I Think We Found Love...In Us.

I Think We Found Love...In Us.

393 35 2

Jimin i Taehyung są przyjaciółmi od dawna. Udało im się zadebiutować z zespołem.Wszystko byłoby wspaniale, gdyby nie pomysł Jungkooka, który zmienił wszystko w życiu chłopaków o 180 stopni.…

The World of Ferrugineae

The World of Ferrugineae

132 0 8

Ferrugineae is the planet that all of my non-group OCs reside in. It is a large planet that is divided into many regions. Some regions are relatively industrialized, while others almost resemble untouched wilderness. Each region is special and residents of each region usually have distinctive traits that is often (incorrectly) said to originate from that region. There are also classes within each region, some superior to others. Every class has assumptions about another class, whether it be positive or negative. These assumptions can affect how characters of different classes interact with each other. Here are the known regions of Ferrugineae:Herbaceous Forest [X]Oak Boulevard [X]Flower Province [X]Monocot Town [X]Vascular Cave [X]Dicot Mountains [X]Xylem Plains [X]Angio City []Cambium Woods []Berry Fields []Mossy City []More regions may be added if a character doesn't fit in any of the other regions.Each region will have the following structure:- description- short history- known residents (only my OCs will be included unless I give someone else permission to include their OC in the region)- special traits- classes- demographics (annual birth rate, annual death rate, etc.)- special notes that are usually exclusive to the regionThis work will have no cover at the moment, although I may make one later. I will publish each part in my spare time (or when I have no motivation to do anything else), so it may take a while before this is finished.…

The One He Fell In Love With

The One He Fell In Love With

3 1 3

Abby Bell was an innocent girl, kind, a happy person and love by her town. Abby grow up in a small town since the age of 6 she now 18 and her parents died when she was 16 in car accident leaving her and her bother alone. Colten Wings is a rudeness, emotionless, coldhearted, feared by most people. He has grown up in the a undercover FBI family and is now running it since his dad died four years ago he 22.What happens when someone stole 3 million dollars from colten and moved to Abby town? And when Colten goes to get him he lies eyes on Abby? (Read to find out)The povs will switch from Abby and Colten for time to time⚠️This has Inappropriate scenes, Language and sumts, please read at your own risk⚠️…

You my Ligth [VRVR Hoyoung x TXT Yeonjun]

You my Ligth [VRVR Hoyoung x TXT Yeonjun]

167 16 4

Yeonjun is an average guy who likes to dance and eat. Hoyoung is one of those guys just he doesn't like these things. One day, the Sibiu will get together and Hoyoung will run with his red face to his best friend, Kangmin. Yeonjun doesn't do that. He goes on as if nothing had happened.…

My awesome tale

My awesome tale

250 1 1

BBHUSDBCUHEFBFIREHBFWHIFUWRIFNRIUFHWUIRHFUIRHFUIRHF BLAAAAAA BLAAAAA BLLLAA,,,,,!!!!,,,,,kavnihfbeqoucbuyrfbryeufbjudgwddvwejfbwrjfbewjhfbjhewbfuhwrbfuhwdbcuhdwbfuhrebcuhercbuhrecbwiryybcrbwecybweiybywibcewyecbwhurbuqhsbdwegfihefbejhwcsgjwdygcgwsjhcgewuygfwudhcbwyducbwduhcbhuwdcdbwduhcbwdbcewuhbcuyewgcuywebfuywefbcuywvcdgvugvuggfffhgcugcugtufcutfyugccguutcuctgcucutcutctutucutcutcutcutcuctcutcutcutankaknaknknanakaknankankaknaknaknaknaknaknankaknnkaankaknankaknnkaaknnkankakankannaknkaknaankknaankankankaknankaknankaknanknejodwhwueidbuwygdeuxvwjhcbdwugcbdjhwcbwjhocd ihg whebc huge wjboec had jgwocvuigewvduigevoduvedouwvgedoedv and BBHUSDBCUHEFBFIREHBFWHIFUWRIFNRIUFHWUIRHFUIRHFUIRHF BLAAAAAA BLAAAAA mcdsds j djsh l j shld jdsh cdsjlHcd sjlbvsddjbhsvjblhVdsbjdvldbvljdsbvdjsbjdSvvbdlvjbsdjyvvsdbjhlsfbivhibsvdhbilshdvbiysvfibysdvibyvsfihbfsviybvcsybsvcibyiscvbuiybsc ibsuccbiscu biu csibsc ibucsvbi csbi scbiicbs cbis bics ibcs bisc bics ibsdvbiscdibscdhcgjhcghckghcghcgchhcghchgvhvhvhhvvhvbbggbb…

