Alternate universe

Alternate universe

140,181 6,819 41

"I accept my fate Govind. I have committed several sins in these past years without intention of committing them. But that doesn't change the fact that I am a sinner."Karn said during his death."You are a noble man Radheye. I grant you a boon. You will get what you want in your next life. Tell me what is it you that you want?" Karn said."Hey govind pray give me all the things that I deserved in this life but didnt achieve because of my birth status. Give me a fair life where I will be able to show my capabilities without any fear of being insulted for my caste." Karn said breathing his last breath."Tathastu!" Krishna said as Karn closed his eyes for the last time in the battlefield of Kurukshetra."You will get whatever you deserved Radheye.I promise you that . You have some unfinished business in this life of yours and you will complete them in your next life " Krishna said as a tear escaped his eyes on seeing the great warrior slain on the battlefield. Life has been unfair o Radheye."Hey Govind I heard about Angraj Karn's death.I dont know why but I feel morose and sad. I should be happy right? He called me a whore in the dyut sabha." Draupadi said."You too called him a sutaputra sakhi. He is at fault surely but you know that you too have not been fair to him. That is the reason you feel sad. You feel guilty for the dead Radheye. Or is there anything else sakhi? Didnt you ever think about the consequences if you were married to Radheye Karn in the swayamvar?" Krishna asked with a smile.Draupadi was taken aback. Not once but every single moment of her life has been spent thinking about the alternate decision. What would have happened if she was married to Karn? She would have led a humble life . But because of her foolishness she was stuck with five husbands. Gone is her love for Arjun who doesnt even treat her like his wife. "I know your life too has been unfair sakhi but dont worry you will get another chance and I promise you that." Krishna thought.…

Didikan Alam

Didikan Alam

10,582 622 200

Di dalam terdapat cerpen, puisi dan artikel. Cerpen ditulis dengan berbagai genre. Puisi ditulis terutama dengan genre yang saya sendiri buat, yaitu Kurva Empat Larik. Artikel ditulis terutama secara deskriptif saja.Hanya sebuah penceritaan tentang perjalanan. Selamat menikmati.Salam,Frozen_Iceberg…

The Lost Soul

The Lost Soul

1,560 66 8

It's a Mahabharat AU Fanfiction..there are 4 Best friends..One day they decided to rent a House...But little Did they know that someone else was waiting for them ..☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️💥…

The Pirate Princess Sarah (Flash Fiction)

The Pirate Princess Sarah (Flash Fiction)

14 0 1

The Pirate Princess Sarah is a flash fiction story, first created for an international anthology: "Teapot Tales: Vol 2 - Pirates, Mermaids and Monsters of the Sea. Stories were to be between 300 - 800 words. Further adventures featuring The Pirate Princess Sarah are planned.…

🏹 𝓜ahabharata One-𝓢hots 🔥

🏹 𝓜ahabharata One-𝓢hots 🔥

12,192 513 47

🔴 Pritha just giggled, hurling her ball high towards the sky. 'One day I'm going to bowl that sun for a six, and bring him right down!' she grinned, breathless.☀️(excerpt from a One-𝓢hot)👈🏾…

The Mermaid's Touch - Part 2  (The Kiss of Death)

The Mermaid's Touch - Part 2 (The Kiss of Death)

7 0 1

The Mermaid's Touch is a flash fiction story, first created for an international anthology: "Teapot Tales: Vol 2 - Pirates, Mermaids and Monsters of the Sea". Stories were to be between 300 - 800 words.For the anthology there were 2 parts to the story. I have always planned to write a third part, and expand on the story at some stage.…

The Curator (Flash Fiction)

The Curator (Flash Fiction)

9 1 1

The Curator is a flash fiction story published in Ghostly Echoes : Spooky Tales from Around the World.(https://www.amazon.com/Ghostly-Echoes-Spooky-Tales-Around/dp/1502377365).Originally this was much longer and I had to cut it down. I would like to expand the story down the line, and perhaps write a little more about The Curator and "Mac's Travelling Fair of Wonders".…

Way to Devotion...

Way to Devotion...

61 3 2

*This work is an Imaginative Story and I don't want to hurt any religious Sentiments*This Story is About a Girl named Kalyani....she is an 8 year old Girl...who is an Ardent devotee of lord Ayyappan...her life was Filled with Hurdles and Sadness...until One day when the Lord Decided to meet her....Swami Sharanam 🙏🙏❤️✨…



