Prolog Assignment Help | Prolog Homework Help | Live Coding Help

Prolog Assignment Help | Prolog Homework Help | Live Coding Help

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Topic: [Prolog Programming Help]Prolog Assignment Help | Prolog Homework Help | Live Coding Help is a programming assignment help service or programming homework help service designed for students.If you are also a student and finding difficulties in solving Prolog assignments on time then you must hire us for Prolog homework help.We are ready to help you 24x7 with any programming assignment and homework.Contact us:Website: [email protected] is Prolog Programming?The computer language Prolog is based on a logic system. It plays a significant role in the field of AI.Prolog, in contrast to many others, is designed to be used primarily in a declarative capacity. Relational expressions are the building blocks of reasoning in the programming language prologue (called Facts and Rules).The reasoning being applied is at the very heart of the prologue. A query is conducted across these relations to do the formulation or computation.....Key characteristics:1. Unification: The fundamental question is whether the terms provided can be made to refer to the same structure.2. Backtracking: When a task fails, the Prolog goes backward and makes an effort to complete the task before it.3. Recursion: Any software search is built on recursion.Applications of PrologThe applications of prolog are as follows:1. Specification Language2. Robot Planning3. Natural language understanding4. Machine Learning5. Problem Solving6. Intelligent Database retrieval7. Expert System8. Automated Reasoning…

PT. Metropeace: Perusahaan Kemerdekaan

PT. Metropeace: Perusahaan Kemerdekaan

33 2 20

Hai, pembaca ceria! Aku Evalin, kisahku penuh drama, komedi, bahkan aksi fantasi. Aku terinspirasi sekali dengan berbagai cerita yang kubaca tentang dunia ini, itu membuatku ingin menyelamatkannya agar tidak ada lagi orang yang hidup kelaparan, hutan-hutan akan lebih hijau segar membawa perdamaian dan semua perbedaan di antara umat manusia akan satu dalam cinta.Metropeacelah yang menjadi pilihanku, aku berjuang sekuat mungkin agar bisa ada di sana, tempat yang mengklaim menjadi pelopor perdamaian dunia, bahkan di sana orang-orang dapat hidup sangat bahagia TANPA UANG.Di sana juga ada cowok-cowok super ganteng, mereka adalah Phanel Redrevick, Liberto Kanyeson, Orion Bevier, Muffin Chocolark dan Graynard Axelion dos Santos, WAAAH!!!Namun setiap kebaikan selalu diikuti kejahatan, ada pun mereka yang berusaha menghancurkan dunia dengan ketamakan dan senjata-senjata untuk melukai semua orang, menciptakan peperangan. Aku lelah dengan roller coaster kehidupan ini, kejahatan harus musnah dari muka bumi dan kelak semua orang akan bahagia, penuh damai dan cinta untuk selama-lamanya!…

Set Fire to the Realms

Set Fire to the Realms

130 25 12

“The Queen Titaia Frost!” Aia heard the herald shout as yet another set of doors creaked open. A great din of voices greeted her then suddenly hushed as they stepped into the room. She felt the prince tug her closer, his grip tightening on her arm almost painfully. She winced, a soft whimper escaping her lips but going unnoticed by others in the room. Her head jerked up at the loud slam of what sounded like a fist against old oak. “HEAR!” Came a shout from up ahead of her and instantly the crowd went completely silent. Aia's head turned about as she tried to percieve what was going around her. A deep chuckle came from in front of her and the voice boomed through the room again. “Remove the blindfold my son and remove her cloak. Let all see how well my son has done for his realm!” Without a word, the prince pulled the tie on her cloak and removed it from her before removing the blindfold from her eyes. A collective gasp echoed throughout the room as the flaming mane of red curls fell loose from the hood of her cloak. Aia blinked her eyes, trying to focus from her time of complete darkness. “It's the Ice Queen...” “It's really her!” Came the murmurs from around the room. “SILENCE!” The voice boomed from the front center of the room and Aia's head snapped to the front as her eyes focused on what she knew in her bones to be the mortal enemy of her people.“King Aodh, I presume.” Came Aia's soft, musical voice. Keeping her composure as though she knew no fear. The fire of her anger burned deep in her bones. Aia straightened her spine, lifting her head high as the King shifted on his throne. Her blue green gaze burning into the fire king. “Are you not afraid of me young Ms Frost?” The king spoke, laughter in his voice.” Aia's lips turned up into a cold smile. “Why would I be afraid of something whose wrath burns so brightly? For soon enough all such things burn out.”…

