Lost And Found || j.jk

Lost And Found || j.jk

63,708 1,627 44

Ever since you were five year old, Jungkook was your best friend, the only person you could trust as a friend. After spending almost your life with him, you developed feelings for the boy, but what happens when he suddenly leaves with only a note?Will he come back? Will you ever see him? Will this start to take a turn in your life ? Yes. But, what exactly happens??Read to find out!!!…

Recherche du sens d'être (English)

Recherche du sens d'être (English)

792 7 42

Darcie comes back to Hogwarts - this time not as a student but a professor. But will the old walls, hiding the memories from the past, be able to bring solace? (Translated from the Polish version). || HP fanfiction…

One shots🔥

One shots🔥

27,214 282 4

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝖻𝗇𝗁𝖺 𝗑 𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗅

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝖻𝗇𝗁𝖺 𝗑 𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗅

1,267 86 6

. . . 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴. 𝗯𝗻𝗵𝗮 𝘅 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹 ?→ 𝗅𝗎𝖼𝗒 ! 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 a quirkless girl attends U.A. in hope to prove the world wrong and to fulfill her late mother's wish.𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 + 𝗼𝗻 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱 . . . 𝟣𝟣.𝟢𝟤.𝟤𝟦 ©︎ 𝗉𝗎𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗎𝖻…



15 1 1

Are you listening?…

Yandere Attack on Titan x Reader [LOVELY]

Yandere Attack on Titan x Reader [LOVELY]

421,042 12,568 43

Depressed. The emotion that washed over (Y/N) everyday. No one ever cared for her. To have parents who treated her sister like a royalty while (Y/N) got nothin. All she knew was loneliness and heartbreak. To have your hopes shatter as you effortlessly try to find someone who'll care for you. But no one really cared. "Appreciate someone while you still have them...You'll never know when they'll go..."The death of (Y/N) made everyone regret the way they treated the young teenager. Guilt morphed into confusion, depression...to insanity. To have the rest of their sanity slip through their fingers.A new time, a new world, a new life. (Y/N), a new transfer student into Kyojin High due to her parents busy work schedule. She finds a group of boys that take a interested into her, to much of a interest. "W-Why are y-you doing this?!""We can't let you go, not like last time...We just lOvE you too much."[Isn't it lovely, all alone?Heart made of glass, my mind of stoneTear me to pieces, skin and boneHello, welcome home]Started: 09-21-18Finished:-…

Five Times I Wanted To Say

Five Times I Wanted To Say "I Love You"

35 0 12

+ One Time I Did[a.k.a. sometimes the most important person in your life is your best friend OR normalise telling your friends you love them!!]…

Behind The Dorm **COMPLETED!**

Behind The Dorm **COMPLETED!**

26,972 603 25

Years later after their breakup, Akryah gets accepted to the same college as Shayla. Will she fight for her or move on?…

Suflete pereche

Suflete pereche

269 1 49

#e13307 Ochii noștri percep culorile cu ajutorul luminii realizată din undele albastre, roșii și verzi din razele solare, astfel încât nu putem decide sigur dacă ceea ce ne înconjoară chiar arată precum vedem noi sau în existența lor individuală fiecare obiect are o altă culoare, o altă nuanță, o altă viață. Acest aspect se poate reda în mii de exemple, percepția personală fiind una singură și imposibil de transmis sau transferat altcuiva, astfel fiecare gândind diferit și fiind absolut prostesc să încerci să aduci o persoană cu forța la propria ta concluzie. Asta dacă e o altă persoană, diferită de tine, însă dacă... La început trăiau pe Pământ ființe androgine. Ele arătau ca doi oameni lipiți spate în spate: un bărbat și o femeie, doi bărbați sau două femei. Aceștia aveau o putere incredibilă...puteau face aproape tot ce gândeau. Zeii, din cauza că se temeau de puterea aproape infinită a androginilor, pentru a nu mai reprezenta o posibilă și veritabilă amenințare pentru ei, se hotărăsc să-i despartă.Separați sunt fără putere, nu mai pot face nimic. Mulți dintre ei mor de tristețe și dor. Zeii, văzând că rămân fără supuși, caută să dea oamenilor un nou motiv pentru a trăi și astfel îl creează pe Eros, cel care avea sa semene iubire intre pământeni. În acest fel oamenii își petreceau viața căutându-și jumătatea, iar cei mai norocoși chiar o găseau, se contopeau și deveneau ființa de odinioară.…

