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The attack was no surprise. Months of aggressive behavior and years of military construction, there was bound to be war. The only surprise was that there wasn't a declaration for one. The People's Republic of Styra was once viewed as a respectable dictatorship, now it showed its savage demeanor and ruthless methods in war. Three United Union planets were steamrolled within 24 hours of invasion, their population either massacred in the most horrible fashion or put to work in the republic's many prison planets, never to be seen or heard from again. The Union's democratic leaders fell into disarray and during their emergency meeting, a rebellious republic's proxy force led an extremist attack. The terrorist force was quickly destroyed as the security force entered the building, but not before half of the Union's government leaders were decimated, including the Prime Minister. The republic unleashed anything in their arsenal, from fatal viruses to thermonuclear explosives to lizard-like super soldiers, hoping for a quick, decisive victory. Yet this hope for a quick victory died rapidly. The virus infected a fraction of the republic army,and half of the nuclear warheads were too old to detonate. The super soldiers also revolted, ate their handlers and joined the Union as a legitimate state that liberated two former republic military planets with the populations of both planets thanking them for their liberation. The United Union retaliated after 6 months of idleness, its own government in turmoil among itself whether or not they should counter attack. Now the war continues as planets rise and fall and rise again, as populations disappear into thin air and as lines are drawn and erased and drawn again.…