Finding ourJoy

Finding ourJoy

1,751 182 36

A story of love and loss, Joy a young lady, recently divorced, sets out to find her piece of happiness which has so far alluded her. Finding her true self is all she desires.But life always gifts you what you are most in need of.Finding love in the most unexpected place, only to be betrayed again.…

oh my it's kirumugi (SPOILERS!)
Kaisi yeh yaariaan:After Years

Kaisi yeh yaariaan:After Years

82,421 4,285 25

How about a sneak peek of fab5 at their fifty's.Yaariaan of fab5's kids......…

The Karumu Collection

The Karumu Collection

1 0 1

A small collection of Haiku I wrote during the summer. Yes, it's December, but better late than never.That shade of crimsonFlowing gently down the armAs they bleed a stream.A knife in his chestThe heart has completely stoppedSirens can be heard.A breeze in the windThe sweet smell of flowers tooIt seems like summerA gunshot through himLike a hole-punch through paperHe may not survive.Darkness closes in.His eyelids get heavier.Endless sleep draws near.Pessimistic boy,Why do you only see bad?The world is equal...甘い香り Amai kaori Sweet smellsそっと水を移動 Sotto mizu o idō Gently moving waters今の夏 Ima no natsu Its summer now. (Japanese haiku, doesn't work in English)…

Just One More Chance (KurumuxReader)

Just One More Chance (KurumuxReader)

56,462 1,130 23

°=|| You join the school of monsters, Yokai Academy, unsuspected by the ferocious beings that gather inside every student. During this, you meet the group of monsters most known as Tsukune's Squad. The popular group welcomes a new member, and yet, the most welcoming one is of course, Kurumu. A little too welcoming. But, you sense something, and before soon friendships come crashing down.. And the one person who did most of that pain, suddenly wants you back... In a more intimate way. ||=°Characters all belong to the original Rosario + Vampire. Except for some I might add randomly here and then..This is a lemon!Follow @mayflowah to get notifications on updates for this book!…

Drumuri care nu se vor mai intersecta niciodată...

Drumuri care nu se vor mai intersecta niciodată...

3,800 399 18

Stau şi mă uit la toată acea mare de oameni care s-au adunat la... îmi vine greu să pronunţ acel cuvânt, dar este doar un efect rezidual din viaţa mea, aşa că reuşesc să îl spun, ştiind că ar trebui să simt ceva, însă nu pot... mormântul meu. Da, acela sub salcia imensă este mormântul meu şi acolo stau cu capul plecaţi o groază de oameni. Pe unii îi recunosc, pe alţii nu. Pe unii îi urăsc, alţii îmi sunt indiferenţi, dar mai există un grup. Un grup de şase persoane pe care le iubesc. Acum, de abia acum, după ce am murit, pot înţelege, pot concepe cu adevărat sentimentele, atât pe ale mele, cât şi pe ale celor din jur. Nu mai pot simţi, nu mai pot iubi, nu mai pot plânge, ci pot doar înţelege. Atât şi nimic mai mult, poate doar de atât ai nevoie. Aş vrea să spun că îmi vor lipsi, dar sunt doar vorbe goale, nesusţinute de acel sentiment de lipsă, de dor. Văd durerea imensă pe care am lăsat-o în urma mea şi aş vrea să pot susţine cu ceva cuvintele „îmi pare rău", dar nu pot. Le pot rosti, dar nu le mai pot simţi. Însă înţeleg cu adevărat, întru totul durerea lor, disperarea, dorinţa de a schimba ceva. Concep toate aceste sentimente, înţeleg şi sentimentele mele care m-au forţat să fac ceea ce am făcut şi mă pot gândi la ele fără ca acestea să mă mai rănească. Nu mai au acea putere incontestabilă, enormă pe care o aveau asupra mea, numai că nu mă mai ajută cu nimic această înţelegere. Nu pot schimba lucrurile, nu pot schimba alegerea care m-a adus atât pe mine cât şi pe ceilalţi în această poziţie. Drumurile noastre au fost forţate să se împartă în două căi diferite care se depărtează din ce în ce mai mult. Drumuri care cu siguranţă nu se vor mai intersecta niciodată...…

Hagiography of Saint Aarumugathambiran

Hagiography of Saint Aarumugathambiran

963 14 13

AUMThis Holy book describes the divine hagiography of The Lord Murugan devotee, Sri Aarumugathambiran of Thiruthangal in Virudhunagar district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. In this sacred place, around 18th century, a divine baby named ARUMUGANAR was born to a divinely couple who were blessed by Lord Muruga, named Chinnaiya- Vellaiyamma at Nadutheru street. Aarumuganar, who is ever in contemplation of Lord Muruga, wakes up early in the morning at 4 a.m., daily and walk towards west to Singarathope garden (now Kalaimagal school campus) and have bath in the pond there and pluck flowers for worshipping Lord Murugan. He dedicated his whole life to his favorite deity, Lord Muruga, and so abstained himself from family life and lead an ascetic life. Aarumuganar did many miracles and healed the life of many people.READ MORE ABOUT THE SAINT AARUMUGATHAMBIRAN SPIRITUAL LIFE.…

the yanderumu files.

the yanderumu files.

