Anime Songs & Music (With Lyrics)

Anime Songs & Music (With Lyrics)

15,600 204 149

songs from anime, Hetaloid, tributes, amv, youtubers, etc. there are Songs that I like, and judging by how much there is, it's going to be a very long list. more music, less reading. I don't own the videos or the music. Even though I have some of them as either as CD's or Downloaded into my IPod.…

The Stolen Hunter

The Stolen Hunter

312 7 3

Lure was just your average for-hire researcher under the employment of the I.F.A (Intergalactic Federation of Allies)... not. And once the I.F.A accidentally digs up his file they jump and send their brightest team to go rescue the [just recently] kidnapped Lure. Once rescued from the dangerous Lure discovers that the brightest team is actually... three teenagers?! What's more, the I.F.A wants him to join their team?! Just what will he do? Join, or continue his lonely life of solitude?DON'T forget to COMMENT! Your comments mean everything! Without them, the story can't go on. Literally! What YOU want will be written. Cool, huh? Well, come on in and tell us what you want! We'll make it happen ;)Co-written with Poindexter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Copyright © 2014 (made 2012) by Kshipra Sawant. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior permission of the author.…

 Lost and Fear ( BTS FF ) ^SLOW UPDATE^

Lost and Fear ( BTS FF ) ^SLOW UPDATE^

365 88 6

Haenin berlari ke lockernya..》BAEK HAENIN!!! TOLONG!! TOL-《Haenin memaling pantas ke belakang apabila mendengar panggilan itu..》"Siapa kau?!!" 《Tetapi tiada siapa menjawabnya...dan suara itu pun tidak kedengaran lagi..》"Pelik..-Huh? Kertas apa ni??"《》"Haen tolong maafkan aku? " 《》"Aku tak nak tengok muka kau lagi! "《》"Haen..tolong lah aku "《..End of description..~Yang selebihnya ada di dalam story nih!~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥MEMPERSEMBAHKAN FF SAYA YANG KEDUA!!"ŁÕ§Ţ? ÆŃĐ FĒÅŘ!"¡PERINGATAN!--------------♣Cerita ini hanyalah sekadar nasihat juga rekaan semata-mata..tidak ada kena mengena dengan yang hidup atau yang sudah mati..kalau ada yang sama ataupun serupa..ianya hanyalah kebetulan okay!♣♣Anda HATERS?? Lantak kau lah nk baca ke tak!!♣♣ Anda ARMY?? Bace lah weh..penat jer kitew buat...huhuhu >~<♣cerita ini 100% daripada palahotak author sendiri!NO COPY OR CLONE! Semua original! ♣ ♣Sebarang pertanyaan boleh habaq tang comment yer! *wink*♣ ^Cover Editor by^:-1. @Rain_lee ^Credits by^:-→AUTHOR SENDIRI (=_=)♥←#Published on ~ 12/11/18#End on~ --/--/--#mohon para reader baca story seyya!~#I hope you don't forget to vomment too!!!#Be supporting lah sikit para readerss!!#Enjoy your reading! Anyeongg!~♡♡…

Into The Heart of Darkness (Among the Asgardians Pre-sequel)

Into The Heart of Darkness (Among the Asgardians Pre-sequel)

6,902 222 28

*Comes After Goddess of Love but before Antigone. READ GODDESS FIRST OR IT WILL SPOIL THE ENTIRE BOOK AND YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS ONE!!!!!!*Set both during and after TDWAfter the battle for Earth, Kathryn is distraught. She can no longer see the light in the dark place she calls home. She spends the majority of her time crying in her room, except when she's around Abby. She refuses to let the child see her tears and know that her mother is weak. She visits Loki daily in his cell, hoping that he'll forgive her for the terrible thing she did to him, but he can't forgive her until he's forgiven himself for the horrible thing he did to her. After Loki "dies" she retreats into herself and leaves the raising of Abby to the others since her grief won't let her function. Only when a new threat tries to reduce Asgard to cinders does she come out of her shell and discover what she's really made of.Nari is more or less the same as he always is, except for the fact that he's a senator and the public watches his every move. He keeps his emotions bottled up inside and covers them with math and logic. Deep down, he feels horrible for Kathryn and wishes he could do something to help, but his logic won't show him how. He is badly injured when Malekith and the Dark Elves attack Asgard. when he awakens, everyone tells him his father has died. He goes insane, mutilating himself and attacking, raping, and even killing the citizens of Asgard. It's during that dark time when he meets Altaira, and the two are instantly attracted to each other. When Nari discovers that Odin has been replaced by Loki, he and Altaira must embark on a journey that will cross the entire tree of Yggdrasil and defeat an enemy said to be invincible.…

Songs Lyrics

Songs Lyrics

1,071 6 170

Hi. I am writing my favorite songs lyrics. If you want me to write any song feel free to write it in the comments. [Please read my One Direction Songs Lyrics book]Thank you for reading…

Welcome, Creations [My Art/Drawing Book]

Welcome, Creations [My Art/Drawing Book]

7,583 929 200

"To days of inspirationPlaying hockey, makingSomething out of nothingThe need to express-To communicate"- Mark, La Vie Boheme, Jonathan Larson, RENT•~• MY DRAWING BOOK •~• WARNING: Art from December of 2013, to June of 2015. My work is a work in process from the beginning. I suggest skipping ahead some, as work from 2014 is scattered with work of 2013. •~• WORK FROM: December 2013 - June 2015 •~•…

Metal Storm

Metal Storm

1 0 1

The attack was no surprise. Months of aggressive behavior and years of military construction, there was bound to be war. The only surprise was that there wasn't a declaration for one. The People's Republic of Styra was once viewed as a respectable dictatorship, now it showed its savage demeanor and ruthless methods in war. Three United Union planets were steamrolled within 24 hours of invasion, their population either massacred in the most horrible fashion or put to work in the republic's many prison planets, never to be seen or heard from again. The Union's democratic leaders fell into disarray and during their emergency meeting, a rebellious republic's proxy force led an extremist attack. The terrorist force was quickly destroyed as the security force entered the building, but not before half of the Union's government leaders were decimated, including the Prime Minister. The republic unleashed anything in their arsenal, from fatal viruses to thermonuclear explosives to lizard-like super soldiers, hoping for a quick, decisive victory. Yet this hope for a quick victory died rapidly. The virus infected a fraction of the republic army,and half of the nuclear warheads were too old to detonate. The super soldiers also revolted, ate their handlers and joined the Union as a legitimate state that liberated two former republic military planets with the populations of both planets thanking them for their liberation. The United Union retaliated after 6 months of idleness, its own government in turmoil among itself whether or not they should counter attack. Now the war continues as planets rise and fall and rise again, as populations disappear into thin air and as lines are drawn and erased and drawn again.…