Diary of Ancient Greece (HELLAS)
Author's note: The following excerpts may not be in chronological order, but are close, and are meant simply to capture different time periods and characters encompassing many centuries. These entries are not meant to be fully historically accurate and are supposed to have some comedic value. This was originally done for a college English project--yes, I did Hetalia fanfic for an assignment--but I was proud of it and felt I did decent writing it. It is mainly from the perspective of Greece's mother, with references to other ancients and Greece. It follows several points in history with focus on the culture and arts of the time. Obviously, Ancient Greece is not a main character, and there is ver y little canon information on her. so this is mostly just my interpretation of the character, sort of as an OC, but with actual historical facts and cultural details, so I followed the true Hetalia style. There is enough real facts (it was after all for an assignment)I have labeled it as historical fiction…