Boss's secret baby

Boss's secret baby

1,548 28 7

Cassandra Miller had a one night stand with hot eligible bachelor Emiliano Rodriguez and that one night left ever lasting consequences in the form of her little baby boy Alexander.Deciding to raise her son alone Cass moved on yet she has no idea that a new job opportunity is about to change her entire life when her path crosses with Emilio again months later and when she learns he is her boss things are about to get steamy between the two lovers once again....…

The princess

The princess

7 0 1

1859 tavaszánAnne Diana Blackwood hercegnő aki tökéletes.A többit már olvasd🥲😉…

A sötétség ölelésében

A sötétség ölelésében

110 10 8

Ebben a különleges könyvben olyan igaz rövid horror történetek találhatók, amelyek az éjszakát szorongással és hátborzongással telivé varázsolják. Ezek a történetek nem csak arról szólnak, hogy sötétben rejtőző veszélyekre vigyázzunk, hanem arról is, hogy a valóság néha sötétebb és rémisztőbb, mint a legfantasztikusabb rémálmok.Minden oldalon újabb szálak fonódnak a szokásos élet és a borzongás között. Ez a könyv nemcsak egy hagyományos horror gyűjtemény, hanem egy utazás a lelkünk mélyére, ahol a szörnyek gyakran emberi formát öltenek. A történetek megfognak, és a gondolataidba ivódnak, mintha sosem tudnál szabadulni tőlük.Elmerülsz majd egy elhagyatott ház sötét titkaiban, követsz egy elképesztően hátborzongató sorozatgyilkost, és bepillantást nyersz egy rémisztő múltba, amely sosem hagy nyugodni. Ahogy lapozgatod a könyvet, az éjszaka új jelentést nyer, és a csend egyetlen nyögését is hallani fogod.…

Legacies-A sötétség legendája

Legacies-A sötétség legendája

43 1 2

Ez a történet a ,,Vámpírnaplók'' a ,,The Originals'' és a(z) ,,Legacies-A sötétség örökségének'' lenne a folytatása. Remélem tetszeni fog nektek ha olvasni fogjátok.❤️❤️…

Félelem vs Szerelem

Félelem vs Szerelem

63 2 6

Helyszínünk egy Keresztes városi középiskola. Főszereplőnk Adrián, egy 9.-es középiskolás fiú, akinek az élete fenekestül felfordul, miután találkozik Lollival. A lány egy titokzatos és furcsa személyiség, ami megnehezíti a fiú dolgát. Vajon Adrián hogyan fog megküzdeni az új iskolával, és ki fogja tudni deríteni a lány sötét titkát?…

A sötétség-világosság szimfóniája

A sötétség-világosság szimfóniája

108 3 5

Különbség és ellentét nélkül nincs élet. Az élet és a világmindenség különbségekre, ellentétekre épül, mint világosság-sötétség, nappal-éjszaka, tűz-víz, férfi-nő, élet-halál. A nappal és az éjszaka ellentéte az élet állandóan ismétlődő körforgását fejezi ki. A nappalból alkonyatkor újjászületik az éjszaka, az éjszakából hajnalkor újjászületik a nappal. Az emberi élet hasonló körforgásra épül: élet-halál-újjászületés. A halál után újjászületik az ember, és új életet kezd.…

Butterfly Tears

Butterfly Tears

87 33 22

Collection of my poetry.Part 1: Written in inkPart 2: Written in tears.…

Truth Or Dare

Truth Or Dare

7,898 231 7

This is a request from @Lawlitch. If anyone wants to make a request on what the characters do, then, by all means, request it. So far the shippings include:LawLichtKuroMahi Vs. SakuMahi JeMikuMisoTetsAny art I use is not mine!…

『10523』KuroKen AU

『10523』KuroKen AU

69,390 2,387 8

Kuroo Tetsurou, a 17 year old from Perth, WA.Kenma Kozume, a 16 year old from Minnesota, USA.10,523 Miles apart.Kozume Kenma, a young Instagram star who post's aesthetic photos, outfits only a few people could hold up. A gamer girl who has an account that no one she knew personally should ever find. A girl who was born wrapped in baby blue, a girl who's skirt collection is far too beautiful to be hidden away in boxes. Tetsurou Kuroo, a teen who's working part time at a pizza restaurant. A boy who's social life is full, a boy who'd often times rather stay at home, browsing the Internet. Social media, truly a great place. A place for people to communicate, to explore, to discover. They started as acquaintances. They moved to friends, the friendzone sucks, they say it's a cage that you can never escape, but does that really apply? Kubroo_tetsubrou:>Hey, I like your account, your skirts are really cutexkenmu:>thank you |xkenmu followed you|『☆G É L E N A U☆』…

I hate you? {Félix x reader}

I hate you? {Félix x reader}

710 9 13

{so this is MY AU where félix and Adrian are siblings but félix is homeschooled unlike Adrian. until one day his father makes Félix go to school. And you are maris sister and you know she is ladybug}…

