The Rogues of Lore: The MAGE Academy

The Rogues of Lore: The MAGE Academy

41 2 2

Ah, yes, the back of the book (or in this case, the Wattpad description), the one section that determines whether or not you, the readers, become interested in what a story says. I suppose I should probably give you some alluring description of my world, my story, and me. But I warn you, I stray far from the ordinary. Well, my name is Red Hood. I'm a Rouge, which is a way of saying that I'm the bottom of the food chain. I live in a land called Lore, where people from your myths and legends live as normal people along side of people you've never even heard of. But that doesn't mean they aren't important, in fact many of Lore's leaders are not found in any of your folk tales. I would totally tell you why only some of us made it into your myths, but I have absolutely no clue why that is. It just makes no sense. Anyway, I'm sure you wanna hear about what happens in this book (without spoilers of course), but in all honesty, I can't really tell you. I'm still living this and its subsequent books out (that's assuming, of course, that I don't die before this book is complete). But what I can tell you, is that this story is about me being forced against my will to attend the MAGE (Merlin Academy for the Gifted and Exceptional) Academy, and yes it is redundant, and the adventures me and my friends have there. So, come join me. I promise you will not be disappointed.…

Dimension Jumpers: Stone of Creation

Dimension Jumpers: Stone of Creation

251 2 2

What type of Main Character do you prefer? Child? Male or Female? OP from the start? Rising to the Peak of the World? Is it the person Reincarnate or Summoned? Is the person Sharp or bloody Dense as *BLEEP*? How 'bout him playing around as an extra and showing himself in the night as somebody else because it's so awesome? If your preference is here, you're not alone. If not, tell me yours in the comments section.But what if those characters I mention has a hidden reason of them existing in the first place? Maybe an author for entertainment? Bored gods and goddesses? Maybe a test of a curious high being wondering on how to create a perfect person or AI? Well, this story revolves to a slime in human form named Amano. In a young age, he was given foreign knowledge as his gift, causing him change the ways of viewing his world. He sees the world filled with nothing but deception and betrayal all because of their ego. He hated the world but has nothing to change it."In the history books, rebels always falls and fails. There's nothing I can do but survive in this hellhole."So he plan to hide and never stick his head out to the public.Or so he thought...…

Book Covers

Book Covers

2,087 24 36

If you clicked on this book, you obviously need a book cover, or you just want to check out the book covers I make for people, and then ask me to make you a book cover. If you're not here for that, then I don't know why you're here. Also, if you don't like the cover I made you, honestly my feelings won't get hurt a bit, just tell me, and I'll continuously make you book covers until you get the book cover you dreamt about. If you want more than one book, you can only go up to four book covers maximum a day, no more please!!WARNING: If you are making a book that has the same title as a book that I made a book cover for, and you wrere not the one that asked for it, DO NOT save the picture, and use it. Rather, ask me to make you one. If you do so, then I will warn you, and if you don't listen, I'll do something that no one will want; report you. So please listen to this first warning. Thank you.So go ahead, and click the blue print that says format, and go ahead and ask for a book cover.…

Breathe Through the Scars

Breathe Through the Scars

746 1 68

In this memoir of my personal downfall & strengths that made me the person I am today, I talk about my mental health issues and how I overcame them. It presents what I went through to overcome adversity and how I reacted to it. I reveal how much I need to pursue my dreams and why they have to come to fruition. This is how I've grown from 2013 to 2019.…