One Last Rain Drop Book 1: New Beginnings

One Last Rain Drop Book 1: New Beginnings

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Lord DewDrop is a seventeen year old lord who has taken over the roll of her dead father. What she doesn't know is she'll meet many more people that will help make her life more fun, but still stressful.Jake is an eighteen year old guard who only moved in when he was 7-with his brother Ash, friend Blue, and Blue's little brother Red- because his village was burnt down.Ella is an eighteen year old girl who randomly appeared on shore... Who is she?Characters that you will likely see in the story line-Spiritual Being: Lady SerenitySpiritual Being: Lady BermusaSpiritual Being: Sir AjaxSpiritual Being: Sir WarenhariSpiritual Being: Sir RunihuraSpirits: Cleo TwellsSpirit: Josh CorrySpirit: Kyle ClarkLord: DewDrop StrahlDivine Warrior: MeadowHead Guard: Michael StevensGuard: Jake SkyGuard: Blue SentheasGuard: Ash SkyGuard: Pein RogersGuard: Steve GrantGuard/Farmer: Brendan JacksonGuard/Farmer: Red SentheasGuard/Baker: Cloud Le BlancGuard/Farmer: Diana StevensGuard/Healer: Katanna HeartGuard/Healer: Erin CraterGuard/Healer: Blaze ClaraGuard: MoonShadow StarGuard: Scorpio KingGuard: Clover GreenGuard: Mercury FosMerchant: Maggy Corona -DeceasedGuard: Bianca JacksonChild: Toby StevensBlack Smith: Thomas JacksonChild: Abby Stevens -Deceased-Farmer: EllaChild: Stephanie Le Blanc -Deceased-Child: JoeyChild: Richard HanksChild: MaryChild: TomLibrarian: MaryJane FlairRegular Villager: LilyRegular Villager: JackRegular Villager: SuzRegular Villager: DrewRegular Villager: NicoleRegular Villager: MokaRegular Villager: LeafRegular Villager: LizzyThief: RayTraveler/Guard: Carter KentTraveler/Guard: Will KentLord MichelleHer Guard: CoreyVillain: KitVillain: Hunter SharpVillain: BasilHunter's Guard: WilliamHunter's Guard: Carl-Random Characters-Lady 1Lady 2Lady 3Lady 4Child 1Child 2Child 3Bully 1Bully 2Bully 3…

Ketology Keto

Ketology Keto

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What Are Ketology Keto Work?Ketology Keto by Health are high quality, natural ingredients that promote weight loss while following the ketogenic diet provided by Health. It is a healthy alternative to diet pills and other diet supplements sold on the internet.Peruse Ketology Keto mark carefully while you are buying the chewy candies to guarantee that you have a superior grasping about the items or chewy candies as well as about your body.Chat with your wellbeing proficient prior to proceeding these chewy candies to guarantee your body is completely fine.Read More Info:-…



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Joint Venture Partnering Was The Key Building a BusinessLet Me Explain...If you've ever thought of building a business to eventually sell or even have a business that has enough value to be acquired then you may want to consider sohail khan Joint Venture Partnering with larger companies (or even competitors) that may be the perfect candidate to offer to buy you out one day...In 2006 I partnered with a $160M IT Group to provide 500,000 of their B2C computer hardware customers with our online computer training software (my first company) which eventually turned into an offer to buy us out and integrate us into the large group as our collaboration proved very profitable.I then repeated this formula in 2016 when I collaborated with a top Corporate sales management company to provide their team with some specialized consulting and training on Joint Venture Partnerships which proved so successful that it again turned into an 8 figure offer in 2017 for my business and IP of Sohail Khan known as 'The Joint Venture Expert' a businessman based in Gloucestershire and Las Vegas.So how do Joint Venture Partnerships actually work?Joint ventures involve recognizing the myriad opportunities out there and leveraging every one of them through partnering. You must seize the important opportunities, be aware of the smaller ones or overlook any minor problems. You've got to go all out; this is one of the fundamentals of successful joint ventures and deal making.A joint venture (also known as a JV or strategic alliance) is an arrangement that will be of mutual benefit between two (or more) people, businesses or companies who have complementary resources or assets that can be leveraged.What do I mean by resources or assets? I mean products, services, machinery, equipment, buildings, unused capacity and a customer list (or mailing list) that can be leveraged by the owner or whoever approaches the owner with a joint venture proposal.…

Make Today Amazing 2019

Make Today Amazing 2019

201 18 83

it's a life book from Angel.(german/english).let me say a view words:nowdays this world can be cruel, but let me say someting.. talk, you're not alone in this world belive me.…