard and learn to love again?Disclaimer!!!: I own none of the things used in this unless said otherwise. Thanks!Warning!!!: Y'know what? I think I'm gonna steer away from the things I usually warn about. Even so, I have no idea what I'll write, so don't read if you're easily depressed or offended. <3…
Ross was always a very observant kid. He noticed the small details that even the people trained to do so couldn't. He knew people's pain, wether he'd ever felt anything remotely close to it or not didn't matter. He saw right through them.Max was an exception to this. Ross knew for a fact there was more to the feisty redhead than anger, hate, and a cold demeanor, but unlike everyone else, he couldn't tell what. Everyone else's mask's were practically see through to Ross, but not this one. It was rock solid.This was a problem, as he'd never come across someone like this. It was a tricky puzzle, one that didn't have enough pieces to make anything. He needed to know what was behind those walls. He wouldn't be able to stand not knowing. So join him, as he tries to figure out this complicated rubix cube of a person, and as he finds things that were never meant to be there, enjoying them far more than he thinks he should.Will you roll the dice, and see through everyones else's Perspectives?…
**Cover art not mine**awesome Warriors spoofs!Chat rooms with great opportunities to be in a spoof!Hilarious!!!!!The Cattube ratings give it 5 paws up.All rights reserved Erin Hunter.…
Warriors spoofs!I think Cloudtail ate too much catmint!50 ways to getKICKED OUTOf Thunderclan!Brambleclaw had too many waffles.…
Here is a story for the guys at the Offices, Ross, Barney, Adam, Max and Jin! Hope everyone who reads this enjoys :)Please like and comment my story!…