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Team Righteous is a science fiction / superhero Novel (detective series ). the Novel is divided in to different parts. The story revolves around the life of Pavan Ahuja. two thieves tried to steal at Pavan's house, but Pavan's brother, Aarav Ahuja caught them red handed. the thieves killed Aarav. Pavan failed to save him. He disguised as 'Mr. Righteous' to catch the thief but something unexpected happened with the thieves. after that event, there is a huge change in the life of Pavan. further different people met Pavan Ahuja, they formed a team against all the criminals of the city. Pavan & his team worked hard, his material arts trainer, Devan Gautam taught him various fighting techniques, Pavan took revenge from the thieves with the help of his friends. He & his friends started helping police department of the city.Apart from the life of Pavan Ahuja, Dr. Aryan Bose is going from some serious issues. He is a psychopath, who wants vanish all the cheaters from the world. He hates people who are cruel, greedy, angry & merciless. He is on a mission to make this world a better place. Dr. Aryan's daughter, Naina Bose, is one of the most important character of the novel, Naina lost her right arm & legs in an artificial accident, which was planned by her uncle, Varun bose. Varun killed Dr. Aryan's wife, he also wanted to kill him & Naina but he failed. Dr. Aryan is on a mission to kill all the greedy people, who are like his brother, Varun & Pavan wants to punish his brother, Aarav Ahuja's murderer. These two characters, Dr. Aryan & Pavan meet at a common point. In this situation, Pavan wants to kill Dr. Aryan because he hindered his path of revenge & Dr. Aryan did not harmed Pavan because he is a hardworking common man & Dr. Aryan never harmed a innocent but he wants to punish a masked man called 'Mr. Righteous', which is the secret identity Pavan.…