Trixy and The Crescent Of Rana

Trixy and The Crescent Of Rana

1,592 79 37

Some people are destined to meet. Some to part. Some forever. Some to meet again. Yet, meeting is not the destination. It is the beginning; beginning of new times, new ideas, new hopes and, of course, new stories.Venture into this tale sparked off by such a meeting, of a regular lad and a quirky dame, under the silent shores of Rosui, in a world of Atrial abilities unexplored, embarking on a journey, expecting the unexpected, leading through the crimes and grimes of the hot and humid city of Vinpur, flanked north in the eastern country of Theligai. ☆☆☆☆☆☆Word count : 50,000 apprx.Cover credits to @xxsoteria.…

Më e çmuar se vetë jeta

Më e çmuar se vetë jeta

5,303 1,226 40

Një vepër arti e natyrës, një magji universale me një ngjyrë blu të thellë. Shkëlqimi i tij është unik dhe ka një karakteristikë të vetme: t'i "dhurojë" vuajtjen e vdekjen atij që e zotëron. Jemi në Indinë misterioze dhe magjike, ku historia ngatërrohet me legjendën, e shenjta me laiken, e mira me të keqen dhe jeta me një, diamant? The Hope Diamond, ose i quajtur ndryshe Le Bijou du Roi (Bizhuteria e mbretit), Le bleu de France (Bluja e Francës) apo Tavernier Blue, ka qenë diamanti më i çmuar dhe më i kërkuar në botë, por njëkohësisht edhe më famëkeqi, më misteriozi dhe më i rrezikshmi. Gjithçka filloi kur diamanti u vodh, nga syri i një idhulli të shenjtë, hyjnisë hindu Sita. Ditët e sotme qëndron i sigurt në Muzeun Kombëtar Smithsonian i Historisë Natyrore në Uashington, D.C., në krye të koleksionit të gurëve të çmuar.Por edhe për sa kohë do të jetë i tillë? Kush do të mundohet ta zotërojë atë sërish, pavarësisht mallkimit që ai gur mbart? Cilat janë objektivat e tjera të këtij personi? Aksion, aventurë, tradhëti, krim. A do të ketë ky diamant sërish një pronar pas kaq shumë vitesh?Nominuar në "The Wattys 2023".©selenophilenian, Wattpad.…

The Tetrachromat (On HOLD)

The Tetrachromat (On HOLD)

1,786 372 23

||UMBRELLA ACADEMY x THE PRINCES IN THE TOWER||In 2023, eighteen-year-old Grisha is upset over missing his admission to a prestigious Art Academy. Worse, he's drafted to fight in an unjust war he hates. In a fit of rage, Grisha rips his second-hand text-book and hurls it at his hardliner father. He fervently wishes he could fix Russia's violent history just like that. To erase the shadow of Ivan the Terrible, as it looms larger and larger over Grisha's world, driving him to the brink of self-destruction.In response, the world crumbles around Grisha until all that is left of him is his soul, which travels through time to find Besson in the year 1591.Also eighteen, Besson is a suspect in the killing of a child Prince-Ivan the Terrible's son -- when his only desire is to paint icons in a quiet monastery. Together, Grisha and Besson hunt for a mythical assassin through time and the answers to two crucial questions. Who killed the boy-prince? And who else do you need to kill, so there is always peace.First published date: February 02, 2023…



7 0 1

just something I wrote when I was on vacation .…

Dark / Young justice

Dark / Young justice

24 2 1

Superboy x OC…



37 0 27

A story I wrote years ago: Mizuki Cornell is a valedictorian, one of the smartest in his year, and the kindest in his school. All that wouldn't be a problem, except he's fallen in love with a classmate named Sota Meril, who desperately needs a tutor, and decides Mizuki is best for the job. Note: This is an old story, so don't expect too much. I'm rereading this as I copy and paste it to Wattpad. This is an oof, but hopefully, you find some enjoyment in it. Either by making fun of it or by actually enjoying some of the characters. (or my Author's Notes) (Hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink.)…

Sötétség kudarca

Sötétség kudarca

10 0 2

Verses kötet…

Ultimate Spiderman: SpideyNova Edition

Ultimate Spiderman: SpideyNova Edition

5,953 105 22

Peter Parker has been Spider-Man for one year. He has saved lives, fought super-villains and dated Nova for three years, but he is still in the process of learning how to be a superhero. Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. offers Peter the chance to train to be a real superhero and become "The Ultimate Spider-Man." However, Peter will first have to learn how to work with a team of four fellow teenage superheroes: Nova, White Tiger, Iron Fist and Power Man.Co-writer: @Blackninja2511*SLOW UPDATES TO TO LENGTHY CHAPTERS*All trademarks and canonical characters used belong to their rightful owners…



2 0 1