Flora and Fauna of Valley of Flowers Uttarakhand

Flora and Fauna of Valley of Flowers Uttarakhand

8 0 1

VOFThe Valley of Flowers is in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand and is located 300km north of Rishikesh near Badrinath and at an altitude of 3250-6750 m above the sea level. This National Park is rank Second among places to visit in valley of flowers.It is the ultimate beautiful place for the tourist to visit, even if we call it heaven it will not be wrong because its beauty is made by looking at it, there is always a crowd of tourists. People come here from far away to spend their holidays and to enjoy the beauty of the National park. This park has the meadow of Alpine flowers.Best time to visit Flora and fauna The Valley of FlowersWell, you can come here whenever you want, but when it looks the most beautiful that month is June. June is the perfect time to visit Valley of flowers. Flora in JuneIn the month of June, the snow starts melting because of it the new and small plants start growing again and the glacier keeps melting. By the month of July, all the flowers will be in full bloom and this is what makes the flower more beautiful and charming. Here you will see many kinds of flowers which you will not find anywhere in India Here are some different range of Flowers. The Valley of flower park has more than 520 species of flowers likeEpilobium Latifolium (River Beauty also), Ranunculus, Himalayan Blue Poppy, Marsh Marigold, Juncus Himalensis, Aconitum Balfourii, Aconitum Violaceum, Allium humile, and so on.FaunaThe Valley of flowers is the home of many animal species and the park has more than 13 species of mammal.We can see many species of animals there like Himalayan Thar, Grey Langur, Himalayan black bear, Himalayan weasel, red fox and so on.…

How To Take Care Of Indoors Orchid Plants

How To Take Care Of Indoors Orchid Plants

2 0 1

Orchid plants are very commonly used indoor plants. But if it's not properly taken care it can become a little clumsy. Taking care of an orchid is quite easy provided you follow this orchid care guide 1. IDENTIFY THE TYPES OF ORCHID: identifying which type of orchid you have is very important as all orchids have different requirements. there are mainly 2 types of orchids that are most commonly seen indoors:● Phalaenopsis: the moth orchid as they are commonly known usually requires a brief dry period between watering.● Dendrobium: the cane orchid requires its soil to be evenly moist at all times.2. BEST POSITION FOR THE ORCHID PLANT: the best place to keep them is where they can get filtered natural, bright light. Care should be taken that the plant is not exposed to harsh and direct sunlight, Orchid flower arrangements favour a mild and warm, and somewhat humid environment with fresh warm air.3. WHEN AND HOW TO TRIM: the right time for trimming is when the bloom is over. The snipping should be done just below where the last flower grew, keeping the node below it intact as that will grow into the next flower. 4. HOW TO WATER THE ORCHIDS: watering the right way is very important for any plant so is the case of orchids. The one thing to keep in mind while watering is orchids ideally requires very less water therefore watering straight to roots will prevent it from becoming dry. Sprinkling water on the leaves occasionally is also ideal.5. REPOTTING: for orchids repotting every once in a year is good enough to let the plant have room to breathe. Every year choose a pot that is a little bigger than the last one with good manure to support the growth. Now that you are completely aware of how to care for orchid plants, you can buy orchid plants online and start enjoying the beauty they are going to offer your home.…

Alfa kontra Slender

Alfa kontra Slender

21 0 2

Jestem Michael. Mam 14 lat w tym roku kończę 15. W moim życiu nic ciekawego szczególnie że mieszkam na strasznym zadupiu czyli w Detroit. Pewnego dnia w holu była powieszona karteczka z informacjami dotyczącymi imprezy z okazji końca roku szkolnego więc uznałem to za dobre wyjście tuż przed wakacjami. Wróciłem do domu zjadłem na spokojnie obiad, ubrałem się jak każdy w Detroit na dyskoteki czyli dresy i foolcap. Po drodze do szkoły usłyszałem wycie wilka, który stał przede mną kilka metrów dalej. Zacząłem powoli się cofać aż tu nagle nade mną przeskoczył kolejny wilka, większy od tamtego, był czarny i miał złote oczy w przeciwieństwie do tamtego czerwono okiego. Zaczęli ze sobą walczyć co dało mi szanse na ucieczkę więc szybkim pędem uciekłem w las do szkoły. Wszedłem do budynku przywitałem się ze znajomymi, potańczyliśmy do 24 z dziewczynami i lekko się napiliśmy od jednego co przemycił piwo na dyskotekę. Wracałem do domu gdy tu nagle znowu ten wilk ten sam. Myślałem, że ten duży znowu wyskoczy nade mną ale się tak nie stało. Nabiegł na mnie warcząc i przymierzał się do ugryźnięcia mnie w szyję ale się obróciłem i ugryzł mnie w plecy. Krzyczałem w niebo głosy, plując krwią. Ledwo co się doczołgałem do domu a rany mi się zagoiły ,,what?!,,. Na początku myślałem, że to sen a tak było naprawdę te wilki, ugryźnięcie i zagojenie się ran. Wchodzę do domu a rodzice czekają na mnie z niecierpliwością i rozczarowaniem.-Michael gdzieś ty się podziewał razem z tatą się o ciebie martwiliśmy.Nie mogłem im powiedzieć o tym, że wilk mnie ugryzł i, że rana mi się sama z siebie zagoiła.-Wybacz mamo to się więcej nie powtórzy.Poszedłem do siebie na górę by poczytać trochę o wilkach w Detroit. Szukałem godzinami ale nic nie znalazłem może się skądś przypałętały. Zasnąłem na biurku gdy podczas snu obudził mnie dziwny zapach. Nagle wyczułem dziwny zapa…