Recherche du sens d'être

Recherche du sens d'être

432 3 42

HP FANFICTIONDarcie wraca do Hogwartu - tym razem już nie jako uczennica, a nauczycielka. Lecz czy stare mury, kryjące wspomnienia z dawnych lat, będą w stanie przynieść ukojenie? Opowiadanie pojawia się również na innych stronach.[całe uniwersum HP należy do J.K.Rowling]…

|recherché desires|  ~ kolvina

|recherché desires| ~ kolvina

3,457 262 10

~a cliché fairytale~Everyone's heard the stories of the Mikaelson family a thousand years ago. However, not everyone believes they're true. Davina Claire would be one of those people. She's not afraid to say what she thinks-that vampires don't exist. But just one day changes her entire life, and now she's not sure what's real and what's not.~kolvina~…

Please, Don't Let Go

Please, Don't Let Go

5,541 172 7

SOULMATE AU:If soulmate A is older and they turn 21, they'll be able to hear soulmate B's voice in their head. Once B turns 21, one will appear in front of the other whenever they're asleep (ex. A appears in front of B when A is asleep / both will meet in their dreams if they sleep at the same time).---------------------------"Let's make a pinkie promise!" He stared at me in disbelief. "To make sure that we'll still see each other even after all this stops." "Okay. Though I doubt we'd actually need to do that," he agreed while linking our pinkies together. "Why?" "Because I don't think I'd be foolish enough to let you go."…

Der sprechende Hut

Der sprechende Hut

150 12 7

Maria will umbedingt nach Ravenclaw. Doch schafft sie es? Wie nimmt der sprechende Hut das auf?…



171 20 7

Kinakatakutan ng mga tao.....Mahirap banggain...Once you mess up with them better hide now...'Cause..They will hunting you till your last fucking breath..."YOU'RE THE TOXICWE'RE THE PERFECTIONISTWASTING YOUR BLOOD IS OUR HOBBIT"Yan ang kanilang motto.No one can turn them down...Only God can kneel them....AND....THEY..ARE....THE....RECHERCHÈ MORTAL GLITTARITI!And they are your worst nightmare.…

Wolf and Keeper

Wolf and Keeper

936 366 55

Sen is an orphan whose only family is Hashioni, a great yokai who has long defended their village from raiders and thieves. When Hashi falls prey to an illness known as The Rot, Sen embarks on a journey to find him a cure before the Rot consumes him entirely. Joined by two Buddhists, a ronin, and a wayward onna-bugeisha, his journey opens his eyes to a world he's never known and reveals that a much more sinister plot may be behind the illness that threatens to kill his friend.His destiny lies intertwined with Maru, a war orphan whose life belongs to the Sayonakidori - a sect of yokai hunters whose mission is to defend humanity. A contract for a demon who killed the son of a wealthy samurai sets him on a journey that makes him begin to question everything he's ever been taught. When the contract begins to be more than it appears, Maru must decide whether his loyalty lies with the people to whom he owes his life or to himself.When the two finally meet, their lives change in a way neither of them anticipate in an age where endless war has tipped the balance of the world and calls out for the Disciples of Hachiman, the ancient Kami-sent warriors destined to keep the balance between yokai and humanity.…

FNAF Funny Things And Ask And Dares! (Enjoy)

FNAF Funny Things And Ask And Dares! (Enjoy)

166 4 7

(I am mangle, and me and foxy are dating FYI me and foxy will kiss a lot!!!!…

A la recherche du disparu

A la recherche du disparu

111 10 8

Suga, membre important du groupe BTS ne semble aucunement intéressé par une relation sentimentale. Seulement d'autre ne sont pas de son avis.Entre sont travail, ses amis et sa famille comment Suga pourra-t-il faire pour s'en sortir ?…



5,547 89 5

JORDAN BAKER -poc/woc ❝ not telling you this will hurt me... more than it hurts you, and no this is not my detective me talking.❞her family came up from nothing to something. moving to beverly hill at 10 years old from ( your hometown ). her first friend was thee jordan baker. mmhhmm this is a epidemic¡❝ this once was an unrequited love... wasn't it?❞💌©LILYUCKY 2019…

HeR SeCrEt

HeR SeCrEt

20 3 13

Sartelma is a normal girl in high school with friends that love her. All she ever wanted was to fit in but that turned out to be harder than she thought. She was adopted at just the age of 2years old after her parents passed away or maybe not? .little does she know, she is very powerful and strong What will happen when she finds out the SeCrEtS behind her name .Will she be happy or crushedRead and find out.Anonymous :well this is my first book so I hope you guys like it…

La brèche - Nouvelle

La brèche - Nouvelle

9 0 1

Un peuple perdu sur une planète inconnue fait face à la raréfaction de ses ressources. Enfermé dans un cratère dont personne n'a jamais pu s'échapper, seule une enfant pourra peut-être lui redonner espoir, au prix d'une terrible épreuve...…