537 15 8

We follow the story of second year ayumu uehara. who's love for her childhood best friend will make her do things that will change her life forever. What happens when anger and jealousy consume you.…

Drumul spre a fi

Drumul spre a fi "eu"

382 26 7

Yume, o fata dintr-o familie foarte bogata, desi are 17 ani inca nu a cunoscut altceva decat afacerile familiei si cum sa traiesti izolata intr-un conac plin de servitori. Ea descopera dragostea exact cand nu se astepta si este gata sa lupte pentru ea.…

Kurumu Komori(Diabolik Lovers Story)

Kurumu Komori(Diabolik Lovers Story)

9,380 125 15

Yui comes to the manison with her big sister who is a succubus…

Me and you? No way!

Me and you? No way!

144 4 6

Were you looking for some ✨cringe✨ story? Here it is: Axar, flirty boy who is a real devil and a normal girl named Michiko, are two people from two different worlds who have to see each other, every day when they go to one of the high schools in Japan. When they bump into each other on their first day of school, they already know how much they dislike each other - of course, with reciprocation. However, despite the hatred and the girl who bothers them with her existence, in one year they have many adventures together. How can they end?...One person will ruin everything?...Will there be peace between two completely conflicted souls?Or will something completely different happen?~Axar, flirciarz, chłopak który jest wcielonym diabłem i zwykła dziewczyna o imieniu Michiko, to dwie osoby z dwóch różnych światów, które muszą widzieć się na co dzień, chodząc do jednego z liceum w Japonii. Kiedy tylko wpadają na siebie pierwszego dnia szkoły, już wiedzą o tym jak bardzo się nie lubią-oczywiście z wzajemnością. Jednak mimo nienawiści, oraz dziewczynie która im wyraźnie dogadza swoim istnieniem, w jeden rok przeżywają razem wiele przygód. Jak mogą się one zakończyć?...Jedna osoba popsuje wszystko?...Czy nastanie pokój pomiędzy dwoma kompletnie skłóconymi duszami?A może zdarzy się coś kompletnie innego?~ *Na początku jest nudno, ale dajcie mi się rozkręcić ( •̀ ω •́ )✧*…

John The Detective.

John The Detective.

619 15 8

This is a story of a detective John . This story is about his experience and cases that he handles…

Schimb de drumuri

Schimb de drumuri

19 0 1

O poezie pe care am scris-o în 2005, în care se regăsește lupta interioară dintre asumarea totală a controlului propriei vieți și cedarea controlului unei deități care se presupunea a fi providențială... Însă o religie care te face să te simți în permanență vinovat(ă), nu e religie, ci e o închisoare pentru suflet. Un suflet are nevoie să respire, să exploreze și să-și dezvolte potențialul la maxim. Spiritualitatea e mult mai eliberatoare decât religia.…

Diabolik Lovers Ayato X Kirumu
Everything but nothing,Nothing but everything

Everything but nothing,Nothing but everything

1,896 123 25

She had everything but nothing.He had nothing but everything.Anika Hegde had money, beauty and brains. People were envious of her and thought that her life was just perfect. But all of that was just a facade. In reality she was a broken girl, determined to make her dream a reality. But with her past haunting her every step, will she be able to achieve her goal?Aarav Rao is an ordinary boy with nothing outstanding in his life. He has a normal family, loving friends and was able to chase his aspirations. He was happy and contented with his life. Though he wasn't extraordinary, he had everything he wanted and everything he needed.When these two personalities clash, there are a lot of arguments with a hint of what you may call love. Aarav is hell bound on helping Anika get over her past and achieve her goals. But can Aarav break through her walls? And will Anika survive the storm caused in her life due to a particular black haired boy?…

Vampire (Hyunlix)

Vampire (Hyunlix)

186 17 4

I swear, if you don't read it, you'll miss something!He he...…

Drumul meu spre casa e unul lung si obositor
WARNING YURI! Rosario + Vampire Kurumu X OC Female reader (OC'S Name: Dia Onishi

WARNING YURI! Rosario + Vampire Kurumu X OC Female reader (OC'S Name: Dia Onishi

9,738 194 9

I wanted to try something different so I did this if you don't like it please don't read it and leave me be this is my first time writing a yuri fanfiction and it won't be my only time and also if you don't like yuri don't read this and I will be writing more of this one cause I kinda like this ship and don't get me wrong I am strait but I can't help myself and we all know that when a person sees a ship they like no matter what they are into, strait or not they will not give up on that ship that they have formed and liked and they can't help them self and you must be wondering hey why would you put a female reader isn't she a succubus... well yeah she is but just because she's a succubus doesn't mean that she likes guys and at first she does like Tsukune but wouldn't it be interesting if a succubus fell for a girl instead and don't they mostly use men as a man servant.…

Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow

415 21 20

Willow, a loner in high school, teams up with the popular quarterback to find out what really happened to her father who died years ago. *****After a tragic car accident, 16-year-old Willow Reddy loses her father and becomes a shell of the girl she used to be. She longs to finish high school and leave the town of Sandusky and its painful memories behind. When a mysterious note is left in her school locker, Willow has no choice but to revisit the past and question her father's death."I'm sorry. What happened to your dad wasn't an accident." The note says, shattering Willow's world. Who could have left it there, and what does the writer of the note want from her? To find answers, Willow enlists the help of Russ Rivers, the most popular boy in high school and the police chief's son. As they begin to unearth secrets from the past and sparks begin to fly between them, will the truth heal Willow or create more pain than ever?…