A competition between Schools (Ectoham)

A competition between Schools (Ectoham)

5,617 146 10

Norrisville high are the hosts for an annual competition against Casper high. Surprisingly Sam and Tucker manage to convince Danny to go as he is actually apart of one of the teams this year despite Danny's protests.This year Randy is apart of the gymnastics and track team as Howard pushed him to join the teams as he's become a lot faster and gotten more agile since becoming the ninja (which Randy personally thinks is cheating). Things predictably go wrong and Danny and Randy must work together to fix it.…

Danny Phantom One-Shots

Danny Phantom One-Shots

3,174 53 8

Just a few DP one-shots I wrote.…

The Story of Kylie Spirit ((Danny Phantom Fanfic))

The Story of Kylie Spirit ((Danny Phantom Fanfic))

655 14 2

So, while binge-watching Danny Phantom over the summer, I ended up creating a Danny Phantom OC. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, this happened. I actually really like the idea I got for this character and I'm quite proud of her. Don't expect me to do much more of this, as I really need to focus on my other fanfics and this has kind of been a bit of a break from them. I might write out some random Kylie-centered episodes from time to time, but not very many. Anyway, enjoy!--Note: Erynkanis is my friend's OC that she created when I told her I was writing a DP fanfic. She wanted to be involved, so she created an OC and I wrote her into the story.…

Accident: Month One (Danny Phantom)

Accident: Month One (Danny Phantom)

4,002 124 10

Uploaded from my Fanfiction Account (which is also named princessbinas).Summary: This has been done by others, but I wanted to try my hand at the portal accident and the month between it and Mystery Meat with some unique twists. I am trying to go for a light-hearted side of it along with some drama and other matters. Rated for various innuendos and dark themes that may pop up. Knowing me, those WILL happen. -COMPLETED- First five chapters fixed.___________________________________________________________…

Hauntingly Incredible

Hauntingly Incredible

10,165 124 6

The Super Relocation Program (SRP) learned of Danny Phantom being a superhero and had all of his friends, family, and anyone else who knows of his existence to have their memory wiped of him and anything that shows that he ever existed. The program sent Danny to Metroville to live. Vlad was found and the program had a super do something unspeakable to the villain. Danny isn't the same as he was before the program tore him from his home, but he couldn't live without having his powers and said his goodbye to the town. Now that Danny is in Metroville what happens when he meets the Parrs?…

Baby Boy (dannyphantom.exe ,birlap ,brandonthelover, yanyandejesus)

Baby Boy (dannyphantom.exe ,birlap ,brandonthelover, yanyandejesus)

11,351 187 17

His skin so soft with a smile so beutifull the devil turns to an angel . His eyes of topaz with skin of porcelain . I cant beleve he's mine , and only mine . All that is left is to bring him home , his new home . our home . My baby boy . - yeah I know yall all finna aske me where William is , but he is currently pursuing Kayla , so chill . - this story contains examples of abuse that should not be replicated under any circumstances , as well as stalking .- if you are easely triggered by violence and abuse please read at your own risk . - this book does not really have an age restriction but viewer discretion is advised for viewers under the age of 13 - this book contains HEAVY smut and very little attempt to censor bad language - there is no use of blasphemy as a precaution to make all viewers comfortable . - this does not contain any racial slurs to make all viewers comfortable . ~ guys I know this book contains noncence that should never be done in real life but please I put emphasis on the word please CONCENT IS KEY ... please remember that . other than that . please enjoy . - bubblesXpluralNOT EDITED .…

Danny Phantom:A new Love

Danny Phantom:A new Love

421 14 1

Danny was in ghost trouble and called his friends for help. They didn't answer but lucky for Danny someone comes along.…

Danny Phantom Oneshots where I'm Sure Danny has some Mental Stability

Danny Phantom Oneshots where I'm Sure Danny has some Mental Stability

1,479 44 4

Danny Phantom one-shots! The usual ones you find everywhere and hopefully some you haven't come across before. No regular updates, though feel free to request a specific plot, I'm usually more than happy to oblige.Danny will be dating Sam in most (if not all) of these. Roughly mostly three years after the portal incident. Phantom Planet did happen, just no identity reveal. Oh, and I love King Phantom things so it's more than likely that all of these details him as some form of royalty in the GZ, even if it's not mentioned (if he's prince then ghosts still attack him as usual). Enjoy!…

Danny Phantom DID Theory-- In depth

Danny Phantom DID Theory-- In depth

485 10 7

I first started writing this theory out back in 2019 after seeing a lot of versions of this theory that don't really represent DID correctly as a disorder or explain it well, so I wanted to try to present my version of this theory/headcanon while staying as true to real life as possible.Those versions presented the idea in a compilation of theories without evidence beyond Fenton and Phantom's looks, so I thought I'd compile as much evidence as I could find to bring this to life.I am not a trained professional nor am I claiming to be one, so I please ask that if you find anything here that does not line up with the disorder to please let me know so I can put it under review, further my research, and fix it as needed.°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°If you came from the pitchpearl hashtag:I'm not just fishing for views by putting random tags, I just know that a lot of people are like "oh it doesn't even make sense because they're just the same person" and I thought you'd be interested in a retort to that comment lolBelieve it or not, I hated PitchPearl at the very beginning because I thought that way but now they're married with three kids so °•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°…

A New Family

A New Family

4,229 73 5

Danny Fenton is only just starting to build himself a new family, will it all fall apart when his old family takes his class on a safe and relaxing trip to the Ghost Zone? Or will his family along with his secret remain strong as ever against the storm of chaos coming his way?…

