

28,375 886 40

A fanfiction of Howl's Moving Castle- that doesn't start or end with Sophie and Howl married or having children! What happens when Artemis, a normal girl, runs into Howl and Sophie? Just another girl, right? She could have been, until the accident. Something big happens, and Howl and Artemis are forced to spend more and more time together. When complications arise, will they ultimately be drawn together, or will Howl revert to stealing the hearts of young maidens like before he had met Sophie? One girl- on normal girl is all it takes. Howl will show her so much more to the world than she had known was out there. But what if Artemis and Howl have more in common than they had thought?Multiple perspectives! (A Howl's Moving Castle Fanfic, different from any you will have ever read!)You should see the movie at least before reading this, or you will be missing a lot! Links to the movie online are in the comments below!I don't know if I will be writing a sequel yet.…

The Other Night Fury (Toothless x reader)

The Other Night Fury (Toothless x reader)

66,966 1,498 12

Basically how the movie hidden world plays out but instead of the Light Fury, its you but as a Night Furylike Toothless, she also felt like the last of her kind. you found a friend before a human attacked your kind. she was a Light Fury. when the human attacked you and the Light Fury were playing like most dragons your age did (your the same age as Toothless). that was when you heard the roar of your kind. you two flew back only to see flames, humans using dragons, and your kind on the ground. one human saw you and brought up a bow. your friend roared as she blasted the arrow he shot. she nudged you for us to leave. by the time he loaded another arrow we were already gone. since then, i've been the last of my kind, the Night Furies. that is, until nowI do not own HTTYD or any of its characters or you either…

~Nico Fanfiction~

~Nico Fanfiction~

68,209 1,264 12

This story is about a purple Cannery. She was little when she was friends with Blu as well as grew up together. They've been best friends since with their friend Linda. Till one day, all of that changesBook 1 of 2…

An Alpha's Melody

An Alpha's Melody

458 32 24

She is just a normal girl, until she is bitten one fateful night. The wolf who bit her, turns out to be her mate . . . and an Alpha.…

My Hero

My Hero

12,354 358 12

Im April O'Neils sister. April didnt tell her turtle friends about me and that i was related to her, till the day i went with her to see Baxter stockman, but a certain call made one turtle start to have feelings for me. a chance encounter after convincing my sister to let her come with causing me to meet four huge turtles, without noticing because i've never been in love before, that i'd fall for the turtle genius not knowing he developed a crush on me as well (also no this is not an x reader, this is based off my oc)…

My Miraculous Love (Chat Noir x reader)

My Miraculous Love (Chat Noir x reader)

230 21 6

Being a photographer in Paris but also having mom on a strict schedule makes it hard for you to what you loved, wanting to take pictures of the city you live in and go to school. Despite your mom knowing Mr. Agreste you've never met his son despite seeing him on ads across the city. One morning, you snapped in a sense and lost your mom's assistant and tried to get to the school near by to see if you could be a student there, but before getting through the doors you noticed a man with a can holding so many things it blocked his vision. Running over to help, he thanked me before a hand was placed on my shoulder showing I got caught. After being allowed to help the man I was taken home but, not realizing that one encounter would change my life....possibly for the better?(as usual, none of the characters, songs or drawings are mine unless i mention it in the chapter. if it ever is one of mine then its based on a reference, pics used for the cover i don't own either, nor do i own your character)…

The Sound of Their Presence

The Sound of Their Presence

2,560 145 51

Cheyenne is a normal girl. Aside from her little family secret that involves turning into a unicorn under certain circumstances. Shane is a normal boy. Aside from the fact that he is a unicorn hunter. When the two of them meet, duty could get in the way, but could their love of music bring them closer together? What happens when there are discoveries of more shifters and a psyhcotic mother wants to make changes in the world- destructive changes?This story is complete with a sequel.…

~\Shaun Murphy finds love/~ (the good doctor shaun murphy x reader)

~\Shaun Murphy finds love/~ (the good doctor shaun murphy x reader)

6,029 67 3

Shaun says he doesn't want love because of what happened when he was younger, but when his new neighbor/co-worker comes into his life, can he except the fact he is having feelings, or will he keep telling himself he doesn't deserve to be with someone he loves. find out in this fanfic of the good doctor, featuring you and Shaun and the rest of the shows cast.i do not own the show, or the other shows i have made fanfics of, they belong to the creatures not me. you belong to yourself, only thing that belongs to me is this story that i am typing, and my oc in soe of my stories, enjoy my kitties~…

Donnie's Nerd (Donnie x reader)

Donnie's Nerd (Donnie x reader)

9,037 206 12

you were a smart girl for 15 year old. your dad hardly paid any attention to you even though you try to make him proud, yet he still thinks you are rude and selfish. you have a 11 year old sister named (sisters name) who he favors more, and four pets who your sister acts like they are hers. even when she steals from your room, your dad wont care saying you need to share. the reason you dont let her near your stuff. its basically because she breaks it, weather it be an invention or just something you care about like your plushies your mom got you before she died. your dad worked night so he was hardly home, making you the one to watch your sister even though she doesnt listen to you. your dad moved to NY for a change and has had his friend watch your sister instead since he thinks your not actually watching her. you decided to sneak out one night to get away from your family and something cool happened after that…

Love with an alien (Invader Zim ~Zim x reader~)   (On Hold For Now)

Love with an alien (Invader Zim ~Zim x reader~) (On Hold For Now)

