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"Getting a Clue" is a slice-of-life story about Casper, an autistic gay teen whose most meaningful relationship is with his dog, Pippi, and whose safe space is his closet-literally. Enter Jethro: confident, boldly expressive, and inexplicably interested in Casper's prickly brand of charm.As Casper battles his instinct to retreat from every social encounter, Jethro patiently flirts his way past Casper's defences. Together, they navigate the minefield of high school, gender expectations, and first love, all while Casper tries to figure out why the hell anyone would voluntarily seek out human connection.With a healthy dose of snark and a dash of awkward romance, this tale proves that sometimes the biggest dramas in life are just... life. Will Casper figure out how to be a functioning human being? Will Jethro ever stop looking unfairly hot in tights? And how hard do you have to flirt before an oblivious gay boy gets a fucking clue? (Warning: Contains catastrophic attempts at small talk, impromptu bus adventures, and a surprising amount of fairy bread.)…