The trip of secrets

The trip of secrets

618 1 5

Mr.Lancer first period class is going into the ghost zone as a field trip but what if multiple students have their own secrets to be discovered on such a adventure.…

❛ Phantom Hazards ❜

❛ Phantom Hazards ❜

45,368 1,213 22

(THIS COLLECTION IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING REVISED because my cringy 2016 self wrote these and i won't stand for the horrible writing) A disconnected series of Danny Phantom one shots, varying from fluff to angst.…

Fanart I Found

Fanart I Found

1,646 30 18

just a book of fanart. there will be ships. you wanna know what fandoms there are, check the tags. I will warn you if a image is nsfw…

Phantom Falls:Help Me

Phantom Falls:Help Me

2,118 102 10

Danny, Beya and Beyon were captured by die GIW and was experimented on for almost a year. They escaped one day and had managed to fall into the woods of Gravity Falls. Jazz his sister was killed. His parents is still alive and is searching for Danny with his best friends-since-ever. What happens when a certain class has their yearly field trip and goes to The Ghost Zone!!Hey guys. This is a two author book by @LadyNoir303 and @Al_wolf_girl. Bey and Beyron belongs to @Al_wolf_girl and Lani to @LadyNoir303.Danny Phantom goes to Butch Hartman and Nickelodeon.Gravity Falls goes Disney and Alex HirshEnjoy from both authors!!!…

Beauty and the Ghost

Beauty and the Ghost

422 15 4

Once upon a time, there was a kind prince. He sought to bring peace and happiness to those in poverty or with miserable lives. But one day, an evil prince close by sought to take control of his kingdom. So he paid a witch to give him a spell that would make him into a hideous beast. Those in the castle were cursed and long forgotten from the people of the town nearby. Years passed and hope was lost. For who could ever learn to love a beast?…

A Ghost's True Feelings

A Ghost's True Feelings

654 16 3

Daniel (Danny) Johnathan Fenton (Masters), or known to the world as Danny Phantom, was sick and tired of everyone looking down on him, also being the only person getting picked on in school because of his sexuality, that being he is bisexual, but a bit more into guys than girls, and with his ghost powers to add into the mix, its harder for him to live a normal day-to-day life, especially if you had to keep up the act till senior year in high school. Until one day during class in Danny's English class, his class before lunch, his parents decided to come to the school to test out a new invention they built, a device called the "Memory/Emotion-Review Helmet" which to everyone's surprise, since nothing that the Fentons built was that easily to say and the invention didn't have the Fenton name in it, which was a shock to them. This invention was easily explained to the class about what the device can do, but the device had one problem though, the device has to be put on someone whose emotions are close to being personified, meaning a physical appearance of the emotion, but which student in the class could have what the invention needed to make it work, then came in Vlad Masters [Vlad Plasmius] to help the Fentons try out their new invention, he brought a device that could see if someone had personified emotions after four times, it began to get a high rating from Danny, and that's how they ended up to point in time. How will the class, Danny's friends and family react to his emotions and his big secret, plus his secret crush on the star of the football team, Dash Baxter? Hope they will understand what he is going through and rely on them when they see what he sees every day. Disclaimer: Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman Aired on the tv channel: NickelodeonThe only things I own is OCs and the plot line of the story.…

The ice in his veins

The ice in his veins

340 10 1

FTM Danny, non-binary Sam, gay Sam and Danny.danny Sam and tuck are inseparable. Danny thinks of Dani as his daughter. Danny is king of the GZ. Danny sees pandora frostbite ember clockwork desserae Dora kitty Johnny Jazz Sam tucker dick Batfam and his kids as familyClass goes into his mind Get stuck in ghost zoneYoung Justice dick and Danny are bros Danny x dash Danny gets captured by GIW and get pregnant Danny and his class get captured by ghosts and taken to the ghost zone. Ghost makes them go into Danny's mind they find out he's trans, gay, adopted, etc. when they get out of Danny's mind he has to get them through the GZ and back home. Gets tortured by Walker, hunted by Skulker, and generally attacked. They make it out but find out Danny's secret and Maddie finds out from Val and they hand him over to the GIW where he gets tortured and raped. He gets stuck there for 4 years till he's 17 and dick and the team rescue him and his son. Sam and tuck get forcefully held in their houses till Sam could earn her way out then break tucker out after the GZ incident and go get the team to break Danny out.…

Not so bad (Hiro Hamada x Danny Phantom)

Not so bad (Hiro Hamada x Danny Phantom)

663 24 4

When a boy by the name of Danny Fenton moves to San Fransokyo and joins SFIT he runs into a boy named Hiro Hamada who is a robotics genius. Soon after they meet they're told by the dean of students, Professor Granville that they must get to know each other. They agree to but there's one problem, neither of them really want to which causes problems between the two boys. However, as time goes on they both realize that the other may not be so bad. Will Hiro and Danny become friends or will they become more? P.S. I don't own any of these characters they belong to Disney's Big Hero 6 the series and Nickelodeon's Danny Phantom.…

Limit - Danny Phantom

Limit - Danny Phantom

52,222 1,645 3

| Completed |Sometimes, everything gets too much. Even Danny Phantom has a limit... What happens when Mr Lancer notices the blood on our favourite halfa's sleeve?WARNING : CONTAINS SELF HARM…



2,067 235 1

{...} está total y absolutamente jodido. Jodido, en todas sus letras y con mayúsculas {...}…