63 3 3

Hello it is I the narrator here to advertise a story of comedy,adventure,parody,and then-some,it takes common character troupes and satires them,whether it be the innocent food loving child main character, or the edgy protagonist,Apash3r delivers or maybe it doesn't how view this story is completely subjective to you and only but I can say if like things that break the forth wall breaks, funny dialogue,an post apocalyptic world, adventure,and distinct cast with their own individual goals and personalities look know further than Apash3r, a journey that takes place in Gonzai Desert, a land were dreams go to die.If you're wondering why this is so dramatic it's because being dramatic draws in a larger audience and if people don't read this I'll get fired and have to back to living under a bridge again,it so cold down there,what was I saying oh yeah Apash3r , sorry I was just think how cool this story this is and definitely not about how if no one reads this my life is over. I guess you want a plot summary about the story that way you know what your getting into very well,Apash3r is a story about a boy who wanders in the desert until he meet a man on journey to find a artifact known as the Jewel Fruit,and that all I can legally tell you If want to know how about reading it.Oh you're still in the description hmm what to do... I know I'll give some review are totally 100% real,maybe I can't tell you if they're not, anyway onto the reviews"Not the worst thing ever"-A person who can read"I guess that sounds cool"-A person who can't read"I like the part were you told the joke"-A reader"This is better than not getting hit by a car"-A person who got mugged"This is better than not getting mugged"-A person who got hit by a car"A beautiful blend of words combined with punctuation marks form together to make a sentence"-A man who know their wordsIn order to read Apash3r you need few things first a reading mechanism and two be able to read,I know complicated stuff.…

Alejandra Pizarnik

Alejandra Pizarnik

54 1 1

Flora Alejandra Pizarnik: (Buenos Aires, 1936 - id., 1972) Poetisa argentina. Su obra poética, que se inscribe en la corriente neosurrealista, manifiesta un espíritu de rebeldía que linda con el autoaniquilamiento. Entre sus títulos más destacados figuran La tierra más ajena (1955), Árbol de Diana (1962) y Extracción de la piedra de locura (1968). Nació en el seno de una familia de inmigrantes rusos que perdió su apellido original, Pozharnik, al instalarse en Argentina. Después de cursar estudios de filosofía y periodismo, que no terminó, Pizarnik comenzó su formación artística de la mano del pintor surrealista Juan Batlle Planas. Entre 1960 y 1964 vivió en París, donde trabajó para la revista Cuadernos, realizó traducciones y críticas literarias y prosiguió su formación en la prestigiosa universidad de La Sorbona; formó parte asimismo del comité de colaboradores extranjeros de Les Lettres Nouvelles y de otras revistas europeas y latinoamericanas. Durante sus años en Francia comenzó su amistad con el escritor Julio Cortázar y con el poeta mexicano Octavio Paz, que escribió el prólogo de su libro de poemas Árbol de Diana (1962).De regreso a Argentina publicó algunas de sus obras más destacadas; su valía se vio reconocida con la concesión de las prestigiosas becas Guggenheim (1969) y Fullbright (1971), que sin embargo no llegó a completar. Fuente:…



68 9 2

Prolog: »Ich bewundere dich, Martina Alejandra. Deinen Fleiß. Deine Arbeit, die du vollbringst. Dein Selbstbewusstsein. Dein Dasein. Was ich aber am Meisten an dir bewundere, ist dein Körper.« - Jorge Gabriel Blanco Güereña»Er hat mich ausgenutzt, mich fallengelassen. Mich behandelt, wie das letzte Stück Dreck. Und das Schlimmste an der Sache ist: Es hat mir gefallen, sehr sogar.«, Martina Alejandra Stoessel Muzlera»Ich bin jeden Mittwoch Abend hier. Versuche, den ganzen Stress abzubauen, der sich im Verlauf der Woche oder gar des Tages gebildet hat. Es ist nicht einfach, ein gigantisches Unternehmen zu leiten. Schwierig ist es aber ebenfalls nicht.« - Jorge Gabriel Blanco Güereña »Es ist unglaublich, wie du es schaffst, unzählige Frauen um deinen Finger zu wickeln. Sie begehren dich und du? Du tust es nur zum Spaß. Probs to you.« - Sofia Carson »Du kannst dir gar nicht vorstellen, wie sehr ich mich hasse, Pedro! Wie sehr ich es hasse, andere, UNGEWOLLT, zu verletzen, nur damit sie so leiden, wie ich es auch getan habe. VERDAMMT, PEDRO! TU IRGENDWAS! RETTE MICH AUS DIESEM ELEND! VERDAMMT, PEDRO! HILF MIR!« - Jorge Gabriel Blanco Güereña…