The Sands of Rhun: A Middle Earth Story(Book 2)
Easterlings are trained from a young age in the art of war, and most know nothing but battle. Such is the case with one young Easterling named Rukil, who has done nothing but fight since he was a child. Nobody has ever shown him kindness, and he has had to fight just to stay alive. When he meets someone who reminds him of his true purpose and embarks with him on the adventure of a lifetime, he realizes that perhaps he is meant for more than war. That his destiny is more than dueling in a dusty arena to entertain men who gain joy from the sight of death. Join him in his journey through Middle Earth, where he finds love, betrayal, and hope where he never expected to find it. Set in 3017 T.A., about a year before Frodo sets out from the Shire in the Fellowship of the Ring.The second book in the Middle Earth Stories series.!…