Tags: liebe
Art and Arts

Art and Arts

16,497 300 18

A Fletcher Quimby x Reader Story.A performer and an artist. The performer joins the A.N.T. Program, where she meets the artist. Together, they adventure through the struggles of being middle schoolers in high school, and the feelings of love slowly creeping up on them.…

Read for Read + Follow for Follow

Read for Read + Follow for Follow

33,177 513 7

F4F + C4C + R4RComment with a deal. @phsheynianaaa…

Opposites Attract [ GeminiFourth ]

Opposites Attract [ GeminiFourth ]

41,454 1,830 21

" Every love song just starts making sense when I think of you "Two students studying at Harvard,ran into eachother And rumours spread among the university of dating scandals,The real Question is,Who posted the picture that led to all of this?•No smut,this is for the fluff Readers •Switch au…

The Broken and The Fae (Remastered)

The Broken and The Fae (Remastered)

6,151 109 21

Follow Veigar as he lives on his life after the peace that the institute of war has spread. What will Veigar do now, will he continue his plan for world domination or will a certain she yordle take his interest.Disclaimer : I do not own any of the characters other than Veigars mother and father, the rest belong to riot. I also don't own the image of the cover, if you are the creator and want me to remove it just PM me.…

Pretty ugly

Pretty ugly

135,352 2,380 30

Georgie is a straight A* student and love to go to school her family comes from a wealthy back ground but she gets bullied by the god Grayson Dolan and his twin brother Ethan Dolan and Nate during her first high school year she is constantly reminded that she is fat and in all honesty she is until one summer her buttons are pushed and the extreme change from ugly to pretty changes her life FOREVER.…

Who Are You? | Stray Kids <3

Who Are You? | Stray Kids <3

23,814 967 43

Yoon Sun Hi, is a student at SNU (Seoul National University) majoring in videography and photography. She's always been very talented at taking gorgeous photos and videos which is how she got accepted. Her life was nothing special, until a random number texted her one night.Kim Seungmin ff…

Opposites Attract || MEANIE

Opposites Attract || MEANIE

271 32 9

"For them, it all started with a kiss, but for us, it started with you and I."…

Vom Vampir-Lord Verführt

Vom Vampir-Lord Verführt

2,537 487 122

Du bist gerade einmal 17 Jahre alt, als du von jemanden entführt wirst der dir deine Welt auf den Kopf gestellt hat. Wirst du Opfer bringen müssen, oder wirst du zum Opfer?…

Cats - aus dem Leben einer Jellicle Cat

Cats - aus dem Leben einer Jellicle Cat

1,259 199 35

Sie tanzten im Licht des Mondes. Und wie sie tanzten. Diese Anmut, diese Beweglichkeit.Als Greybound auf einem Schrottplatz auf eine Gruppe tanzender und singender Katzen trifft, ist für sie sofort klar, dass sie zu diesen Jellicle Cats dazugehören will. Doch um eine Jellicle Cat zu werden, muss sie sich erst beweisen. Singen und tanzen kann sie, aber kann man ihr auch vertrauen? Oder arbeitet sie etwa für den Schurken Macavity?Inspiriert von Webbers Musical Cats. Kann auch ohne Vorkenntnisse gelesen werden.…

why juzi is good

why juzi is good

2,007 15 11

juzi is great…

The Broken and the Fae

The Broken and the Fae

5,000 133 25

Veigar is a dark magician that has had a dark past, he wants to take over the world with an iron first, or that's what people think of him, deep down he is still just a yordle and yordle's need company , even Veigar...One day Lulu comes in, Lulu is a stubborn yordle who doesn't give up easily, what happens to the two when they meet each other in the Institute of war?Disclaimer: I do not own many of these characters, they belong to riot. However, characters like Veigars mother/father I created just for the story :) , the picture above doesn't belong to me either. Probably going to upload every Tuesday from now on, even though I already have the whole thing written out :)…

Ranz Kyle Story :) (Chicser)

Ranz Kyle Story :) (Chicser)

3,791 241 1

Hi~ Second Story! Please Vote :) Chicser Fans!…

Gunslinger | Five Hargreeves X Reader

Gunslinger | Five Hargreeves X Reader

301 15 8

"It's late why are you leaving at this hour?" "Because I can?" Y/n said with a breathy scoff. "I don't trust you," "Likewise, blazer boy," Y/n said as she looked at Five. "If you're gonna try and stop someone from leaving, make sure you do it in your own house," You're stuck in the 1950's and getting a hold of your target is your only way out. Or you die.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS OR SOME OF THE PLOT, I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS NOT FOUND WITHIN THE TV SHOW OR COMICS AND THE SAME GOES FOR THE STORY)…

🏵 Elżbieta 🏵 [BYŁA WYDANA]

🏵 Elżbieta 🏵 [BYŁA WYDANA]

