[Completed] J o c e l y n

[Completed] J o c e l y n

203,922 15,635 46


[Completed] A d o r e    s e n s e

[Completed] A d o r e s e n s e

138,054 12,127 41

.Jocelyn part 2.All about Lee Taemin…

[Сompleted] Stepsister

[Сompleted] Stepsister

304,889 19,203 40

-: Миний хайрлаж байгаа цор ганц зүйл бол чи…

[Completed] Kyklos /II/

[Completed] Kyklos /II/

32,854 3,822 21


[Completed] His woman

[Completed] His woman

257,900 19,438 37

... Түүний эмэгтэй байна гэдэг тэвчээр, тэвчээр бас дахин тэвчээр мөн нулимс ... Ганцаардал…

[Completed] The bad main character

[Completed] The bad main character

316,914 22,634 47

-: "Хүн мөргөчихөөд уучлалт гуйдаггүй юм уу" гэж тэрээр нилээн ууртайгаар хэлсэн ч удалгүй түүний урууланд ёжтой инээд тодрон "энэ бас л чиний бусдын анхаарлыг татах нэг арга уу гэхдээ миний сонирхол огтхон ч татагдахгүй байна ядмагхан юм" гээд мөрлөн хажуугаар гарав.Нэг л өдөр чи бусдын хувьд кино болон зохиол дээр гардаг муу гол дүр болчихвол яах вэ?…

[Completed] Kyklos

[Completed] Kyklos

73,090 6,786 25


Kokujin no tenkousei-Hiroki and the SBG gang

Kokujin no tenkousei-Hiroki and the SBG gang

13,086 229 13

Now you gotta ask yourself. What would it be like to find out that the people you love and would die for, turn out to be self centered assholes who would ditch you for something temporary? Well such is a case with Hiroki, a young teen who found that out the hard way. As many people say, it's always the good people that get done the worst. But sadly Hiroki's hell had only just started…

Sensei-sama Kiss

Sensei-sama Kiss

3,308 137 21

Eren Yeager a 15-year-old high school student is about as ordinary as they come. Or so you think. Eren has a secret. Eren is a huge B.L Manga lover. But when Eren bumps into a cute stranger in a crowd he begins to experience new strange feelings. His new cute crush ends up being his homeroom teacher!? How will Eren deal with his feelings? And will Mr. Ackerman return the feelings back?…

The Call [Creek]

The Call [Creek]

59,464 1,589 17

In Elementary School, Tweek and Craig were the closest of friends. Craig had always presumed that was the leading factor to the entire town of South Park thinking that the two boys were a couple. However, ever since they staged a break up, Tweek and Craig came to a realisation; they did feel something for each other.After the boys 'broke up', all began to return to normal. That was until the Tweak family moved to Denver at the beginning of 6th grade.Approximately 6 years later, Craig and Tweek are now in the middle of their Senior year of High School. Craig has the reputation of a stoic asshole and someone to never be meddled with. When the Tweak family returns to South Park, the two boys are forced to confront their feelings. What will happen if that familiar, twitchy face makes a return to Craig's life, after all these years? Started: 02/01/2020Published: 05/01/2020Finished: 16/05/2020important notes:-i can't make titles or descriptions im sorry-warnings are on the first part/chapter! please don't skip the first author's note.-alternating point of view.-undecided updating schedule. i'll try and post as much as possible, though.…

Sealed {Yandere Prince X Reader}

Sealed {Yandere Prince X Reader}

109,903 2,807 21

If you let him trap you, bear the consequences for eternity~Y/N a pauper who live in london lives a normal life with her sister hermoine. Her life changed when hermoine got sick and had no choice but to accept the contract that will lead her to a dangerous path. GUIDE: Y/N= Your NameE/C= Eye ColorS/C= Skin colorH/C= Hair ColorA/N: IMAGES ARE CREDITS TO THE RESPECTIVELY OWNER!…

Psychopathic Love (Shizaya)

Psychopathic Love (Shizaya)

141,710 5,264 20

*****Completed*******Izaya Orihara is a strange person. On the outside he seems heartless and even psychotic. However, on the inside, he suffers through his own problems. After a devastating turn of events, Izaya ends up revealing his soft, fragile side to the person he hates the most. *Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara!! or any of its characters. I only own the plot of this story. **Warning: This has Boy x Boy. No smut.…

Forgotten Hatred (Shizaya)

Forgotten Hatred (Shizaya)

49,878 2,119 16

*******Completed********After some "unknown" incidents, Izaya Orihara forgets himself, the people around him, and his relationships. Although he has no desire of taking care of his enemy, Shizuo somehow gets put in charge of this very task. *DISCLAIMER: I do not own Durarara!!, nor any of it's characters. I only own the plot of this story. *WARNING: This contains BoyxBoy and if for some reason you can't handle this, this story is not for you. No smut.…

After 6 (Nezushi)

After 6 (Nezushi)

8,721 393 10

*******COMPLETED********This has an alternate ending to No. 6. Nezumi and Shion face another problem after deciding to live in harmony. *Disclaimer: I do not own No. 6, nor any of the characters. I only own the plot of this story. **Warning: This contains homosexual relationships. If, for some reason, that makes uncomfortable, this is not the story for you. ***There will not be smut. This is NOT a lemon.…

Do you remember? (Yukine x Reader)

Do you remember? (Yukine x Reader)

2,107 28 16

What happens if a half-god and a Reagalia falls in Love?If the half-god got to be a big sis to a Phantom?What gonna happen in the end?Will they live happely ever After or,happely never After??Read to find out....…