Foreign Attractions
Sitting in the minister's home, I felt scared and alone. Even though my three childern all were in the room with me, I felt I couldn't breathe. My world as I knew it was falling apart and I couldn't do anything about it. I was numb, trembling as the minister took my husband's will out of it's envelope and unfolded the delicate piece of paper. Mr. Green's wife walks in the room in such a careless way that made me want to scream. She's just so graceful, I thought. She always had been. It just never bothered me before like it was at that very moment. She offered a cup of tea to me, I decline of course. I feel if I was to eat or drink anything, it wouldn't stay down for long. She politly sat the cup on the table and Mr. Green to full advantage of the unwanted tea. Mr. Green sips on the tea for a moment. He sits down the cup and picks up the will. He begins to read:โฆ