53,069 1,028 28

After moving into the neighborhood where Zim lives. It was clear that your life was going to get interesting. Why you ask? Because Zim falls for you (who is human) and Dib tries to keep you from Zim in order to protect you and everyone else. Dib doesn't fall for you, but feels it is his job to protect anyone near Zim. Your mom always told you that looks don't matter, as long as you care for them and that they aren't bad people. You always lived by that saying, so you didn't mind how Zim looked, you thought of Zim as interesting and mysterious, in a good way. Little did you know, that you'd be falling for him as well (ill be going by episodes sometimes so if its an episode from the series it will have an '(e)' next to the title, if not then its something I made up. This is my first Zim story so don't judge me. I love Zim and Dib so reading some fanfics of them inspired me to make one of my own. If there are any miss spells let me know so I can fix them. Anyways, see you my kitties in the book, Boi~)…

From Neighbors to Lovers

From Neighbors to Lovers

13 1 1

This is a one shot, so it is complete:She never thought that her long time crush would notice her, since he had outgrown her friendship in third grade, let alone speak to her before their senior prom. He had been hiding his own feelings since their childhood because he didn't think she could forgive him let alone love him after he abandoned her when they were little kids.…



41 0 9

anything that goes on in my life ill say here…



131 11 28

A Christmas special, this story is themed in northern LP Michigan, where a girl, Marissa, is spending her Christmas Vacation with her Aunt, who has never gotten along with her. Will her Christmas Vacation be brightened by a strange boy named Angelo Willis? Or will a secret regarding Angelo's health break them, destroy their lives, and even the Earth? No one knows, when it comes to those who are less pure than their former, arch angel self.This is a short one shot. Each chapter is quite short. I may change it in the future, as I don't like the way I cut it off.…

The Once Life Of Ellen Cross
Ever Since New York//larry stylson

Ever Since New York//larry stylson

856 106 18

Che cosa succederebbe se improvvisamente la vita di Harry fosse scombussolata da un ragazzo incontrato in un bar?Cosa succederebbe se si innamorasse così tanto da perdere se stesso in una tempesta senza fine?Tempo e fato si incontrarono, si amavano, si odiavano e si completavano a vicenda, ma le stelle comandano su tutto, e li hanno divisi, ma l'amore è un sentimento troppo forte, certi legami sono troppo saldi per essere spezzati. L'ancora ha sempre bisogno della sua corda, che la tiene stretta allo scoglio e non la lascia più andare, e la corda avrà sempre bisogno della sua ancora per sentirsi forte ed importante. Nel silenzio dell'universo tempo e fato si rincontrarono, in silenzio, all'oscuro delle stelle, e continuarono a vivere il loro amore ricostruendo i pezzi del loro puzzle.Estratto dal capitolo 4:«Perché noi saremo un unico cuore si dicono nella leggenda Elea ed Elrhon. Il loro cuore è la stella che vediamo precedere l'argento di Luri ed alla quale vanno le preghiere piene di sospiri degli amanti infelici e le benedizioni degli amanti felici o smemorati.» una lacrima rigò il viso di Harry, impercettibilmente l'asciugò subito e sorrise. Sembrava di vivere una favola, la scena di un film, ma era semplicemente la realtà, e stava succedendo a lui, che non credeva più nell'amore da troppo tempo, che faceva fatica a ricordare l'ultima volta in cui si sentì così irrimediabilmente consumato da una persona. Era bastato solo un giorno per capire che il futuro era solo da vivere.…

Red Hearts - COMPLETE
He's different from others (masumi x reader)

He's different from others (masumi x reader)

3,177 108 9

You came with your sister to find the person who sent the letter addressed to our father. The only downside from our decision? Well, you and her got to be, well. Read to see. But there was one thing good about going to the theater, you fell for a certain boy doubting he liked you back. What would you expect when everyone loves your sisteri've noticed not many have made stories off him or the others in the series so to show my love of him i decided to make a fanfiction of Masumi and i hope you enjoy~…

The Vega Twin (Beck Oliver Fanfiction)

The Vega Twin (Beck Oliver Fanfiction)

8,701 151 3

your Tori Vega's twin sister. she sings you dance, sister? not so much. you and Tori both go to Hollywood Arts, both of you end up being friends with, Andre, Cat, Robbie (even Rex), and Beck, except Jade. she didn't like you from the beginning. you end up just having a crush on Beck knowing about his relationship with Jade so you push your feelings aside thinking it was for the best, but is it?will Beck love you back? or will you fall for someone else along the line? find out in the storyi do not own the victorious cast, yourself, images or music, or even the videos. in the videos, pretend Tori is you. also in most parts, i'll be replacing Tori with you because there is a lot of scene's about them…

Sunil x oc //fanfic

Sunil x oc //fanfic

2,661 53 5

yes this fox next to sunil is my lps oc, you can read if you dont mind me chosing the name and all that, i hardly do oc fanfics so plz dont hate, i just simply hope you enjoy this sunil fanfic i made. i will post chapters whenever i can. i am making things up as i go, so in this fanfic, there is now episodes in here, just my imagination. btw these are episodes were there will be some chaos and some normal pet days, anyways ny kitties, hope you enjoy!~…

Tails x oc (Sonic X)

Tails x oc (Sonic X)

1,834 24 6

Marron is friends with Tails and the gang, and has been for awhile. Maroon has a big crush on Tails but has a hard time admitting it. When Marron gets warped, or however you say it, into another world. She ends up being at the same place with Sonic. Sonic ends up being saved by a human boy named Chris who eventually becomes one of Marrons good friendsWill Marron tell Tails how she feels. Will Tails feel the same way. Or will Sonic and the gang go back home to their world?…