44 2 2

Pernahkah kamu merasa tawa,bahagia,bunga bermekaran dihati mu hanya ketika kamu membaca sebuah cerita ?Aku,pernah.Pernahkah kamu menangis,sesak,sendiri dan merasa tak penting hanya karena selalu menjadi pelengkap cerita orang lain,bukan menjadi pemeran utama dalam kehidupan mu sendiri ?Aku,pernah.Mungkin orang akan meniai ku sebagai manusia yang tak mampu bersyukur,ah kurasa penilaian mereka benar.Ya,aku rasa aku tak pandai bersyukur.Karena hingga saat ini,saat aku menuliskan rentetan kalimat ini...Aku masih berpikir kapan aku menjadi pemeran utama dalam kisah ku sendiri?Bukankah terlalu membosankan jika hanya menjadi bagian dari cerita orang lain,sementara kamu memiliki kehidupan sendiri???_KarinaLarassati_"Kamu tidak akan menjadi peran pendukung jika kamu mau melangkah maju tanpa ragu.Setiap kita punya kisah dan kita peran utamanya.Masalahnya kamu selalu lari dari jalan cerita mu sendiri.Ingatlah,menghindar bukan gaya seorang Bintang tapi itu adalah gaya seorang PECUNDANG!"_KiranaArthasena_"Banyak mata yang sudah aku selami,tapi mata sendu mu menghanyutkan ku.Hal apa yang membuat mu begitu meragu?"_KaranJohar_"Kau hanya perlu bersyukur dengan peran yang kau dapatkan,bersabar dengan apa yang tak menjadi milik mu.Bukan kah sesimple itu hidup seorang mukmin?Baik atau buruk,suka atau tidak,pilihan mu mau menjadi kannya berbuah ibadah atau hanya merugi karena hanya mampu berkeluh kesah?"_SameerMalikAlexander_…

Mitos Yang Salah & Keliru Tentang Bangsa Jin

Mitos Yang Salah & Keliru Tentang Bangsa Jin

2,702 48 4

Yang kita maksud dari mitos di sini adalah informasi tentang kehidupan jin yang tidak sesuai syari'at Islam. Yang selama ini menjadi opini ghaib dan wacana mistik yang mayoritas masyarakat kita meyakini akan kebenarannya. Padahal mitos itu tidak benar adanya. Akibat dari keyakinan pada mitos yang salah itu, keimanan kita pada yang ghoib, terutama tentang kehidupan jin jadi menyimpang dari syari'at Islam. Lalu dari kesalahan itu melahirkan penyimpangan prilaku dan perbuatan. Akhirnya ia takut pada sesuatu yang tidak pada tempatnya. Lebih takut kepada jin dan syetan daripada takut kepada Yang menciptakan mereka, yaitu Allah. Jin adalah bagian dari makhluk ghaib. Dan beriman kepada yang ghaib adalah bagian dari karakter dan sifat seorang mukmin yang bertaqwa (QS. al-Baqoroh: 1-5). Kalau keimanan seorang mukmin itu salah, maka akan terjadi kecacatan (kesalahan) dalam keimanannya. Berikut keyakinan yang salah kaprah (mitos yang tak perlu dibenarkan) dan sudah mewabah di masyarakat, serta diblow-up di berbagai macam media massa cetak atau elektronik yang harus segera diluruskan agar tidak merusak iman kita, atau kaum muslimin pada khususnya.…

Sleuths of Sorcery

Sleuths of Sorcery

219 0 17

TEACHER and HUNTERTerjal Rakmir, Headmaster of Cloudreach, is content to spend his days schooling pupils in the Conjurer’s art. However, when a direspawn (a creature brought over from another plane) wreaks havoc, gruesome death and destruction upon the lands, Terjal is immediately pressed into service by Cloudreach’s patron, Lord Vaukmond, Duke of Windemere and Protector of the Realm of Ryndorhn. Lord Vaukmond, the Warrior Duke, distrusts magic yet has no conventional means of destroying the direspawn.With his former pupil, Aiya Lindsmund (now Adjutant to Lord Vaukmond), and his three Blades, Terjal sets out on a journey which begins at Quitonne, Ryndorhn's center of power and corruption, to a climactic battle in a deadly swamp guarded by creatures of nightmare.At Quitonne, they find allies and adversaries. Ally: a disgraced aquamancer who restores his honor by healing the wounded. Adversary: an enigmatic necromancer whose name inspires fear and who controls a legion of undead servants. At the end of their sojourn, Terjal and Aiya will uncover more than just the identity of the direspawn’s creator. Before the quest is ended, Terjal and Aiya will face forces greater than they could ever have imagined: forces fueled by a bitter, exiled sorcerer and his vengeful protégé.…

•|| Love Behind The Scenes||•

•|| Love Behind The Scenes||•

288 17 3

• A Sourabh X Pallavi Subash Fanfiction• Sourabh Raaj Jain ~ An Actor , Who is currently working in his new project , Mahabharat Serial by Swastik Productions. He got the Role of Krishna , one of the most toughest Roles to play ever in his career. He met new friends in the set. and plus He met Someone special... Someone Who changed his life..Forever..•Pallavi Subash ~An Actress , who is also working in Mahabharat Serial , she is playing the Role of Rukmini. the Pran Priya of Shri Krishna. She is a confident women , with a playful nature. She also met New Friends. And there she also met one person...A person who Forever Resides in her Heart..The one who Changed her life..Forever..peep in to this story to know more about This wonderful Couples life filled with Happiness, Sadness , drama and many more...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I don't want to Hurt any Fan sentiments with this fanfiction.. so Rakhumai Rakhumai 🙏✨🌸…