My Heart Bleeds Ink {☑️}

My Heart Bleeds Ink {☑️}

85 11 11

Dear Ditchers, One day I'll walk past you without being broken apart.Amanda, a 16 year old girl who writes letters to her 2 friends that ditched her or at least that what she thinks. They left her for no reason. Will they get back. Will she get over them. Read to find out…

Blind Channel Oneshot

Blind Channel Oneshot

1,061 117 21

Kirjotan -ja julkasen sitä mukaan kun on valmis- tänne pieniä tarinoita (oneshot) aina sitä mukaan ku mieleen tulee. Eli saattaa tulla helvetin satunnaisesti ne tänne ja ku mulla on kans samaan aikaan yks toinen kirja kesken, joten seki hidastaa vitusti. Eli siis, jos en jaksa kirjottaa sitä kirjaa niin kirjottelen sitte näitä, koska nää vie paljon vähemmän aikaa.Ja luultavasti tänne tulee enemmälti Oleksia, koska en vaan osaa kirjottaa muuta. Anteeks oikeesti.🥇26.9.2024 ~ #blindchannel ~…

The Fighter and His Tiger (Unexpected Love #1)

The Fighter and His Tiger (Unexpected Love #1)

1,404,821 45,200 70

Reillyn Cole had experienced it all. Grief.Pain.Heartbreak. And yet, still, the cruel world continued to throw hurdles in her unendingly winding path. Elias Ryker had grown up under tyranny. Despite problems of his own, he becomes the most likely to be able to save her. And she was the last anyone expected to actually want to save him. But she did. She wanted him. He wanted her.But fate didn't want them together. Now, they must navigate an overprotective best friend, a homicidal father, a psychotic brother, and a hilariously crazy grandma. But, will Rei ever get her happy ending? - - -"Boxer Boy, you don't really have a choice in the matter, you either help me or I squeal about your very illegal activities," I obviously wasn't gonna tell but he didn't know that so I silently prayed he wouldn't call my bluff.He leaned down so he was eye level with me, he smelt like apples too. "Why do you wanna learn how to fight tigru?"I tried my hardest not to let my gaze flicker down to his bare chest, but it was right there and very distracting. He cleared his throat making me shoot my gaze back to him as I hoped my voice didn't come out shaky, "that's my business, just like the reason you fight is yours."His jaw sharpened as he straightened and seemed to contemplate what his next move would be. I took the time to declutter my thoughts and focus on what I needed from him; fighting lessons, the opportunity to save myself one final time. - - -"I love the book overall. It kept me on the edge of my seat and it was full of emotion! I can't wait for the sequel to come out! This book had something for everyone and anyone; if you enjoy reading, you'll enjoy this book!" - Mackenzie"I read a lot and this is one of the best books I've read. If you are this young writing this good I cannot wait to follow your career." - danielchristinatin…

My poetry

My poetry

779 37 32

Endless quotes /poemsVote please…



3 0 1

No kun Higgs on ihan ainut pahis joka saa pelastaa mut, u kno.Tämä tarina on mun omaa viihdettä. Älä ota tätä tarinaa ihan tosissaan, äläkä ihmettele että miksi tää tarina on kirjoitettu tällä tavalla. Tän tarinan tarkoitus ei ole mitenkää tulla kirjaksi. Tää tarina vaann jää tähän ja tälläiseksi. Kiitos. :3…

the one they don't see
When I put on The Savior Vest

When I put on The Savior Vest

19,037 690 124

Author: cat meowjiAlternate Title: 當我披上救世馬甲後Summary:After his death, Ye Qing was found by a salvation system, threatening that only he could save the world. In order to avoid the end of the world, Ye Qing's resurrection started the road to salvation in a vest. A certain person with superpowers: Although that person looks out of tune and has a rubbish personality, he is a hero.Ye Qing: It's me. A certain death game player: That person has super high reasoning ability, and any problem will be solved in front of him. He is an example of my life and a genius who saves the world. Ye Qing: This is me too.…

That Red String of Fate

That Red String of Fate

35 6 2

String-String-Stringa-ring-ringDon't get tangled byThat Red String of Fate.…

Poems I've Written Recently
I wish i could make all the shit i have to add for a new book more engaging

I wish i could make all the shit i have to add for a new book more engaging

3,910 190 188

Hello lesbian community are these two *picture of zoey and dawn pokemon* an example of 'butch' and 'femme'?…

Rikkoutunut rauha

Rikkoutunut rauha

204 1 2

Tulitähti ja Tiikeritähti ovat jo pentutarhoistakin unohtuneita haamuja, joita kukaan hädin tuskin enää muistaa. Klaanit ovat vahvempia kuin koskaan, eikä yhteisiä uhkia ole ollut lukuunottamatta karanneita koiria ja satunnaisia kettuja. Rauha kissojen välillä on kuitenkin kuin joen jää - Helppo rikkoa, mahdoton korjata ilman pakkasta. Hiuksenhieno raja alkaa väreillä, kun kauan sitten unohdettu profetia nousee sukupolvien jälkeen taas pinnalle - kuka voi pelastaa metsän pimeydeltä, joka vaanii nurkan takana täyttämättömän ennustuksen seuraamukset käpälissään? Ensimmäisen arkin(Vaiennettu oppilas) ensimmäinen kirja, Rikkoutunut rauha.…