Everyone has imperfections for different reasons. sometimes the past has done something to them. Now if you look closely in people's eyes you can see their story. It won't be clear at first so ask them. everyone has acne. it's not to be ashamed of. everyone has scares too, but people with scars have been though a lot and it's rude to judge. Just because someone smiles or laughs a lot doesn't mean they aren't breaking inside. So next time you go to tell someone something about them that is mean take a glance at it notice that you haven't gone what they have been through. God gave you eyes use them right stop things that are wrong, speak your mind, don't be afraid to fly. I've been afraid my whole life, I have always watched what I say and thinking back I haven't spoken my mind enough I let people boss me around. Well I'm starting fresh and I'm going to rock it. Live your life to the fullest, tell people everything. Hug people even if they don't look like they need it, sometimes they really need one but won't ask (microwave) lolBe their for people as much as you can. Scare yourself here and there.**TTYL everyone I'm off! I love you all! thankx for the laughs I'm going to miss you all! I'm sorry that OK going on an adventure without you guys. I promise I'll be back I swear on my life I'll be back within a few months! I'm sorry to say bye I'll be on as much as I can. please watch over people for me! don't let them fall on their own.…