The Wizarding Afterlife

The Wizarding Afterlife

87,111 2,200 19

{COMPLETED}| What happens after Sirius Black falls through the veil? Moreover, what 'fate' awaits Remus Lupin and your other favorite characters? This story will fill you in with every detail as the Marauders and Co. meet in the afterlife. Siriusly, read on. *This story is also available at quotev.com, registered under the same name. (Background credit goes to ginagaravalia.com)…



198,048 4,006 36

Haven't you ever wondered what the reactions of James and Lily Potter watching Harry grow up? And also the next generation growing up? James watching James, Lily watching both Lilys with a sense of pride? James waiting patiently and desperately for a chance to talk with his oldest buddies, and a chance to beat the faces in of the enemies he has wanted to hurt.…

Con Te (Sergio Sylvestre)

Con Te (Sergio Sylvestre)

17 1 1

Stamattina, la canzone di Sylvestre mi ha accompagnato fino al lavoro. Le parole d'amore, così accorate e tristi, hanno fatto scattare in me una molla. Dal testo: La ragazza dietro il bancone accende la radio ed io sobbalzo:"Così vai via, non lo so se è colpa mia, non c'è poesia Le parole della canzone mi scavano dentro e, come se mi fossi tuffato dentro un Pensatoio, rivivo vividamente alcuni momenti della mia vita."Tutti i diritti riservati a Fata_Morgana 78. Potete trovare la storia originale pubblicata su EFP.I personaggi non sono miei, ma della Rowling.…

James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper

James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper

40 6 3

A summer of change brings James Sirius Potter back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a new perspective. Confident that last year's adventures are well behind him, James prepares for the more prosaic challenges of schoolwork, trying-out for the Quidditch team, and keeping an eye on his brother Albus and cousin Rose.A new year brings a new adventure, however, beginning with some increasingly worrisome questions about the new headmaster, Merlinus Ambrosius, whose long trek outside of time may have attracted the attention of a horrible entity known to legend as "the Gatekeeper".Determined to prove Merlin's trustworthiness, James finds himself lost in a deepening web of intrigue, deception and secrets that stretches all the way back to the time of the founders.With the Gatekeeper looming, preparing its prophesied human host for a final reign of doom, James, Rose and Ralph forge unexpected allies in a last-ditch effort to stop it before it is too late.In the end, however, all hopes lead to Merlin, and James must face the very real possibility that everything he believes about the new headmaster is, in fact, a carefully constructed facade.By G. Norman LippertBased upon the characters and worlds of J. K. RowlingThis book does not belong to me, it belongs to G. Norman Lippert, just thought others might enjoy the story.…