32,282 1,785 48

„Dworskie intrygi, walka o wpływy i zaszczyty dla szlacheckich rodów, kobiety sprowadzone do roli żon i matek, których jedynym celem jest zrodzenie dziedzica, król, który lubi folgować swojej chuci i dzieci pozbawione miłości, które muszą znosić ciężar „win" swoich matek, to wszystko znajdziecie w powieści. " - Czytelniczka_Gosia, lubimyczytać.plAnglia w latach 40 XVI. wieku nie jest już tak rozkwitającym i rozwijającym się państwem, jak za młodości panującego władcy. Król, mimo że pochował już trzy małżonki, z których jedną osobiście kazał skrócić o głowę, postanawia wziąć sobie kolejną żonę. Księżniczka, która przybywa zza granicy, mogłaby być dla niego idealna - konserwatywnie wychowana, skromna, ugodowa i niewinna. Ale dla Henryka problemem nie do zignorowania jest to, że kandydatka ma zbyt wyłupiaste oczy i odrobinę zbyt szczupłe nogi. Jeden z arystokratów, książę Norfolk, stwierdza, że to idealny moment, by przedstawić Jego Królewskiej Mości swoją krewną - śliczną, naiwną i przerażoną Katarzynę Howard. A przy okazji wzmocnić pozycję całego rodu. Idealne tło wydarzeń tworzą spiski i intrygi możnych, zazdrosnych o cudzą pozycję lub pragnących zemsty za wydarzenia z przeszłości.W całym tym miłosnym zamieszaniu zapomniano o Elżbiecie - córce króla z drugiego małżeństwa, której matka, Anna Boleyn, została okrzyknięta największą ladacznicą w całym królestwie. Na dodatek nikt nie przypuszczał, że po śmierci żona numer dwa zacznie pojawiać się jako duch i opowiadać swoją historię zagubionej córce, dręczyć byłego męża i krzyczeć na kochanka, który nie może pogodzić się z jej odejściem...Pojawiają się sceny seksu, przemocy i wulgaryzmy.Historia jest powiązana z powieścią „W Głowie Anny Boleyn", lecz jej znajomość nie jest potrzebna do lektury „Elżbietki" ;) Okładka pochodzi od Wydawnictwa Romantycznego.…

Feelings Change-Sayden-Pavin-

Feelings Change-Sayden-Pavin-

4,979 103 11

Shopie had feelings for Hayden but, then she had feelings for Jentzen. After more videos with Hayden she had those feelings coming back. Clementine likes Hayden. She tries to get Hayden but, Shopie is getting jealous while having a crush on Jentzen. It's just like Piper. Piper liked Gavin. And now likes Walker. But, Piper slowly having feelings for Gavin again. Shopie and Piper have feeling coming back to them.…

The April Fool

The April Fool

224 2 22

A high school student summons the April Fool on his (its) holiday. It performs a series of pranks on her enemies. She only meant for them to be vengeful in a funny manner, not a deadly one. But what did she expect? What were her real goals?…

2615 || A SVT FIC

2615 || A SVT FIC

2,404 129 30

Sun Mar 31 2024, 7 best friends, having the normal time of their lives, taking the surroundings of hybrid cars, variety of transportation, new cool technology, thinking the world can't get futuristic from here, will it?A circle appears upon them.. wait no- a portal of some sort? As they slowly get sucked into the void of nothing, a new life starts for them, as they finally came out of the endless portal, they looked at the date, Sun Mar 31 2615. What will happen to them? Have they actually stayed in the portal for 591 years? What has the world become? The 7 clueless beings, looking around at the same world they've been living in, it all became pitch black, their bodies fall unconsciously into the arms of 6 mysterious men.…

Hollywood Vampires

Hollywood Vampires

18,750 286 18

Leila Vladmir thought she found the perfect guy for her at a concert but he was hers only for one night. After that they would never seen each other again. But when Cian finds out he's going to high school, it turns out to be the same high school as Leila. He devises a plan that would hurt both of them but would be better, or so he thinks. When Blade gets in the way of him and Leila, Cian becomes angry and jealous. Did I mention Cian is a vampire? Leila must make a choice. Cian or Blade?…



13 1 1

Eine Kurzgeschichte, die mehr Kurzgeschichte als Fanfiktion über dieserpan ist, aber in der er der Protagonist ist."Da sah ich ein Mädchen. Ich weiß noch genau, wie ihr blondgelocktes Haar in dem Herbstlicht glänzte und um sie herum wirbelten, wie in Zeitlupe, während sie sich lachend drehte. Dieses Mädchen tanzte. Tanzte, an einem von so viel Trauer und Ernst gezeichnetem Ort."…

My luna but alpha

My luna but alpha

371 18 6

I remember back in the day when werewolves and humans lived side by side. This story is about a little girl that is the oldest child of the most powerful alpha.Her name is violet.…