Burning Man  (Movie)

Burning Man (Movie)

254 1 72

A unique case of Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC) is burning Burny Madden little by little to death, until he discovers that the flames have miraculous healing powers. While his mother insists that SHC is demonic possession, his stepfather forces him to heal for money, bringing him face to face with a demon lurking to burn him down to ashes before he realizes the true purpose of his existence.Burny must come to terms with his affliction and face an ancient evil to fulfill the purpose of his maddening existence.But first, he must survive chronic burning and the tricks that his mind plays on him.…

The misunderstanding of Everett Grovestone

The misunderstanding of Everett Grovestone

2 1 1

The story follows in 1758, three brothers of a powerful god were born.'Hayden', the king of the wind/flaytons.'Gormond', the chief of the land/balofts and wolfs. And 'Layven', the emperor of the sea/merlofts.One unfaithful day the three brothers had a huge arguement on settling down in the enchanted realm.In order to have peace they decided to spilt the land in three different sections so that everyone would be in peace.But that didn't last for long as two separate species had disagreements and didn't like each other very much so, to keep the two clans separated chief Gormond placed a barrier to separate the two and both clans went to different paths.In1897, a young baloft stumbles across a small cave full of ancient carvings, weird bottles, suspicious looking books and a tall tombstone from the 17 century. But hears loud chanting and banging from one part of the cave, the young boy then runs away from his small "adventure".6 years into the future, the young baloft has grown into a young man aged 17. 'Everett Grovestone' continues his adventure to find the truth of what had caused the three brothers to separate the land that they live on.Im sorry if the story doesn't make any sense.…

DollHouse|The Banshee|

DollHouse|The Banshee|

147 16 3

«La chiamavi la casa delle bambole.Dicevi che tutto era perfetto al suo interno,anche se speravi che nessuno potesse vedere quello che vedevi tu,attraverso le finestre»Immagina se tutti i tuoi incubi diventassero veri se i mostri esistessero realmente.Vampiri,lupi mannari,fantasmi,streghe e demoni.Agatha Weiss non ha mai creduto in tutto questo,anzi lei ha sempre trovato valida ogni spiegazione concreta.Questo fino a quando il padre non la scaricherà a WhilmoreVille,una piccola città tagliata fuori dal mondo,dove vive sua madre.Quella che doveva sembrava un semplice riunione tra madre e figlia per restaurare il loro rapporto,spezzato da qualche anno per il divorzio,si trasformerà in un vero e proprio incubo ad occhi aperti.In quella città quasi inesistente succedono cose bizzarre e alquanto raccapriccianti,quasi ogni notte una persona diversa viene brutalmente uccisa,da una forza oscura.Agatha non ha mai creduto in tutto ciò,almeno prima di incontrare lui.Lui era carismatico,affascinate,magnetico,ma custodiva anche un'orribile segreto.Ma quello che lei non sa è che si trova lì per una ragione,e tutti i tasselli del passato torneranno a galla per ricomporre il puzzle della sua infanzia,di cui non ha più ricordi,riportandole una dote nascosta ormai da troppo tempo.…

Hybrid High

Hybrid High

928 35 34

Prologue: Four girls each blessed with immense powers from birth earn a new power: THE ELEMENTS, but whilst 3 rise to power, 1 will fall at the hands of her fellow elements. Join us as we explore the adventure and challenges all four faced during their time at HYBRID HIGH.===============================================================================Yes at long last, Hybrid High has hit Wattpad. This is a story me and @EndGoddess are in so go follow her and tell her Vapy sent you, she knows what that means. Anyways, guys seriously enjoy, I've been working on this for a year now…

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 30/My 1st Book:Part 30

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 30/My 1st Book:Part 30

338 125 200

Kun:Saludos,Queridos Amigos,y Ahora,Voy a Tener Otro Nuuuevo Libro,(Parte 30),Que Es En Donde Escribiré 200 Relatos Como,"Berryjuice","Respekt","Warriors:Legends", "Devil's Freakshow","Demonarium:Kazu In The Human World","!You Mortals Are Ugly!","Marvin & Antisepticeye:!Showtime!","Late Nights Through The Graveyard","Still Us","Chernobyl:Poly Edition","Mirrors Into Light","Hell's Funfair","Diabolical Killings:A Nightmare Squad Story", "Weird Endgame","Ugly Jon Toons","Youtuber Universe: Reborn","Midnightborn","Get 'Em,Evan","Rainbow ABC", "Firechild","Valle De Las Sombras","!Happy Mother's Day, Y'all!","El Enano y El Brujo","El Zorro y El Pastor","Nana Pa Un Niño Travieso","…

Shadi Ke Side Effects

Shadi Ke Side Effects

2,118 170 5

Everybody else writes ffs about marriage but I think I'll be the first to write about divorce. Lol." Hi, baby. Hume tumhe kuch batana hai. So your daddy and I are gonna have a divorce.""Divorce matlab?""Matlab tumhare papa aur main abh se ek sath nahi rahenge."I really don't know what I'm writing. So this will be a short story. Please don't hate me after this.…